pg = pg or {} pg.memory_template = { { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enemies and Popsicles", condition = "Prologue", story = "S001", id = 1, icon = "default", is_open = 1 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Encounter", condition = "Prologue", story = "S002", id = 2, icon = "default", is_open = 1 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Royal Navy's Glory", condition = "Prologue", story = "S007", id = 3, icon = "default", is_open = 1 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Conflict", condition = "Prologue", story = "S006", id = 4, icon = "default", is_open = 1 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rhine Drill", condition = "Prologue", story = "S003", id = 5, icon = "default", is_open = 1 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An End and a Beginning", condition = "Prologue", story = "S004", id = 6, icon = "default", is_open = 1 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prologue: Hornet", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 1-1", story = "T10101", id = 7, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prologue: Alert", condition = "Clear Main 1-1", story = "T10102", id = 8, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: The Burning Sea", condition = "Begin main mission 1-2", story = "UI10201", id = 9, icon = "memorybg_1", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: Breaking the Blockade", condition = "Begin main mission 1-2", story = "UI10202", id = 10, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: Attack", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 1-2", story = "T10201", id = 11, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: First Victory", condition = "Clear Main 1-2", story = "T10202", id = 12, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: Invasion", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 1-3", story = "T10301", id = 13, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: In-depth Investigation", condition = "Clear Main 1-3", story = "T10302", id = 14, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter: Sakura Rising", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 1-4", story = "T10401", id = 15, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1: Crimson Axis", condition = "Clear Main 1-4", story = "T10402", id = 16, icon = "memorybg_2", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 2: The Coral Sea", condition = "Reach chapter 2", story = "UI20101", id = 17, icon = "memorybg_3", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 2: Counterattack's Overture", condition = "Clear Main 2-2", story = "T20201", id = 18, icon = "memorybg_4", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 2: The Next City", condition = "Clear Main 2-3", story = "T20301", id = 19, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Five Minutes of Fate", condition = "Reach chapter 3", story = "UI30101", id = 20, icon = "memorybg_2", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Enemy Encounter", condition = "Begin main mission 3-1", story = "T30101", id = 21, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Combat", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 3-1", story = "T30102", id = 22, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Victory", condition = "Clear Main 3-1", story = "T30103", id = 23, icon = "memorybg_5", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Enemy Aircraft", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 3-2", story = "T30201", id = 24, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Destiny", condition = "Clear Main 3-2", story = "T30202", id = 25, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Final Words", condition = "Clear Main 3-3", story = "T30301", id = 26, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Final Counter", condition = "Fight the boss from main mission 3-4", story = "T30401", id = 27, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3: Continued Willpower", condition = "Clear Main 3-4", story = "T30402", id = 28, icon = "memorybg_6", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strive, Wish and Strategize", condition = "Enter Strive, Wish and Strategize", story = "UIACT10000", id = 29, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ominous Suspicions", condition = "Enter Strive, Wish and Strategize SP. 1", story = "TACT10001", id = 30, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Z Fleet's Counterattack", condition = "Enter Strive, Wish and Strategize SP. 2", story = "TACT10002", id = 31, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Outcome 1", condition = "Clear Strive, Wish and Strategize SP. 2", story = "TACT10003", id = 32, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cannon's Elegy", condition = "Enter Strive, Wish and Strategize SP. 3", story = "TACT10004", id = 33, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Outcome 2", condition = "Clear Strive, Wish and Strategize SP. 3", story = "TACT10005", id = 34, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Divergent Chessboard - Prequel", condition = "Enter Divergent Chessboard - Prequel", story = "UIACT20000", id = 35, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Development 1", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - A1/C1", story = "TACT20001", id = 36, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Development 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - A2/C2", story = "TACT20002", id = 37, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Initiative 1", condition = "Fight the Boss in Divergent Chessboard - A3/C3", story = "TACT20003", id = 38, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Initiative 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - A3/C3", story = "TACT20004", id = 39, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Promotion 1", condition = "Fight the Boss in Divergent Chessboard - A4/C4", story = "TACT20011", id = 40, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Promotion 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - A4/C4", story = "TACT20005", id = 41, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Divergent Chessboard - Sequel", condition = "Enter Divergent Chessboard - Sequel", story = "UIACT20001", id = 42, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Transposition 1", condition = "Fight the Boss in Divergent Chessboard - B1/D1", story = "TACT20006", id = 43, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Transposition 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - B1/D1", story = "TACT20007", id = 44, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Deflection 1", condition = "Fight the Boss in Divergent Chessboard - B2/D2", story = "TACT20008", id = 45, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Deflection 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - B2/D2", story = "TACT20009", id = 46, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Overloading 1", condition = "Fight the Boss in Divergent Chessboard - B3/D3", story = "TACT20010", id = 47, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Overloading 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - B3/D3", story = "TACT20012", id = 48, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Checkmate 2", condition = "Fight the Boss in Divergent Chessboard - B4/D4", story = "TACT20013", id = 49, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Checkmate 3", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - B4/D4", story = "TACT20014", id = 50, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [4001] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Flank 1", condition = "Enter Divergent Chessboard - A2/C2", story = "TACT20016", id = 4001, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [4000] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Checkmate 1", condition = "Enter Divergent Chessboard - B4/D4", story = "TACT20015", id = 4000, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [4002] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Flank 2", condition = "Clear Divergent Chessboard - B4/D4", story = "TACT20017", id = 4002, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [62] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 1", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 1", story = "AKASHI1", id = 62, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [63] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 2", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 2", story = "AKASHI2", id = 63, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [64] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 3", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 3", story = "AKASHI3", id = 64, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [65] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 4", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 4", story = "AKASHI4", id = 65, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [66] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 5", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 5-1", story = "AKASHI5", id = 66, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [67] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 5-1", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 5-2", story = "AKASHI51", id = 67, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [68] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 6-1", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 6 I", story = "AKASHI6", id = 68, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [69] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 6-2", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 6-2", story = "AKASHI62", id = 69, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [70] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 