pg = pg or {} pg.world_collection_record_template = { [100001] = { group_ID = 1, name = "Operation Briefing", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100001, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin Operation Siren.", story = "WORLD100A" }, [100002] = { group_ID = 2, name = "Prologue - Part I", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100002, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Complete Chapter 1-1.", story = "GWORLD101A" }, [100003] = { group_ID = 3, name = "Prologue - Part II", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100003, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Talk to Hornet.", story = "GWORLD101B" }, [100004] = { group_ID = 4, name = "Prologue - Part III", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100004, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Train with Hornet.", story = "GWORLD101C" }, [100005] = { group_ID = 5, name = "Prologue - Part IV", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100005, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "After retreating from battle.", story = "GWORLD101D" }, [100006] = { group_ID = 6, name = "The Bugle Sounds", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100006, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the NY City harbor.", story = "WORLD102A" }, [100007] = { group_ID = 7, name = "Once More, Into battle", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100007, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 1-2.", story = "WORLD105A" }, [100008] = { group_ID = 8, name = "Radar Module", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100008, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-2 rally point.", story = "WORLD105B" }, [100009] = { group_ID = 9, name = "Recollection", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100009, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies in zone 1.", story = "WORLD105C" }, [100010] = { group_ID = 10, name = "Traces", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100010, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies in zone 2.", story = "WORLD105D" }, [100011] = { group_ID = 11, name = "The Mysterious Ship", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100011, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD105E" }, [100012] = { group_ID = 12, name = "The Enemy of My Enemy", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100012, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 1-3.", story = "WORLD106A" }, [100013] = { group_ID = 13, name = "The Search - Part I", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100013, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD106B" }, [100014] = { group_ID = 14, name = "The Search - Part II", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100014, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD106C" }, [100015] = { group_ID = 15, name = "The Search - Part III", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100015, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD106D" }, [100016] = { group_ID = 16, name = "Securing the Zone", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100016, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies.", story = "WORLD106E" }, [100017] = { group_ID = 17, name = "Securing the Zone", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100017, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 1-4.", story = "WORLD107A" }, [100018] = { group_ID = 18, name = "The Crimson Axis", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100018, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat 5 enemy fleets.", story = "WORLD107B" }, [100019] = { group_ID = 19, name = "Communications", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100019, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD108A" }, [100020] = { group_ID = 20, name = "Aviation Battle", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100020, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD108B" }, [100021] = { group_ID = 21, name = "Ceasefire...?", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100021, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Repel the Iron Blood forces.", story = "WORLD108C" }, [100022] = { group_ID = 22, name = "Necessary Preparations", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100022, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-6 rally point.", story = "WORLD109A" }, [100023] = { group_ID = 23, name = "Preparations Complete", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100023, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 1-6 rally point.", story = "WORLD109B" }, [100024] = { group_ID = 24, name = "META Beacon", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100024, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Unlock META Showdown.", story = "GWORLD109A" }, [100025] = { group_ID = 1, name = "The Queen's Duty", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100025, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Dock in the port at 2-1.", story = "WORLD200A" }, [100026] = { group_ID = 2, name = "Setting Sail", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100026, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 2-1 rally point.", story = "WORLD200B" }, [100027] = { group_ID = 3, name = "Side by Side", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100027, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 2-2 rally point.", story = "WORLD201A" }, [100028] = { group_ID = 4, name = "Sector Sweep", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100028, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 2-3.", story = "WORLD202A" }, [100029] = { group_ID = 5, name = "Distress Signal", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100029, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies.", story = "WORLD202B" }, [100030] = { group_ID = 6, name = "Disaster Site", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100030, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 2-4.", story = "WORLD203A" }, [100031] = { group_ID = 7, name = "Desolation", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100031, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 2-4 rally point.", story = "WORLD203B" }, [100032] = { group_ID = 8, name = "Devestation", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100032, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 2-4 rally point.", story = "WORLD203C" }, [100033] = { group_ID = 9, name = "Special Mission", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100033, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 2-4 rally point.", story = "WORLD203D" }, [100034] = { group_ID = 10, name = "Message from Her Majesty", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100034, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 2-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD204A" }, [100035] = { group_ID = 11, name = "Gravitational Anomaly", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100035, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 2-6.", story = "WORLD205A" }, [100036] = { group_ID = 12, name = "A Matter of Acclimation", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100036, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies.", story = "WORLD205B" }, [100037] = { group_ID = 13, name = "Impenetrable", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100037, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat the special unit on 2-6.", story = "WORLD205C" }, [100038] = { group_ID = 14, name = "Conclusion", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100038, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat the special unit.", story = "WORLD205D" }, [100039] = { group_ID = 1, name = "Detached Force", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100039, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Dock in the port at 3-1.", story = "WORLD300A" }, [100040] = { group_ID = 2, name = "TB Systems Test", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100040, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-1 rally point.", story = "WORLD300B" }, [100041] = { group_ID = 3, name = "Iron Blood's Movements", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100041, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-2 rally point.", story = "WORLD301A" }, [100042] = { group_ID = 4, name = "Allied Activity?", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100042, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD302A" }, [100043] = { group_ID = 5, name = "Jamming", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100043, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD302B" }, [100044] = { group_ID = 6, name = "Relief", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100044, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-4 rally point.", story = "WORLD303A" }, [100045] = { group_ID = 7, name = "Suspicions", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100045, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-4 rally point.", story = "WORLD303B" }, [100046] = { group_ID = 8, name = "Weather Task Force", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100046, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD304A" }, [100047] = { group_ID = 9, name = "Phantoms", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100047, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD304B" }, [100048] = { group_ID = 10, name = "Arbiter", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100048, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD304C" }, [100049] = { group_ID = 11, name = "Backup", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100049, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies.", story = "WORLD304D" }, [100050] = { group_ID = 12, name = "Precise Measurements", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100050, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat the special unit.", story = "WORLD304E" }, [100051] = { group_ID = 13, name = "Focused Offensive", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100051, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 3-3.", story = "WORLD305A" }, [100052] = { group_ID = 14, name = "Rest", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100052, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 3-6 rally point.", story = "WORLD305B" }, [100053] = { group_ID = 1, name = "Ocean Voyage", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100053, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-1 rally point.", story = "WORLD400A" }, [100054] = { group_ID = 2, name = "Sardegna", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100054, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-1 rally point.", story = "WORLD400B" }, [100055] = { group_ID = 3, name = "Taranto", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100055, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 4-2.", story = "WORLD401A" }, [100056] = { group_ID = 4, name = "Leaving Midway", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100056, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-2 rally point.", story = "WORLD401B" }, [100057] = { group_ID = 5, name = "Dakar", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100057, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 4-3.", story = "WORLD402A" }, [100058] = { group_ID = 6, name = "Solo Operation", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100058, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-3 rally point.", story = "WORLD402B" }, [100059] = { group_ID = 7, name = "Uncertainty", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100059, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies.", story = "WORLD403A" }, [100060] = { group_ID = 8, name = "Incursion", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100060, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 4-5.", story = "WORLD404A" }, [100061] = { group_ID = 9, name = "Anomaly", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100061, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD404B" }, [100062] = { group_ID = 10, name = "Illusion", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100062, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD404C" }, [100063] = { group_ID = 11, name = "Substitute", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100063, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Visit the 4-5 rally point.", story = "WORLD404D" }, [100064] = { group_ID = 12, name = "Warrior’s Awakening", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100064, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Begin 4-6.", story = "WORLD405A" }, [100065] = { group_ID = 13, name = "The Arbitrating Sage", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100065, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat all enemies.", story = "WORLD405B" }, [100066] = { group_ID = 14, name = "Escape", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100066, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "Defeat the special unit.", story = "WORLD405C" }, [100071] = { group_ID = 1, name = "Classified Intel", mask = "bg/bg_memory", id = 100071, icon = "memory_dashijie", condition = "???", story = "WORLD9901A" }, all = { 100001, 100002, 100003, 100004, 100005, 100006, 100007, 100008, 100009, 100010, 100011, 100012, 100013, 100014, 100015, 100016, 100017, 100018, 100019, 100020, 100021, 100022, 100023, 100024, 100025, 100026, 100027, 100028, 100029, 100030, 100031, 100032, 100033, 100034, 100035, 100036, 100037, 100038, 100039, 100040, 100041, 100042, 100043, 100044, 100045, 100046, 100047, 100048, 100049, 100050, 100051, 100052, 100053, 100054, 100055, 100056, 100057, 100058, 100059, 100060, 100061, 100062, 100063, 100064, 100065, 100066, 100071 } }