slot0 = class("FurnitureCard") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.go = slot1 = slot1.transform slot0.dormMoneytxt = findTF(, "price/content/dorm_money/Text") slot0.gemtxt = findTF(, "price/content/gem/Text") slot0.lineTF = findTF(, "price/content/line") slot0.descTF = findTF(, "desc") slot0.nameTF = findTF(, "name/Text") slot0.iconTF = findTF(, "icon") slot0.maskTF = findTF(, "mask") slot0.maskLockTF = findTF(slot0.maskTF, "lock_bg/lock") slot0.maskBought = findTF(slot0.maskTF, "lock_bg/bought") slot0.countTF = findTF(, "count") slot0.countdownTF = findTF(, "countDown") slot0.countDownTm = slot0.countdownTF:Find("Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.tags = findTF(slot1, "tags") end function slot0.update(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.furnitureVO = slot1 if slot1 then slot3, slot4 = slot1:inTime() setActive(slot0.countdownTF, slot1:isTimeLimit() and slot3) if slot5 and slot3 then slot0:updateCountdown(slot4) else slot0:destoryTimer() end slot6 = slot1:canPurchaseByDormMoeny() setActive(slot0.dormMoneytxt.parent, slot6) setActive(slot0.gemtxt.parent, slot1:canPurchaseByGem()) setActive(slot0.lineTF, slot6 and slot7) setText(slot0.dormMoneytxt, slot1:getPrice(6)) setText(slot0.gemtxt, slot1:getPrice(4)) setText(slot0.descTF, i18n("word_comfort_level") .. "+" .. slot1:getConfig("comfortable")) setText(slot0.nameTF, slot1:getConfig("name")) setImageSprite(slot0.iconTF, GetSpriteFromAtlas("furnitureicon/" .. slot1:getConfig("icon"), "")) slot9 = slot1:inTheme() and slot2.level < pg.backyard_theme_template[slot1:getConfig("themeId")].deblocking setActive(slot0.maskTF, slot9 or not slot1:canPurchase()) setActive(slot0.maskLockTF, slot9) setActive(slot0.maskBought, not slot9 and not slot1:canPurchase()) if not IsNil(slot0.tags) then setActive(slot0.tags, true) setActive(slot0.tags:Find("tag_new"), slot1:getConfig("new") == 1) slot10 = slot1:isDisCount() setActive(slot0.tags:Find("tag_discount"), slot10) if slot10 then setText(findTF(slot11, "Text"), slot1:getConfig("discount") .. "%off") end end if slot1:getConfig("count") > 1 then setText(slot0.countTF, slot1.count .. "/" .. slot10) else setText(slot0.countTF, "") end end end function slot0.updateCountdown(slot0, slot1) slot0:destoryTimer() slot3 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():Table2ServerTime(slot1) slot0.updateTimer = Timer.New(function () if uv1 < uv0:GetServerTime() then uv2.countDownTm.text = "" uv2:destoryTimer() return end if uv1 - slot0 < 0 then slot1 = 0 end if math.floor(slot1 / 86400) > 0 then uv2.countDownTm.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot2 .. i18n("word_date") elseif math.floor(slot1 / 3600) > 0 then uv2.countDownTm.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot3 .. i18n("word_hour") elseif math.floor(slot1 / 60) > 0 then uv2.countDownTm.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot4 .. i18n("word_minute") else uv2.countDownTm.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot1 .. i18n("word_second") end end, 1, -1) slot0.updateTimer:Start() slot0.updateTimer.func() end function slot0.destoryTimer(slot0) if slot0.updateTimer then slot0.updateTimer:Stop() slot0.updateTimer = nil end end function slot0.dispose(slot0) slot0:destoryTimer() end return slot0