slot0 = class("AnniversaryScene", import("..base.BaseUI")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "AnniversaryUI" end function slot0.setActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activityVO = slot1 slot0.configData = slot0.activityVO:getConfig("config_data") or {} = slot0.activityVO.data3 slot0.currTaskId = slot0.activityVO.data2 end function slot0.setTaskList(slot0, slot1) slot0.taskVOs = slot1 end function slot0.getTaskById(slot0, slot1) slot2 = -1 for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.configData) do for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot7) do if slot1 == slot12 then slot2 = slot6 end end end if slot2 ~= -1 then if slot2 < then slot3 = Task.New({ submit_time = 2, id = slot1 }) slot3.progress = slot3:getConfig("target_num") return slot3 else return slot0.taskVOs[slot1] end end end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("bg/top/back") slot0.mainPanel = slot0:findTF("bg/main") slot0.scrollRect = slot0:findTF("scroll_rect", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.taskGorupContainer = slot0:findTF("scroll_rect/content", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.taskGorupTpl = slot0:getTpl("taskGroup", slot0.taskGorupContainer) slot0.offset = Vector2(slot0.taskGorupTpl.rect.width / 2 + 30, slot0.taskGorupTpl.rect.height / 2 + 30) slot0.taskGroupDesc = slot0:findTF("taskGroup_desc", slot0.taskGorupContainer) slot0.bottomPanel = slot0:findTF("bg/bottom") slot0.bottomTaskGroups = slot0:findTF("taskGroups", slot0.bottomPanel) slot0.bottomBTpl = slot0:getTpl("bottom_task_tpl", slot0.bottomTaskGroups) slot0.startPosition = slot0.taskGorupContainer.localPosition slot0.titles = {} end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0:initScrollRect() end slot1 = 2 function slot0.getRow(slot0, slot1) return math.floor(slot1 / uv0) * 2 + slot1 % uv0 end function slot0.initScrollRect(slot0) slot0.taskGroupTFs = {} for slot6 = 0, slot0:getRow(#slot0.configData) - 1 do for slot10 = 0, uv0 - 1 do if slot6 % 2 == 0 == (slot10 % 2 == 0) then slot15 = cloneTplTo(slot0.taskGorupTpl, slot0.taskGorupContainer) slot15.localPosition = Vector2(slot0.offset.x * slot10, slot0.offset.y * slot6 * -1) table.insert(slot0.taskGroupTFs, slot15) end end end slot0:updateTaskGroups() slot0.dateIndex = math.max(, 1) slot0:addVerticalDrag(slot0.scrollRect, function () if uv0.dateIndex + 1 > #uv1 then return end uv0:moveToTaskGroup(slot0) end, function () if uv0.dateIndex - 1 < 1 then return end uv0:moveToTaskGroup(slot0) end) slot0:moveToTaskGroup(slot0.dateIndex, true) slot0:initBottomPanel() end function slot0.initBottomPanel(slot0) slot0.bottomTaskGroupTFs = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.configData) do slot0.bottomTaskGroupTFs[slot4] = cloneTplTo(slot0.bottomBTpl, slot0.bottomTaskGroups) slot0:updateBottomTaskGroup(slot4) end end function slot0.updateBottomTaskGroup(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.bottomTaskGroupTFs[slot1] slot2:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/anniversaryui_atlas", "part" .. slot1) slot2:Find("Image"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/anniversaryui_atlas", "h_part" .. slot1) triggerToggle(slot2, _.all(slot0.configData[slot1], function (slot0) return uv0:getTaskById(slot0) and slot1:isReceive() end)) end function slot0.updateTaskGroups(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.configData) do if slot0.taskGroupTFs[slot4] then slot0:updateTaskGroup(slot6, slot4, slot5) end end end function slot0.updateTaskGroup(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot5 = slot1:Find("mask_prev_unfinish") slot1:Find("icon"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/anniversaryui_atlas", "lihui" .. slot2) slot8 = false slot9 = false if < slot2 then slot9 = slot0.activityVO.data1 + (slot2 - 1) * 86400 <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() setText(slot1:Find("mask_lock"):Find("Text"), pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():STimeDescC(slot11, "%m/%d")) else slot8 = _.all(slot3, function (slot0) return uv0:getTaskById(slot0) and slot1:isReceive() end) end setActive(slot4, slot7 and not slot9) setActive(slot5, slot7 and slot9) setActive(slot1:Find("completed"), slot8) end function slot0.updateTaskGroupDesc(slot0, slot1) slot5 = nil slot0:findTF("main/desc", slot0.taskGroupDesc):Find("Image"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = (not slot0.titles[slot1] or slot0.titles[slot1]) and GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/anniversaryui_atlas", "title" .. slot1) slot6 = slot0:findTF("main/task_list", slot0.taskGroupDesc) setText(slot3, i18n("anniversary_task_title_" .. slot1)) function slot8(slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0:getTaskById(slot1) or Task.New({ id = slot1 }) setText(slot0:Find("name"), slot2:getConfig("name")) setText(slot0:Find("desc"), slot2:getConfig("desc")) onButton(uv0, slot0:Find("confirm_btn"), function () if uv0:isReceive() then -- Nothing elseif not uv0:isFinish() then uv1:emit(AnniversaryMediator.TO_TASK, uv0) elseif uv0:isFinish() then uv1:emit(AnniversaryMediator.ON_SUBMIT_TASK, uv2) end end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0:Find("confirm_btn/go"), not slot2:isFinish()) setActive(slot0:Find("confirm_btn/finished"), slot2:isReceive()) setActive(slot0:Find("confirm_btn/get"), slot2:isFinish() and not slot2:isReceive()) slot3 = uv0:findTF("icon", slot0) slot5 = slot2:getConfig("award_display")[1] updateDrop(slot3, { type = slot5[1], id = slot5[2], count = slot5[3] }) onButton(uv0, slot3, function () slot0 = nil if uv0[1] == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then slot0 = id2ItemId(uv0[2]) elseif uv0[1] == DROP_TYPE_ITEM then slot0 = uv0[2] end if slot0 then uv1:emit(uv2.ON_ITEM, slot0) end end, SFX_PANEL) uv0:findTF("slider", slot0):GetComponent(typeof(Slider)).value = slot2:getProgress() / slot2:getConfig("target_num") setText(uv0:findTF("slider/Text", slot0), slot2:getProgress() .. "/" .. slot2:getConfig("target_num")) end slot0.ulist = UIItemList.New(slot6, slot6:Find("task_tpl")) slot0.ulist:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then uv0(slot2, uv1[slot1 + 1]) end end) slot0.ulist:align(#slot0.configData[slot1]) end function slot0.moveToTaskGroup(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot3 then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.taskGroupDesc)) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.taskGorupContainer)) elseif LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.taskGroupDesc)) or LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.taskGorupContainer)) then return end if < slot1 then LeanTween.moveLocal(go(slot0.taskGorupContainer), Vector3(slot0.taskGorupContainer.localPosition.x, slot0.startPosition.y + (slot0:getRow(slot1) - 1) * slot0.offset.y, 0), 0.2):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.dateIndex = uv1 end)) slot0.taskGroupDesc.localScale = Vector3(0, 1, 1) slot0.overStep = true if slot0.dateIndex then triggerToggle(slot0.taskGroupTFs[slot0.dateIndex], false) end else if slot2 or slot0.overStep then slot0.taskGroupDesc.localScale = Vector3(0, 1, 1) slot0:openAnim(slot1, slot4) slot0:updateTaskGroupDesc(slot1) elseif slot0.dateIndex then slot0:closeAnim(slot0.dateIndex, function () uv0:openAnim(uv1, uv2) uv0.dateIndex = uv1 uv0:updateTaskGroupDesc(uv0.dateIndex) end) end slot0.overStep = nil end end function slot0.openAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = slot0.taskGroupTFs[slot1] slot6 = slot0.startPosition.y + (slot0:getRow(slot1) - 1) * slot0.offset.y slot7 = slot0.taskGorupContainer.localPosition.x table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) LeanTween.moveLocal(go(uv0.taskGorupContainer), Vector3(uv1, uv2, 0), 0.2):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot0)) end) table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) triggerToggle(uv0, true) slot1 = uv0.eulerAngles.x slot2 = uv0.eulerAngles.z LeanTween.rotate(go(uv0), Vector3(slot1, 0, slot2), 0.2):setFrom(Vector3(slot1, -180, slot2)):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot0)) end) table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) LeanTween.scale(uv0.taskGroupDesc, Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0.2):setFrom(Vector3(0, 1, 1)):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot0)) uv0.taskGroupDesc.position = uv1.position uv0.taskGroupDesc:SetAsLastSibling() uv1:SetAsLastSibling() end) seriesAsync(slot3, slot2) end function slot0.closeAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = slot0.taskGroupTFs[slot1] table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) LeanTween.scale(uv0.taskGroupDesc, Vector3(0, 1, 1), 0.2):setFrom(Vector3(1, 1, 1)):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot0)) end) table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0.eulerAngles.x slot2 = uv0.eulerAngles.z LeanTween.rotate(go(uv0), Vector3(slot1, 0, slot2), 0.2):setFrom(Vector3(slot1, -180, slot2)):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot0)) end) table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) triggerToggle(uv0, false) slot0() end) seriesAsync(slot3, slot2) end function slot0.addVerticalDrag(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1, "EventTriggerListener") slot5 = nil slot6 = 0 slot7 = 50 slot4:AddBeginDragFunc(function () uv0 = 0 uv1 = nil end) slot4:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1.position if not uv0 then uv0 = slot2 end uv1 = slot2.y - uv0.y end) slot4:AddDragEndFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0 < -uv1 then if uv2 then uv2() end elseif uv1 < uv0 and uv3 then uv3() end end) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) end return slot0