6-3", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 6-3", story = "AKASHI63", id = 70, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [71] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 6-4", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 6-4", story = "AKASHI64", id = 71, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [72] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 7-1", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 7-1", story = "AKASHI7", id = 72, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [73] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 7-2", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 7-2", story = "AKASHI72", id = 73, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [74] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 8-1", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 8-1", story = "AKASHI8", id = 74, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [75] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 8-2", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 8-2", story = "AKASHI82", id = 75, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [76] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 8-3", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 8-3", story = "AKASHI83", id = 76, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [77] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 8-4", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 8-4", story = "AKASHI84", id = 77, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [78] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 8-5", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 8-5", story = "AKASHI85", id = 78, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [79] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 8-6", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 8-6", story = "AKASHI86", id = 79, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [80] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 9", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 9", story = "AKASHI9", id = 80, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [81] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commission: {namecode:98} 10", condition = "Accept {namecode:98} mission 10", story = "AKASHI10", id = 81, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [107] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 1", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 1 time", story = "ZHONGQIU1", id = 107, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [108] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 2", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 2 times", story = "ZHONGQIU2", id = 108, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [109] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 3", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 3 times", story = "ZHONGQIU3", id = 109, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [110] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 4", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 4 times", story = "ZHONGQIU4", id = 110, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [111] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 5", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 5 times", story = "ZHONGQIU5", id = 111, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [112] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 6", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 6 times", story = "ZHONGQIU6", id = 112, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [113] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mid-Autumn Festival 7", condition = "Join the Mid-Autumn event 7 times", story = "ZHONGQIU7", id = 113, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [114] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Order", condition = "Start Visitors Dyed in Red Pt. 1", story = "GUOQING1", id = 114, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [115] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Storm's End Pt. 1", condition = "Enter Visitors Dyed in Red A1/C1", story = "GUOQING3", id = 115, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [116] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Storm's End Pt. 2", condition = "Find the boss from Visitors Dyed in Red A1/C1", story = "GUOQING4", id = 116, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [117] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "In Between", condition = "Clear Visitors Dyed in Red A1/C1", story = "GUOQING5", id = 117, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [118] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Other Side of Distress Pt. 1", condition = "Enter Visitors Dyed in Red A2/C2", story = "GUOQING6", id = 118, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [119] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Other Side of Distress Pt. 2", condition = "Find the boss from Visitors Dyed in Red A2/C2", story = "GUOQING7", id = 119, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [120] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Recall", condition = "Enter Visitors Dyed in Red A3/C3", story = "GUOQING8", id = 120, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [121] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Holy Protectors Pt. 1", condition = "Find the boss from Visitors Dyed in Red A3/C3", story = "GUOQING9", id = 121, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [122] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Holy Protectors Pt. 2", condition = "Clear Visitors Dyed in Red A3/C3", story = "GUOQING10", id = 122, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [123] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "In Between 2", condition = "Start Visitors Dyed in Red Pt. 2", story = "GUOQING11", id = 123, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [124] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lucky Ship Pt. 1", condition = "Find the boss from Visitors Dyed in Red B1/D1", story = "GUOQING12", id = 124, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [125] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lucky Ship:Pt. 2", condition = "Clear Visitors Dyed in Red B1/D1", story = "GUOQING13", id = 125, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [126] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sister's Chain's Pt. 1", condition = "Enter Visitors Dyed in Red B2/D2", story = "GUOQING14", id = 126, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [127] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sister's Chain's Pt. 2", condition = "Find the boss from Visitors Dyed in Red B2/D2", story = "GUOQING15", id = 127, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [128] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sister's Chain's Pt. 3", condition = "Clear Visitors Dyed in Red B2/D2", story = "GUOQING16", id = 128, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [129] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Crimson Protectors Pt. 1", condition = "Enter Visitors Dyed in Red B3/D3", story = "GUOQING17", id = 129, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [130] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Crimson Protectors Pt. 2", condition = "Find the boss from Visitors Dyed in Red B3/D3", story = "GUOQING18", id = 130, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [131] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Crimson Protectors Pt. 3", condition = "Clear Visitors Dyed in Red B3/D3", story = "GUOQING19", id = 131, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [132] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prologue", condition = "Enter War for Glory", story = "ZHUNUO1", id = 132, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [133] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ideas and Attacks Pt. 1", condition = "Enter SP. 1", story = "ZHUNUO2", id = 133, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [134] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ideas and Attacks Pt. 2", condition = "Challenge the boss of SP. 1", story = "ZHUNUO3", id = 134, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [135] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ideas and Attacks Pt. 3", condition = "Clear SP. 1", story = "ZHUNUO4", id = 135, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [136] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pursuit and Escape Pt. 1", condition = "Enter SP. 2", story = "ZHUNUO5", id = 136, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [137] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pursuit and Escape Pt. 2", condition = "Challenge the boss of SP. 2", story = "ZHUNUO6", id = 137, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [138] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pursuit and Escape Pt. 3", condition = "Clear SP. 2", story = "ZHUNUO7", id = 138, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [139] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ironblood Sisters", condition = "Enter SP. 3", story = "ZHUNUO8", id = 139, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [140] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "War for Glory", condition = "Challenge the boss of SP. 3", story = "ZHUNUO9", id = 140, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [141] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Glory's Curtain Call", condition = "Clear SP. 3", story = "ZHUNUO10", id = 141, icon = "activity", is_open = 0 }, [142] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Witches and Innocence", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 1", story = "WANSHENGJIE1", id = 142, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [143] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Get