slot0 = class("FushunChar") slot1 = 1 slot2 = 2 slot3 = 3 slot4 = 4 slot5 = 5 slot6 = 6 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0._go = slot1 slot0._tf = slot1.transform slot0.animator = slot0._go:GetComponent(typeof(Animator)) slot0.animatorEvent = slot0._go:GetComponent(typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.contactFilter2D = UnityEngine.ContactFilter2D.New() slot0.contactFilter2D.useTriggers = true slot0.keys = {} slot0.state = uv0 slot0.hp = 3 slot0.harm = 0 = 0 slot0.exEnergyTarget = 100 slot0.collider2D = slot0._go:GetComponent(typeof(UnityEngine.Collider2D)) slot0.effectCollider2D = slot0._tf:Find("effect"):GetComponent(typeof(UnityEngine.Collider2D)) slot0.animatorEvent:SetEndEvent(function () if uv0.state == uv1 then return end uv0.state = uv2 if uv0.OnAttackFinish then uv0.OnAttackFinish() uv0.OnAttackFinish = nil end uv0.harm = 0 if uv0.OnAnimEnd then uv0.OnAnimEnd() end end) end function slot0.GetAttackPosition(slot0) return Vector3(FushunAdventureGameConst.FUSHUN_ATTACK_DISTANCE + slot0._tf.localPosition.x, slot0._tf.localPosition.y, 0) end function slot0.ClearHarm(slot0) if slot0.state == uv0 then return end slot0.harm = 0 end function slot0.GetHarm(slot0) return math.max(0, slot0.harm) end function slot0.SetOnAnimEnd(slot0, slot1) slot0.OnAnimEnd = slot1 end function slot0.SetPosition(slot0, slot1) slot0._tf.localPosition = slot1 end function slot0.GetPosition(slot0) return slot0._tf.localPosition end function slot0.InAttackState(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0 end function slot0.TriggerAction(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.state == uv0 or slot0.state == uv1 then slot0.state = uv1 slot0.harm = slot0.harm + 1 slot0.OnAttackFinish = slot2 slot0:StartAction(slot1) end end function slot0.Miss(slot0) if slot0.state == uv0 then return end if slot0.OnAttackFinish then slot0.OnAttackFinish = nil end slot0.state = uv1 slot0:StartAction("miss") end function slot0.Hurt(slot0) if slot0.state == uv0 then return end if slot0.OnAttackFinish then slot0.OnAttackFinish = nil end slot0.state = uv1 slot0.hp = slot0.hp - 1 slot0:StartAction("damage") end function slot0.AddEnergy(slot0, slot1) if slot0.state == uv0 then return end = math.min( + slot1, slot0.exEnergyTarget) end function slot0.StartAction(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.keys) do slot0.animator:ResetTrigger(slot5) end slot0.animator:SetTrigger(slot1) slot0.keys[slot1] = true end function slot0.GetHp(slot0) return slot0.hp end function slot0.IsDeath(slot0) return slot0.hp <= 0 end function slot0.Die(slot0) slot0:StartAction("down") end function slot0.GetEnergy(slot0) return end function slot0.GetEnergyTarget(slot0) return slot0.exEnergyTarget end function slot0.ReduceEnergy(slot0, slot1) = - slot1 end function slot0.ShouldInvincible(slot0) return slot0.state ~= uv0 and slot0.exEnergyTarget <= end function slot0.ShouldVincible(slot0) if slot0.state == uv0 and <= 0 then return true end return false end function slot0.InvincibleState(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0 end function slot0.Invincible(slot0) slot0.harm = 1 slot0.state = uv0 end function slot0.IsMissState(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0 end function slot0.IsDamageState(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0 end function slot0.Vincible(slot0) slot0:StartAction("EX_FINISH") slot0.harm = 0 slot0.state = uv0 end function slot0.Destory(slot0) slot0.animatorEvent:SetEndEvent(nil) Destroy(slot0._go) slot0._go = nil slot0.animator = nil end return slot0