slot0 = class("ShamPreCombatMediator", import("..base.ContextMediator")) slot0.OP = "ShamPreCombatMediator.OP" slot0.SAVE = "ShamPreCombatMediator.SAVE" slot0.RESET = "ShamPreCombatMediator.RESET" slot0.START = "ShamPreCombatMediator:START" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP = "ShamPreCombatMediator:CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP" slot0.OPEN_SHIP_INFO = "ShamPreCombatMediator:OPEN_SHIP_INFO" function slot0.register(slot0) getProxy(BayProxy):setSelectShipId(nil) slot0:bind(uv0.SAVE, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:save(slot1) end) slot0:bind(uv0.START, function (slot0) uv0:enter() end) slot0:bind(uv0.RESET, function (slot0) uv0:reset() end) slot0:bind(uv0.OP, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:save(function () uv0:sendNotification(GAME.SHAM_OP, uv1) end) end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:openDockYard(slot1.type, slot1.shipVO, end) slot0:bind(uv0.OPEN_SHIP_INFO, function (slot0, slot1) if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot1) then uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.SHIPINFO, { shipId = slot1, shipVOs = uv0.contextData.shamChapter:getShips() }) end end) slot0.viewComponent:setPlayerInfo(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData()) slot3 = slot0.contextData.shamChapter slot0.viewComponent:updateChapter(slot3) if or slot0.contextData.confirmed then slot0.viewComponent:displayFormation() else slot0.viewComponent:displayFleetPanel() end end function slot0.listNotificationInterests(slot0) return { PlayerProxy.UPDATED, ChapterProxy.SHAM_CHAPTER_UPDATED, GAME.SHAM_ENTER_DONE, GAME.SHAM_OP_DONE, GAME.SHAM_ENTER_ERROR } end function slot0.handleNotification(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1:getBody() if slot1:getName() == PlayerProxy.UPDATED then slot0.viewComponent:setPlayerInfo(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData()) elseif slot2 == GAME.SHAM_ENTER_DONE then slot0.viewComponent:emit(BaseUI.ON_CLOSE) elseif slot2 == GAME.SHAM_ENTER_ERROR then if slot3 == 3 then slot0:display() end elseif slot2 == GAME.SHAM_OP_DONE and (slot3.type == ChapterConst.OpStrategy or slot3.type == ChapterConst.OpRepair or slot3.type == ChapterConst.OpRequest) then slot0:display() end end function slot0.display(slot0) slot2 = getProxy(ChapterProxy):getShamChapter() slot0.contextData.shamChapter = slot2 slot0.viewComponent:updateChapter(slot2) slot0.viewComponent:displayFormation() end function, slot1) slot3 = getProxy(ChapterProxy):getShamChapter() slot4 = slot0.contextData.shamChapter slot5 = nil slot5 = coroutine.create(function () if then if uv0.fleet:isFormationDiffWith(uv1.fleet) then uv2:sendNotification(GAME.SHAM_CHANGE_FORMATION, { fleetShipIds = uv0.fleet:getShipIds(), callback = uv3 }) coroutine.yield() uv1 = uv4:getShamChapter() end else uv1:updateFriendShip(uv0:getFriendShip()) uv1:updateRawShips(uv0:getRawShips()) uv1:updateFleetShips(slot0) uv4:updateShamChapter(uv1) uv4:localSaveShamChapter() end if uv5 then uv5() end end) function () if coroutine.status(uv0) == "suspended" then slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(uv0) end end() end function slot0.enter(slot0) if not slot0.contextData.shamChapter:isOpen() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_activity_not_start")) elseif not slot1:isValid() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("sham_team_limit")) elseif not slot1.fleet:isValid() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("sham_formation_invalid")) else if not ( or (not ChapterConst.ActivateMirror or ChapterConst.MirrorShamId) and pg.sim_battle_template[slot1.simId] and slot3.sham_chapter_id) then return end if then slot0:save(function () slot0 = uv0.fleet if uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) and slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachRival and slot1.flag == 0 then uv1:sendNotification(GAME.BEGIN_STAGE, { system = SYSTEM_SHAM }) else uv1:save(function () uv0.viewComponent:emit(BaseUI.ON_CLOSE) end) end end) else slot3 = _.keys(slot1:getRawShips()) slot4 = slot1.fleet:getShipIds() slot5 = 0 slot6 = 0 if slot1:getFriendShip() then for slot13, slot14 in pairs(getProxy(PlayerProxy).playerAssists) do if slot14.ship and == then slot5 = slot13 slot6 = break end end end if slot5 > 0 then function () uv0:sendNotification(GAME.SHAM_ENTER, { id = uv1, group_id_list = uv2, formation_list = uv3, friend_id = uv4, friend_ship_id = uv5 }) end() else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ hideNo = false, content = i18n("sham_friend_ship_tip"), onYes = slot8 }) end end end end function