Moving for Gold", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 2", story = "WANSHENGJIE2", id = 143, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [144] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Late Night Mischief", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 3", story = "WANSHENGJIE3", id = 144, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [145] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Disappearing Pumpkin Pie", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 4", story = "WANSHENGJIE4", id = 145, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [146] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Trick or treat!", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 5", story = "WANSHENGJIE5", id = 146, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [147] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Phantom's Reveal", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 6", story = "WANSHENGJIE6", id = 147, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [148] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pumpkin Fleet, Attack!", condition = "Unlock Halloween mission 7", story = "WANSHENGJIE7", id = 148, icon = "wanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [149] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Concert Ticket", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 1", story = "XINGCHEN1", id = 149, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [150] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Four Parallel Worlds", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 2", story = "XINGCHEN2", id = 150, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [151] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unicorn's Annoyances", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 3", story = "XINGCHEN3", id = 151, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [152] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Letter to Stardust", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 4", story = "XINGCHEN4", id = 152, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [153] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echo of Stardust", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 5", story = "XINGCHEN5", id = 153, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [154] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Change In Courage", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 6", story = "XINGCHEN6", id = 154, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [155] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Little Magic", condition = "Unlock Bits of Courage mission 7", story = "XINGCHEN7", id = 155, icon = "xingchen", is_open = 0 }, [156] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Three O'Clock Ladies", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 1", story = "TEATIME1", id = 156, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [157] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Lonely Queen", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 2", story = "TEATIME2", id = 157, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [158] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Morning Rays of Sun", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 3", story = "TEATIME3", id = 158, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [159] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Belfast for Brunch?!", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 4", story = "TEATIME4", id = 159, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [160] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Naptime Stalker", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 5", story = "TEATIME5", id = 160, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [161] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Feigned Grace", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 6", story = "TEATIME6", id = 161, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [162] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Electric Tea Party?!", condition = "Unlock Tea Time mission 7", story = "TEATIME7", id = 162, icon = "teatime", is_open = 0 }, [163] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Photo Time!", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 1", story = "SHENGDAN01", id = 163, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [164] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Christmas Diego!", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 2", story = "SHENGDAN02", id = 164, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [165] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sakura Christmas Pt 1", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 3", story = "SHENGDAN03", id = 165, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [166] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sakura Christmas Pt 2", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 4", story = "SHENGDAN04", id = 166, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [167] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Everyone's Santa Claus", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 5", story = "SHENGDAN05", id = 167, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [168] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Christmas Eve Dinner", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 6", story = "SHENGDAN06", id = 168, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [169] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Holy Night Embrace", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 7", story = "SHENGDAN07", id = 169, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [170] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Merry Christmas", condition = "Unlock Christmas mission 8", story = "SHENGDAN08", id = 170, icon = "christmas", is_open = 0 }, [171] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Preparations for the Wonderful New Year!", condition = "Start the 1st Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN1", id = 171, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [172] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Great Spring \"Cleaning!\"", condition = "Start the 2nd Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN2", id = 172, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [173] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reach Toward the Unknown", condition = "Start the 3rd Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN3", id = 173, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [174] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Friendship, Hard Work, and Victory!", condition = "Start the 4th Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN4", id = 174, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [175] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year's Cards", condition = "Start the 5th Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN5", id = 175, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [176] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year's Banquet?", condition = "Start the 6th Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN6", id = 176, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [177] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year’s Wish", condition = "Start the 7th Lunar New Year Celebration mission", story = "XINNIAN7", id = 177, icon = "xinnian", is_open = 0 }, [178] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prologue", condition = "Start “Fallen Wings - Prologue”", story = "DONGHUO01", id = 178, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [179] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Inburst", condition = "Defeat “Fallen Wings” A1 / C1 BOSS", story = "DONGHUO03", id = 179, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [180] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Preparation", condition = "Enter “Fallen Wings” A2 / C2", story = "DONGHUO04", id = 180, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [181] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Scene I", condition = "Clear “Fallen Wings” A2/C2", story = "DONGHUO05", id = 181, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [182] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Exploration", condition = "Enter “Fallen Wings” A3 / C3", story = "DONGHUO06", id = 182, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [183] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Scene II", condition = "Clear “Fallen Wings” A3/C3", story = "DONGHUO07", id = 183, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [184] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Scene III", condition = "Start “Fallen Wings - Epilogue”", story = "DONGHUO08", id = 184, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [185] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Uncertainty", condition = "Enter “Fallen Wings” B1/D1", story = "DONGHUO09", id = 185, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [186] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cutscene IV", condition = "Enter “Fallen Wings” B2 / D2", story = "DONGHUO10", id = 186, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [187] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 2, title = "Crisis", condition = "Defeat “Fallen Wings” B3 / D3 BOSS", story = "1060600", id = 187, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [188] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Abyss", condition = "Clear “Fallen Wings” B3 / D3", story = "DONGHUO12", id = 188, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [189] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Winter and Kotatsu", condition = "Encounter Special Target", story = "SHANCHENG01", id = 189, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [190] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Winter Swimming Competition?", condition = "Unlock \"Winter Offensive\" mission 2", story = "SHANCHENG02", id = 190, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [191] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Lost gift Pt. 1", condition = "Unlock \"Winter Offensive\" mission 3", story = "SHANCHENG03", id = 191, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [192] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Lost gift Pt. 2", condition = "Unlock \"Winter Offensive\" mission 4", story = "SHANCHENG04", id = 192, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [193] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Invite", condition = "Unlock \"Winter Offensive\" mission 5", story = "SHANCHENG05", id = 193, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [194] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cold Endurance Competiton?", condition = "Unlock \"Winter Offensive\" mission 6", story = "SHANCHENG06", id = 194, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [195] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hot Spring attack!", condition = "Unlock \"Winter Offensive\" mission 7", story = "SHANCHENG07", id = 195, icon = "memory_shancheng", is_open = 0 }, [196] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prelude", condition = "Unlock SP1", story = "WEIJIAO01", id = 196, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [197] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Skirmish - 1", condition = "Defeat the Boss at SP1", story = "WEIJIAO02", id = 197, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [198] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Skirmish - 2", condition = "Clear SP1", story = "WEIJIAO03", id = 198, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [199] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tactical Evaluation", condition = "Unlock SP2", story = "WEIJIAO04", id = 199, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [200] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Engagement - 1", condition = "Encounter the Boss at SP2", story = "WEIJIAO05", id = 200, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [201] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Engagement - 2", condition = "Defeat the Boss at SP2", story = "WEIJIAO06", id = 201, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [202] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Status Evaluation", condition = "Unlock SP3", story = "WEIJIAO07", id = 202, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [203] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Showdown - 1", condition = "Encounter the Boss at SP3", story = "WEIJIAO08", id = 203, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [204] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Showdown - 2", condition = "Defeat the Boss at SP3", story = "WEIJIAO09", id = 204, icon = "sipeibojue", is_open = 0 }, [205] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Treasure in the Old Warehouse", condition = "Begin \"An Shan's Coloring Book\" Page 2", story = "ANSHAN01", id = 205, icon = "memory_anshan", is_open = 0 }, [206] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One of the Base's 7 Wonders", condition = "Begin \"An Shan's Coloring Book\" Page 3", story = "ANSHAN02", id = 206, icon = "memory_anshan", is_open = 0 }, [207] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Time for a (Lunch) Break", condition = "Begin \"An Shan's Coloring Book\" Page 5", story = "ANSHAN03", id = 207, icon = "memory_anshan", is_open = 0 }, [208] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Drawing Together", condition = "Begin \"An Shan's Coloring Book\" Page 7", story = "ANSHAN04", id = 208, icon = "memory_anshan", is_open = 0 }, [209] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Shan's Drawing Book", condition = "Complete \"An Shan's Coloring Book\"", story = "ANSHAN05", id = 209, icon = "memory_anshan", is_open = 0 }, [210] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Old Warehouse Treasure Hunt", condition = "Begin \"Fu Shun's Great Adventure\"", story = "FUSHUN01", id = 210, icon = "memory_fushun", is_open = 0 }, [211] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Can You Fix It?", condition = "Get the Nian's health to 70%", story = "FUSHUN02", id = 211, icon = "memory_fushun", is_open = 0 }, [212] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Hero's Journey Begins", condition = "Get the Nian's health to 40%", story = "FUSHUN03", id = 212, icon = "memory_fushun", is_open = 0 }, [213] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Then the World was at Peace...", condition = "Defeat Nian!", story = "FUSHUN04", id = 213, icon = "memory_fushun", is_open = 0 }, [214] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Morning Incident", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 1", story = "XIAOTIANE1", id = 214, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [215] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Missing Clues", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 2", story = "XIAOTIANE2", id = 215, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [216] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suspicion and Inquiry", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 3", story = "XIAOTIANE3", id = 216, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [217] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Caught Red-Handed?", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 5", story = "XIAOTIANE4", id = 217, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [218] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Justification", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 7", story = "XIAOTIANE5", id = 218, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [219] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Witness", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 9", story = "XIAOTIANE6", id = 219, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [220] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Case Closed", condition = "Unlock Sea Star on Shore Day 10", story = "XIAOTIANE7", id = 220, icon = "memory_xiaotiane", is_open = 0 }, [221] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Opening", condition = "Begin \"Winter's Crown\"", story = "LINGDONG01", id = 221, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [222] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Home Voyage", condition = "Begin A1 or C1", story = "LINGDONG02", id = 222, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [223] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Emergency", condition = "Defeat the Boss Node on A1 or C1", story = "LINGDONG03", id = 223, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [224] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hunting Grounds", condition = "Begin A2 orC2", story = "LINGDONG04", id = 224, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [225] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interception", condition = "Engage the Boss Node on A2 or C2", story = "LINGDONG05", id = 225, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [226] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commence Pursuit", condition = "Defeat the Boss Node on A2 or C2", story = "LINGDONG06", id = 226, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [227] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Final Blow", condition = "Begin A3 or C3", story = "LINGDONG07", id = 227, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [228] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements", condition = "Engage the Boss Node on A3 or C3", story = "LINGDONG08", id = 228, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [229] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Destruction", condition = "Defeat the Boss Node on A3 or C3", story = "LINGDONG09", id = 229, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [230] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interlude", condition = "Clear A3 or C3", story = "LINGDONG10", id = 230, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [231] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "To The North", condition = "Begin Part 2 of \"Winter's Crown\"", story = "LINGDONG11", id = 231, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [232] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "No Line Through", condition = "Defeat the Boss Node on B1 or D1", story = "LINGDONG12", id = 232, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [233] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Operation Tungsten", condition = "Begin B2 or D2", story = "LINGDONG13", id = 233, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [234] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Queen of The North", condition = "Engage the Boss Node on B2 or D2", story = "LINGDONG14", id = 234, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [235] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Frustration", condition = "Defeat the Boss Node on B2 or D2", story = "LINGDONG15", id = 235, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [236] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Change Targets", condition = "Clear B2 or D2", story = "LINGDONG16", id = 236, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [237] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Code G", condition = "Begin B3 or D3", story = "LINGDONG17", id = 237, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [238] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Epilogue", condition = "Defeat the Boss Node on B3 or D3", story = "LINGDONG18", id = 238, icon = "memory_lindong", is_open = 0 }, [239] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Spring Springs Forth", condition = "Acquire 1 Memory Card", story = "SHANGYING1", id = 239, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [240] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Blooming Beckoning", condition = "Acquire 2 Memory Cards", story = "SHANGYING2", id = 240, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [241] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Preparing for the Party", condition = "Acquire 3 Memory Cards", story = "SHANGYING3", id = 241, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [242] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Banquet Begins", condition = "Acquire 4 Memory Cards", story = "SHANGYING4", id = 242, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [243] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cherry Flowers and Cheery Folks", condition = "Acquire 5 Memory Cards", story = "SHANGYING5", id = 243, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [244] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sakura Sake", condition = "Acquire 6 Memory Cards", story = "SHANGYING6", id = 244, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [245] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Private Time", condition = "Acquire 7 Memory Cards", story = "SHANGYING7", id = 245, icon = "memory_shangying", is_open = 0 }, [246] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Zuikaku In The Morning", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 1.", story = "RUIHE1", id = 246, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [247] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Zuikaku & Her Friends", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 2.", story = "RUIHE2", id = 247, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [248] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Zuikaku & The Foxes", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 3.", story = "RUIHE3", id = 248, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [249] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Zuikaku & Master Mikasa", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 4.", story = "RUIHE4", id = 249, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [250] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Today, I'm Your Chef!", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 5.", story = "RUIHE5", id = 250, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [251] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Someone Like Me...", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 6.", story = "RUIHE6", id = 251, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [252] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Indomitable Crane", condition = "Begin \"The Lucky Crane\" Chapter 7.", story = "RUIHE7", id = 252, icon = "chara_ruihe", is_open = 0 }, [253] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "I'm Running Late!", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 1", story = "KAIXUE01", id = 253, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [254] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Playground Troublemakers", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 2", story = "KAIXUE02", id = 254, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [255] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Secret Lunch", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 3", story = "KAIXUE03", id = 255, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [256] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Spirit in the Library", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 5", story = "KAIXUE04", id = 256, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [257] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Magic in an Empty Classroom", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 7", story = "KAIXUE05", id = 257, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [258] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Special Afterschool Tutoring", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 9", story = "KAIXUE06", id = 258, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [259] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New School Year", condition = "Unlock School Festival Day 10", story = "KAIXUE07", id = 259, icon = "memory_keleiwen", is_open = 0 }, [260] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Lucky Star of Sasebo Arrives!", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 1", story = "XUEFENG1", id = 260, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [261] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Yukikaze, the Genius", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 2", story = "XUEFENG2", id = 261, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [262] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shigure, Nemesis!?", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 3", story = "XUEFENG3", id = 262, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [263] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Yukikaze's Fan Club?", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 4", story = "XUEFENG4", id = 263, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [264] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Yukikaze and the Amusement Park (Part 1)", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 5", story = "XUEFENG5", id = 264, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [265] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Yukikaze and the Amusement Park (Part 2)", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 6", story = "XUEFENG6", id = 265, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [266] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Yukikaze, Great as Always?", condition = "Begin \"Call Me Yukikaze the Great!\" Chapter 7", story = "XUEFENG7", id = 266, icon = "memory_xuefeng", is_open = 0 }, [267] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Small Luncheon", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 1.", story = "AJIAKESI1", id = 267, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [268] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Meaning of Glory", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 2.", story = "AJIAKESI2", id = 268, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [269] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Secretary Ship's Responsibilities", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 3.", story = "AJIAKESI3", id = 269, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [270] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Friend or Foe?", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 4.", story = "AJIAKESI4", id = 270, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [271] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cute Little Piggy", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 5.", story = "AJIAKESI5", id = 271, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [272] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stubbornness and Sincerity, Part 1", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 6.", story = "AJIAKESI6", id = 272, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [273] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stubbornness and Sincerity, Part 2", condition = "Begin \"My Fond Memories\" Chapter 7.", story = "AJIAKESI7", id = 273, icon = "memory_ajiakesi", is_open = 0 }, [274] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Ill-Tempered Secretary", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 1.", story = "HAMAN1", id = 274, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [275] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unhappiness, Part 1", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 2.", story = "HAMAN2", id = 275, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [276] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unhappiness, Part 2", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 3.", story = "HAMAN3", id = 276, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [277] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unhappiness, Part 3", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 4.", story = "HAMAN4", id = 277, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [278] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hammann and Yorktown", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 5.", story = "HAMAN5", id = 278, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [279] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hello, Military Police?", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 6.", story = "HAMAN6", id = 279, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [280] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Honest... For Just a Moment!", condition = "Begin \"Hammann Observation Diary\" Chapter 7.", story = "HAMAN7", id = 280, icon = "memory_haman", is_open = 0 }, [281] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Secretary in Red", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 1.", story = "CHICHENG1", id = 281, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [282] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Unrivaled Legends", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 2.", story = "CHICHENG2", id = 282, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [283] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Love Rivals and... Exceptions?", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 3.", story = "CHICHENG3", id = 283, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [284] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Allies and Days of Old", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 4.", story = "CHICHENG4", id = 284, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [285] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Small Scar", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 5.", story = "CHICHENG5", id = 285, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [286] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Confession in The Dark", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 6.", story = "CHICHENG6", id = 286, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [287] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Soulmate", condition = "Begin \"Red Spider Lily's Love\" Chapter 7.", story = "CHICHENG7", id = 287, icon = "memory_chicheng", is_open = 0 }, [288] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sudden Invitation", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 1.", story = "KELIFULAN1", id = 288, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [289] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Knights, Group Up!", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 2.", story = "KELIFULAN2", id = 289, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [290] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Make It Grain!", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 3.", story = "KELIFULAN3", id = 290, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [291] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Game Day", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 4.", story = "KELIFULAN4", id = 291, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [292] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Tough Team", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 5.", story = "KELIFULAN5", id = 292, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [293] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "From The Brink", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 6.", story = "KELIFULAN6", id = 293, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [294] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Best Prize", condition = "Begin \"Knights & Awards\" Chapter 7.", story = "KELIFULAN7", id = 294, icon = "memory_kelifulan", is_open = 0 }, [295] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Little Visitor", condition = "Accumulate 100 Manjuu (Get Reward)", story = "BEIFA1", id = 295, icon = "beifa", is_open = 0 }, [296] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Accidents Have Consequences", condition = "Accumulate 5000 Manjuu (Get Reward)", story = "BEIFA2", id = 296, icon = "beifa", is_open = 0 }, [297] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sisters?", condition = "Accumulate 7000 Manjuu (Get Reward)", story = "BEIFA3", id = 297, icon = "beifa", is_open = 0 }, [298] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Adorable New Cadet", condition = "Acquire Character: Little Bel", story = "BEIFA4", id = 298, icon = "beifa", is_open = 0 }, [299] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Akashi Explains Things, Nya", condition = "Unlock the new feature by getting to Commander Level 30.", story = "FANGAN1", id = 299, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, [300] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Akashi Explains Things, Nya (Part 2)", condition = "Finish the development of a PR ship.", story = "FANGAN2", id = 300, icon = "default", is_open = 0 }, [301] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tomorrow's Weather is...", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 1", story = "SHANCHENGP1", id = 301, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [302] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "High Pressure? Low Pressure?", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 2", story = "SHANCHENGP2", id = 302, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [303] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Light Breeze", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 3", story = "SHANCHENGP3", id = 303, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [304] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Low Pressure Approaches", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 4", story = "SHANCHENGP4", id = 304, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [305] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "After the Clouds Part", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 5", story = "SHANCHENGP5", id = 305, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [306] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rain Shower", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 6", story = "SHANCHENGP6", id = 306, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [307] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Blue Skies", condition = "Unlock Yamashiro's story mission 7", story = "SHANCHENGP7", id = 307, icon = "memory_shancheng2", is_open = 0 }, [308] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Name is Glorious", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 1.", story = "GUANGRONG1", id = 308, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [309] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Maritime Exercises", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 2.", story = "GUANGRONG2", id = 309, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [310] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Queen Incident Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 3.", story = "GUANGRONG3", id = 310, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [311] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Queen Incident Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 4.", story = "GUANGRONG4", id = 311, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [312] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Destroyers", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 5.", story = "GUANGRONG5", id = 312, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [313] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Glory She's Named For Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 6.", story = "GUANGRONG6", id = 313, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [314] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Glory She's Named For Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"A Glorious Interlude\" Chapter 7.", story = "GUANGRONG7", id = 314, icon = "memory_guangrong", is_open = 0 }, [322] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lights, Camera, Sara!", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 1.", story = "SALATUOJIA1", id = 322, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [323] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sara's Work Never Ends!", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 2.", story = "SALATUOJIA2", id = 323, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [324] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sara's Day Off!", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 3.", story = "SALATUOJIA3", id = 324, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [325] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sister Sara and Lady Lex!", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 4.", story = "SALATUOJIA4", id = 325, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [326] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Paparazzi Problems! (Part 1)", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 5.", story = "SALATUOJIA5", id = 326, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [327] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Paparazzi Problems! (Part 2)", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 6.", story = "SALATUOJIA6", id = 327, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [328] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What I Treasure Most", condition = "Begin \"Best Pictures!\" Chapter 7.", story = "SALATUOJIA7", id = 328, icon = "memory_salatuojia", is_open = 0 }, [329] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Date Invitation", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 1", story = "AIDANG1", id = 329, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [330] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Let's Go!", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 2", story = "AIDANG2", id = 330, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [331] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shopping Situation", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 3", story = "AIDANG3", id = 331, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [332] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rest Break, and then...", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 4", story = "AIDANG4", id = 332, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [333] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Engulfed by Darkness", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 5", story = "AIDANG5", id = 333, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [334] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Evening Present", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 6", story = "AIDANG6", id = 334, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [335] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Advance Bravely!", condition = "Begin \"A Date With Atago\" Chapter 7", story = "AIDANG7", id = 335, icon = "memory_aidang", is_open = 0 }, [336] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Birth", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 1", story = "Z461", id = 336, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [337] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Trajectory", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 2", story = "Z462", id = 337, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [338] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interlude I", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 3", story = "Z463", id = 338, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [339] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Thought", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 4", story = "Z464", id = 339, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [340] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interlude II", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 5", story = "Z465", id = 340, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [341] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fetters", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 6", story = "Z466", id = 341, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [342] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pure White", condition = "Unlock Z46 Character Story Mission 7", story = "Z467", id = 342, icon = "memory_z46", is_open = 0 }, [350] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Teatime Visitor", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 1.", story = "KAIXUAN1", id = 350, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [351] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Do Your Best, Le Triomphant!", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 2.", story = "KAIXUAN2", id = 351, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [352] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Le Triomphant, Sortie!", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 3.", story = "KAIXUAN3", id = 352, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [353] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cheer Up, Le Triomphant!", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 4.", story = "KAIXUAN4", id = 353, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [354] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Listen to Your Heart", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 5.", story = "KAIXUAN5", id = 354, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [355] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Feuding Sisters", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 6.", story = "KAIXUAN6", id = 355, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [356] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Le Triomphant of Iris Libre", condition = "Begin \"The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier\" Chapter 7.", story = "KAIXUAN7", id = 356, icon = "memory_kaixuan", is_open = 0 }, [357] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Popular Dancer", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 1.", story = "AIMIER1", id = 357, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [358] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Fellowship of Gold?", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 2.", story = "AIMIER2", id = 358, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [359] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hidden Talent", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 3.", story = "AIMIER3", id = 359, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [360] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Be Strong, Émile!", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 4.", story = "AIMIER4", id = 360, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [361] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Émile's Romance Theory Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 5.", story = "AIMIER5", id = 361, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [362] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Romantic Date?", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 6.", story = "AIMIER6", id = 362, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [363] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Émile's Romance Theory Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"Émile, the Dancing Angel\" Chapter 7.", story = "AIMIER7", id = 363, icon = "memory_aimier", is_open = 0 }, [364] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf at Sunrise", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 1.", story = "XUKUFU1", id = 364, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [365] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf in the Morning", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 2.", story = "XUKUFU2", id = 365, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [366] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf at Work", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 3.", story = "XUKUFU3", id = 366, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [367] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf in the Noon", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 4.", story = "XUKUFU4", id = 367, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [368] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf in the Afternoon Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 5.", story = "XUKUFU5", id = 368, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [369] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf in the Afternoon Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 6.", story = "XUKUFU6", id = 369, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [370] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surcouf in My Arms", condition = "Begin \"Journé Surcouf!\" Chapter 7.", story = "XUKUFU7", id = 370, icon = "memory_xukufu", is_open = 0 }, [371] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "To the Light and Dark Sea", condition = "Begin \"Iris of Light and Dark.\"", story = "FAXI01", id = 371, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [372] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breakthrough", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "FAXI02", id = 372, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [373] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Operation Catapult", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "FAXI03", id = 373, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [374] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Resurrection", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "FAXI04", id = 374, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [375] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminiscence", condition = "Begin Pt. 2 of \"Iris of Light and Dark.\"", story = "FAXI05", id = 375, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [376] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rendezvous", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "FAXI06", id = 376, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [377] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dark Scarlet Knights", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "FAXI07", id = 377, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [378] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Operation Torch", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "FAXI08", id = 378, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [379] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Clash of Swords", condition = "Encounter the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FAXI09", id = 379, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [380] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Light and Dark", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "FAXI10", id = 380, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [381] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Saint's Declaration", condition = "???", story = "FAXI11", id = 381, icon = "memory_faxi", is_open = 0 }, [382] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Resupply Surprise?", condition = "Begin \"Angel or Devl in White?\" Mission 1", story = "XIXUEGUI1", id = 382, icon = "memory_xixuegui", is_open = 0 }, [383] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vampire's Allure", condition = "Begin \"Angel or Devl in White?\" Mission 2", story = "XIXUEGUI2", id = 383, icon = "memory_xixuegui", is_open = 0 }, [384] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vampire, New Nurse?", condition = "Begin \"Angel or Devl in White?\" Mission 3", story = "XIXUEGUI3", id = 384, icon = "memory_xixuegui", is_open = 0 }, [385] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Emergency?", condition = "Begin \"Angel or Devl in White?\" Mission 5", story = "XIXUEGUI4", id = 385, icon = "memory_xixuegui", is_open = 0 }, [386] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vampire, Pro Nurse!", condition = "Begin \"Angel or Devl in White?