function tf(slot0) return slot0.transform end function go(slot0) return tf(slot0).gameObject end function rtf(slot0) return slot0.transform end function findGO(slot0, slot1) return tf(slot0):Find(slot1) and slot2.gameObject end function findTF(slot0, slot1) return tf(slot0):Find(slot1) end function Instantiate(slot0) return Object.Instantiate(go(slot0)) end instantiate = Instantiate function Destroy(slot0) Object.Destroy(go(slot0)) end destroy = Destroy function SetActive(slot0, slot1) go(slot0):SetActive(tobool(slot1)) end setActive = SetActive function isActive(slot0) return go(slot0).activeSelf end function SetName(slot0, slot1) = slot1 end setName = SetName function SetParent(slot0, slot1, slot2) tf(slot0):SetParent(tf(slot1), tobool(slot2)) end setParent = SetParent function setText(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text = tostring(slot1) end function setTextEN(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text = tostring(splitByWordEN(slot1, slot0)) end function setBestFitTextEN(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 then return end slot3 = slot0:GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform)) slot4 = slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot5 = slot2 or 20 slot6 = slot3.rect.width slot7 = slot3.rect.height while slot5 > 0 do slot4.fontSize = slot5 slot4.text = tostring(splitByWordEN(slot1, slot0)) if slot4.preferredWidth <= slot6 and slot4.preferredHeight <= slot7 then break end slot5 = slot5 - 1 end end function setTextFont(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).font = slot1 end function getText(slot0) return slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text end function setInputText(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end slot0:GetComponent(typeof(InputField)).text = slot1 end function getInputText(slot0) return slot0:GetComponent(typeof(InputField)).text end function onInputEndEdit(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1:GetComponent(typeof(InputField)).onEndEdit pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot3) slot3:RemoveAllListeners() slot3:AddListener(slot2) end function activateInputField(slot0) slot0:GetComponent(typeof(InputField)):ActivateInputField() end function setButtonText(slot0, slot1, slot2) setWidgetText(slot0, slot1, slot2) end function setWidgetText(slot0, slot1, slot2) setText(findTF(slot0, slot2 or "Text"), slot1) end function setWidgetTextEN(slot0, slot1, slot2) setTextEN(findTF(slot0, slot2 or "Text"), slot1) end slot0 = true slot1 = -1 function onButton(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1, typeof(Button)).onClick pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot6) slot6:RemoveAllListeners() slot6:AddListener(function () if uv0 == Time.frameCount and Input.touchCount > 1 then return end uv0 = Time.frameCount uv1() end) if slot3 and uv1 then slot8 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1, "ButtonEventExtend").onPointerDown pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot8) slot8:RemoveAllListeners() slot8:AddListener(function () pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) end) end end function removeOnButton(slot0) if slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Button)) ~= nil then slot1.onClick:RemoveAllListeners() end end function setButtonEnabled(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Button)).interactable = slot1 end function setToggleEnabled(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Toggle)).interactable = slot1 end function setSliderEnable(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Slider)).interactable = slot1 end function triggerButton(slot0) uv0 = false uv1 = -1 GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Button)).onClick:Invoke() uv0 = true end slot2 = true function onToggle(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = GetComponent(slot1, typeof(Toggle)).onValueChanged slot6:RemoveAllListeners() pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot6) slot6:AddListener(function (slot0) if uv0 then if slot0 and uv1 and uv2.isOn == slot0 then uv1 = SFX_UI_TAG pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1) elseif not slot0 and uv3 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) end end uv4(slot0) end) if not IsNil(GetComponent(slot1, typeof(UIToggleEvent))) then slot7:Rebind() end end function triggerToggle(slot0, slot1) uv0 = false if GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Toggle)).isOn ~= tobool(slot1) then slot2.isOn = slot1 else slot2.onValueChanged:Invoke(slot1) end uv0 = true end function onSlider(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = GetComponent(slot1, typeof(Slider)).onValueChanged slot3:RemoveAllListeners() pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot3) slot3:AddListener(slot2) end