slot0.reset(slot0) slot0:sendNotification(GAME.SHAM_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat }) end function slot0.openDockYard(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot0.contextData.shamChapter slot5 = { inSham = false, inChapter = false, inAdmiral = false, inFleet = false, inClass = false, inEvent = false, inTactics = false, inBackyard = false } slot6 = nil slot6 = coroutine.create(function () slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 = nil if uv0 == 0 then for slot8 = #uv1:getShips(true), 1, -1 do if slot0[slot8].hpRant <= 0 then table.remove(slot0, slot8) elseif uv1.fleet:containsShip(slot0[slot8].id) then slot0[slot8].shamInFleet = true end end slot1 = uv2 and { } or {} slot2 = 1 slot3 = 1 slot4 = true elseif uv0 == 1 then slot5 = uv1:getShips() slot2 = 0 slot3 = math.min(ChapterConst.ShamShipLimit - (#slot5 - #_(slot5):chain():filter(function (slot0) return slot0:getTeamType() == uv0 end):map(function (slot0) return end):value()), ChapterConst.ShamTeamShipLimit) slot0 = _.filter(_.values(getProxy(BayProxy):getData()), function (slot0) return slot0:getTeamType() == uv0 end) slot4 = false elseif uv0 == 2 then slot8 = getProxy(PlayerProxy).playerAssists slot9 = {} for slot13, slot14 in pairs(getProxy(FriendProxy):getRawData()) do if not slot8[slot13] or pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() - slot8[slot13].timeStamp > 60 then table.insert(slot9, slot13) end end if #slot9 > 0 then uv4:sendNotification(GAME.REQ_PLAYER_ASSIST_SHIP, { playerIds = slot9, type = Player.ASSISTS_TYPE_SHAM, callback = uv5 }) coroutine.yield() end for slot13, slot14 in pairs(slot8) do if slot6[slot13] then slot14.ship.playerId = slot13 table.insert({}, slot14.ship) end end slot1 = uv1:getFriendShip() and { } or {} slot2 = 1 slot3 = 1 slot4 = true end slot5, slot6, slot7 = uv4:getDockCallbackFuncs(uv0, uv2, uv3) uv4:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.DOCKYARD, { shipVOs = slot0, selectedIds = slot1, selectedMin = slot2, selectedMax = slot3, leastLimitMsg = i18n("ship_formationMediator_leastLimit"), quitTeam = slot4, teamFilter = uv3, leftTopInfo = i18n("word_formation"), onShip = slot5, confirmSelect = slot6, onSelected = slot7, flags = uv6, selectFriend = uv0 == 2 }) end) function () if coroutine.status(uv0) == "suspended" then slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(uv0) end end() end function slot0.getDockCallbackFuncs(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot5 = slot0.contextData.shamChapter.fleet return function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if uv0 == 0 then if not uv1.fleet:containsShip( and slot3:containsSameKind(slot0) and (not uv2 or not uv2:isSameKind(slot0)) then return false, i18n("event_same_type_not_allowed") end elseif uv0 == 1 then if slot0.level < ChapterConst.ShamShipLevelLimit then return false, i18n("sham_ship_level_limit", ChapterConst.ShamShipLevelLimit) end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot8) and slot0:isSameKind(slot9) then return false, i18n("event_same_type_not_allowed") end end elseif uv0 == 2 and slot0.level < ChapterConst.ShamShipLevelLimit then return false, i18n("sham_ship_level_limit", ChapterConst.ShamShipLevelLimit) end return true end, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot1() end, function (slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) if uv0 == 0 then slot2 = nil if not (uv1:getFriendShip() and == slot0[1] and slot3 or uv1:getShip(slot0[1])) then if uv2 then slot4 = uv2:getTeamType() if and #uv3[slot4] == 1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_formationUI_removeError_onlyShip", uv2:getName(), "", Fleet.C_TEAM_NAME[slot4])) else uv3:removeShip( end end elseif uv2 then if uv3:containsShip( then uv3:switchShip(, else uv3:replaceShip(, { id =, hp_rant = slot2.hpRant, strategies = slot2.strategies }) end else uv3:addShip({ id =, hp_rant = slot2.hpRant, strategies = slot2.strategies }) end elseif uv0 == 1 then if not then _.each(slot0, function (slot0) uv0[slot0] = { hp_rant = 10000, id = slot0, strategies = {} } end) uv1:updateRawShipsByTeam({}, uv4) _.each(_.keys(uv3.ships), function (slot0) if not uv0:containsShip(slot0) then uv1:removeShip(slot0) end end) end elseif uv0 == 2 and not then slot2, slot3 = uv1:getFriendShip() for slot9, slot10 in pairs(getProxy(PlayerProxy).playerAssists) do if slot10.ship and == slot0[1] then slot3 = Clone(slot10.ship) slot3.hpRant = 10000 slot3.strategies = {} break end end uv1:updateFriendShip(slot3) if slot2 and uv3:containsShip( then if slot3 then uv3:replaceShip(, { id =, hp_rant = slot3.hpRant, strategies = slot3.strategies }) else uv3:removeShip( end end end end end return slot0