function setSlider(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Slider)) slot4.minValue = slot1 slot4.maxValue = slot2 slot4.value = slot3 end function eachChild(slot0, slot1) for slot7 = tf(slot0).childCount - 1, 0, -1 do slot1(slot2:GetChild(slot7)) end end function removeAllChildren(slot0) eachChild(slot0, function (slot0) tf(slot0).transform:SetParent(nil, false) Destroy(slot0) end) end function scrollTo(slot0, slot1, slot2) Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases() slot3 = GetComponent(slot0, typeof(ScrollRect)) slot4 = Vector2(slot1 or slot3.normalizedPosition.x, slot2 or slot3.normalizedPosition.y) onNextTick(function () if not IsNil(uv0) then uv1.normalizedPosition = uv2 uv1.onValueChanged:Invoke(uv2) end end) end function scrollToBottom(slot0) scrollTo(slot0, 0, 0) end function onScroll(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = GetComponent(slot1, typeof(ScrollRect)).onValueChanged slot3:RemoveAllListeners() pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot3) slot3:AddListener(slot2) end function ClearEventTrigger(slot0) slot0:RemovePointClickFunc() slot0:RemovePointDownFunc() slot0:RemovePointEnterFunc() slot0:RemovePointExitFunc() slot0:RemovePointUpFunc() slot0:RemoveCheckDragFunc() slot0:RemoveBeginDragFunc() slot0:RemoveDragFunc() slot0:RemoveDragEndFunc() slot0:RemoveDropFunc() slot0:RemoveScrollFunc() slot0:RemoveSelectFunc() slot0:RemoveUpdateSelectFunc() slot0:RemoveMoveFunc() end function ClearLScrollrect(slot0) slot0.onStart = nil slot0.onInitItem = nil slot0.onUpdateItem = nil slot0.onReturnItem = nil end function GetComponent(slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetComponent(slot1) end function GetOrAddComponent(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1 if type(slot1) == "string" then slot2 = typeof(_G[slot1]) end if slot0:GetComponent(slot2) ~= nil then return slot3 else return go(slot0):AddComponent(slot2) end end function RemoveComponent(slot0, slot1) if slot0:GetComponent(slot1) then if slot1 == "Button" then RemoveComponent(slot0, "ButtonEventExtend") end Object.Destroy(slot2) end end function SetCompomentEnabled(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:GetComponent(slot1).enabled = tobool(slot2) end function GetInChildren(slot0, slot1) return function (slot0, slot1) if not slot0 then return nil end if == slot1 then return slot0 end for slot5 = 0, slot0.childCount - 1 do if slot1 == slot0:GetChild(slot5).name then return slot6 end if uv0(slot6, slot1) then return slot7 end end return nil end(slot0, slot1) end function onNextTick(slot0) Timer.New(slot0, 0.001, 1):Start() end function onDelayTick(slot0, slot1) Timer.New(slot0, slot1, 1):Start() end function seriesAsync(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 0 slot3 = #slot0 slot4 = nil function (...) uv0 = uv0 + 1 if uv0 <= uv1 then uv2[uv0](uv3, ...) elseif uv4 then uv4(...) end end() end function seriesAsyncExtend(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil function (...) if #uv0 > 0 then table.remove(uv0, 1)(uv1, ...) elseif uv2 then uv2(...) end end() end function parallelAsync(slot0, slot1) function slot3() uv0 = uv0 - 1 if uv0 == 0 and uv1 then uv1() end end if #slot0 > 0 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0) do slot8(slot3) end elseif slot1 then slot1() end end function limitedParallelAsync(slot0, slot1, slot2) if #slot0 == 0 then slot2() return end slot6 = nil for slot10 = 1, math.min(slot1, slot3) do slot0[slot10](function () uv0 = uv0 - 1 if uv0 == 0 then uv1() elseif uv2 + 1 <= uv3 then uv2 = uv2 + 1 uv4[uv2](uv5) end end) end end function setImageSprite(slot0, slot1, slot2) if IsNil(slot0) or IsNil(slot1) then return end if IsNil(GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image))) then return end slot3.sprite = slot1 if slot2 then slot3:SetNativeSize() end end function clearImageSprite(slot0) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)).sprite = nil end function getImageSprite(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)) and slot1.sprite end function tex2sprite(slot0) return UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(slot0, UnityEngine.Rect.New(0, 0, slot0.width, slot0.height), Vector2(0.5, 0.5), 100) end function setFillAmount(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)).fillAmount = slot1 end function string2vector3(slot0) slot1 = string.split(slot0, ",") return Vector3(slot1[1], slot1[2], slot1[3]) end function getToggleState(slot0) return slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Toggle)).isOn end function setLocalPosition(slot0, slot1) slot2 = tf(slot0).localPosition slot1.x = slot1.x or slot2.x slot1.y = slot1.y or slot2.y slot1.z = slot1.z or slot2.z tf(slot0).localPosition = slot1 end function setAnchoredPosition(slot0, slot1) slot3 = rtf(slot0).anchoredPosition slot1.x = slot1.x or slot3.x slot1.y = slot1.y or slot3.y slot2.anchoredPosition = slot1 end function setAnchoredPosition3D(slot0, slot1) slot3 = rtf(slot0).anchoredPosition3D slot1.x = slot1.x or slot3.x slot1.y = slot1.y or slot3.y slot1.z = slot1.y or slot3.z slot2.anchoredPosition3D = slot1 end function getAnchoredPosition(slot0) return rtf(slot0).anchoredPosition end function setLocalScale(slot0, slot1) slot2 = tf(slot0).localScale slot1.x = slot1.x or slot2.x slot1.y = slot1.y or slot2.y slot1.z = slot1.z or slot2.z tf(slot0).localScale = slot1 end function setLocalRotation(slot0, slot1) slot2 = tf(slot0).localRotation slot1.x = slot1.x or slot2.x slot1.y = slot1.y or slot2.y slot1.z = slot1.z or slot2.z tf(slot0).localRotation = slot1 end function ActivateInputField(slot0) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(InputField)):ActivateInputField() end function onInputChanged(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = GetComponent(slot1, typeof(InputField)).onValueChanged slot3:RemoveAllListeners() pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot3) slot3:AddListener(slot2) end function getImageColor(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)).color end function setImageColor(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)).color = slot1 end function getImageAlpha(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)).color.a end function setImageAlpha(slot0, slot1) slot2 = GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Image)) slot3 = slot2.color slot3.a = slot1 slot2.color = slot3 end function getCanvasGroupAlpha(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha end function setCanvasGroupAlpha(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = slot1 end function getTextColor(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Text)).color end function setTextColor(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Text)).color = slot1 end function getTextAlpha(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Text)).color.a end function setTextAlpha(slot0, slot1) slot2 = GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Text)) slot3 = slot2.color slot3.a = slot1 slot2.color = slot3 end function setSizeDelta(slot0, slot1) if not GetComponent(slot0, typeof(RectTransform)) then return end slot3 = slot2.sizeDelta slot3.x = slot1.x slot3.y = slot1.y slot2.sizeDelta = slot3 end function getOutlineColor(slot0) return GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Outline)).effectColor end function setOutlineColor(slot0, slot1) GetComponent(slot0, typeof(Outline)).effectColor = slot1 end function pressPersistTrigger(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7) slot6 = defaultValue(slot6, 0.25) slot8 = GetOrAddComponent(slot0, typeof(EventTriggerListener)) slot9 = nil function slot10() if uv0 then uv0:Stop() uv0 = nil end end slot8:AddPointDownFunc(function () uv0() uv1 = Timer.New(function () if uv0 then uv1.duration = math.max(uv1.duration - uv2 / 10, uv3) end if uv4 then uv4(uv5) end end, uv3, -1) uv1:Start() if uv6 then uv1.func() end if uv7 and uv8 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv7) end end) slot8:AddPointUpFunc(function () uv0() if uv1 then uv1() end end) slot8:AddPointExitFunc(function () uv0() if uv1 then uv1() end end) return slot8 end function getSpritePivot(slot0) slot1 = slot0.bounds return Vector2( / slot1.extents.x / 2 + 0.5, / slot1.extents.y / 2 + 0.5) end function resetAspectRatio(slot0) slot1 = GetComponent(slot0, "Image") GetComponent(slot0, "AspectRatioFitter").aspectRatio = slot1.preferredWidth / slot1.preferredHeight end function cloneTplTo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = tf(Instantiate(slot0)) slot3:SetParent(tf(slot1), false) SetActive(slot3, true) if slot2 then = slot2 end return slot3 end function setGray(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 and GetOrAddComponent(slot0, "UIGrayScale") or GetComponent(slot0, "UIGrayScale") then slot3.recursive = defaultValue(slot2, true) slot3.enabled = slot1 end end function long2int(slot0) slot1, slot2 = int64.tonum2(slot0) return slot1 end function addSlip(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1, "EventTriggerListener") slot6 = nil slot7 = 0 slot8 = 50 slot5:AddPointDownFunc(function () uv0 = 0 uv1 = nil end) slot5:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0 then uv0 = slot1.position end if uv1 == SLIP_TYPE_HRZ then uv2 = slot2.x - uv0.x elseif uv1 == SLIP_TYPE_VERT then uv2 = slot2.y - uv0.y end end) slot5:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0 < -uv1 then if uv2 then uv2() end elseif uv1 < uv0 then if uv3 then uv3() end elseif uv4 then uv4() end end) end