\" Mission 7", story = "XIXUEGUI5", id = 386, icon = "memory_xixuegui", is_open = 0 }, [387] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Secretary Ship", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 1.", story = "TIERBICI1", id = 387, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [388] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mission", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 2.", story = "TIERBICI2", id = 388, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [389] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Practice Exercise", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 3.", story = "TIERBICI3", id = 389, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [390] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sortie", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 4.", story = "TIERBICI4", id = 390, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [391] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Everyone's Secretary Ship", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 5.", story = "TIERBICI5", id = 391, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [392] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Queen's Smile", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 6.", story = "TIERBICI6", id = 392, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [393] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Warmth", condition = "Begin \"Schmelzen\" Chapter 7.", story = "TIERBICI7", id = 393, icon = "memory_tierbici", is_open = 0 }, [394] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Venerated Elder", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 1", story = "BANRENMA1", id = 394, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [395] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Centaur Pushes It", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 2", story = "BANRENMA2", id = 395, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [396] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Meaning of Respect", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 3", story = "BANRENMA3", id = 396, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [397] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unexpected Developments", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 4", story = "BANRENMA4", id = 397, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [398] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Centaur's Image", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 5", story = "BANRENMA5", id = 398, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [399] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Childe of the Fleet", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 6", story = "BANRENMA6", id = 399, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [400] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "True Equals", condition = "Start \"Centaur and the Port 'Elders'\" Chapter 7", story = "BANRENMA7", id = 400, icon = "memory_banrenma", is_open = 0 }, [401] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Regular Ol' Summer", condition = "Begin \"Midsummer Sagittarius\" Chapter 1.", story = "BANRENMAFEIJI1", id = 401, icon = "memory_banrenmafeiji", is_open = 0 }, [402] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Summer's Secret Weapon?", condition = "Begin \"Midsummer Sagittarius\" Chapter 2.", story = "BANRENMAFEIJI2", id = 402, icon = "memory_banrenmafeiji", is_open = 0 }, [403] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Coast Watcher's Vacation", condition = "Begin \"Midsummer Sagittarius\" Chapter 3.", story = "BANRENMAFEIJI3", id = 403, icon = "memory_banrenmafeiji", is_open = 0 }, [404] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Beachside Sweets", condition = "Begin \"Midsummer Sagittarius\" Chapter 4.", story = "BANRENMAFEIJI4", id = 404, icon = "memory_banrenmafeiji", is_open = 0 }, [405] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Iron Blood Front", condition = "Begin \"Midsummer Sagittarius\" Chapter 5.", story = "BANRENMAFEIJI5", id = 405, icon = "memory_banrenmafeiji", is_open = 0 }, [406] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "In the Evening's Glow", condition = "Begin \"Midsummer Sagittarius\" Chapter 6.", story = "BANRENMAFEIJI6", id = 406, icon = "memory_banrenmafeiji", is_open = 0 }, [407] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Collection Destroyed", condition = "Begin \"Mikasa's Model Museum\" Chapter 1.", story = "SANLICHUANMO1", id = 407, icon = "memory_sanlichuanmo", is_open = 0 }, [408] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Patient Veteran", condition = "Begin \"Mikasa's Model Museum\" Chapter 2.", story = "SANLICHUANMO2", id = 408, icon = "memory_sanlichuanmo", is_open = 0 }, [409] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Hardworking Kids", condition = "Begin \"Mikasa's Model Museum\" Chapter 3.", story = "SANLICHUANMO3", id = 409, icon = "memory_sanlichuanmo", is_open = 0 }, [410] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Model Museum Reopens!", condition = "Begin \"Mikasa's Model Museum\" Chapter 4.", story = "SANLICHUANMO4", id = 410, icon = "memory_sanlichuanmo", is_open = 0 }, [411] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Spirited Secretary", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 1.", story = "BIRUI1", id = 411, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [412] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Formal Invitation", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 2.", story = "BIRUI2", id = 412, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [413] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reasons", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 3.", story = "BIRUI3", id = 413, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [414] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Preparations", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 4.", story = "BIRUI4", id = 414, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [415] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Different Strokes for Different Folks", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 5.", story = "BIRUI5", id = 415, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [416] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Table for Two", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 6.", story = "BIRUI6", id = 416, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [417] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Moonlit Appassionata", condition = "Begin \"Hiei's Banquet\" Chapter 7.", story = "BIRUI7", id = 417, icon = "memory_birui", is_open = 0 }, [418] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Outset", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 1.", story = "DEYIZHI1", id = 418, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [419] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "True Nobility", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 2.", story = "DEYIZHI2", id = 419, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [420] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dissonance", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 3.", story = "DEYIZHI3", id = 420, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [421] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Devastated", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 4.", story = "DEYIZHI4", id = 421, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [422] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Truth, Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 5.", story = "DEYIZHI5", id = 422, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [423] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Truth, Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 6.", story = "DEYIZHI6", id = 423, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [424] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Some Things Never Change", condition = "Begin \"The Cloudy Mask\" Chapter 7.", story = "DEYIZHI7", id = 424, icon = "memory_deyizhi", is_open = 0 }, [425] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Morning Surprise", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 1.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU1", id = 425, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [426] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Gato Do Your Stretches!", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 2.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU2", id = 426, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [427] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dorm Gaming Session", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 3.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU3", id = 427, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [428] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Deal With The Devil", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 4.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU4", id = 428, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [429] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sea for Two Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 5.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU5", id = 429, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [430] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sea for Two Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 6.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU6", id = 430, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [431] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Good Night! Good Morning!", condition = "Begin \"Submarine Subterfuge!\" Chapter 7.", story = "DAQINGHUAYU7", id = 431, icon = "memory_daqinghuayu", is_open = 0 }, [432] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Essex's Troubles", condition = "Begin \"Ceremonial Gala\" Chapter 1.", story = "HUIHUA1", id = 432, icon = "memory_huihua", is_open = 0 }, [433] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Albacore's Stroll", condition = "Begin \"Ceremonial Gala\" Chapter 2.", story = "HUIHUA2", id = 433, icon = "memory_huihua", is_open = 0 }, [434] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taihou and Albacore", condition = "Begin \"Ceremonial Gala\" Chapter 3.", story = "HUIHUA3", id = 434, icon = "memory_huihua", is_open = 0 }, [435] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Festival", condition = "Begin \"Ceremonial Gala\" Chapter 4.", story = "HUIHUA4", id = 435, icon = "memory_huihua", is_open = 0 }, [436] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Essex and Enterprise", condition = "Begin \"Ceremonial Gala\" Chapter 5.", story = "HUIHUA5", id = 436, icon = "memory_huihua", is_open = 0 }, [437] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Preparations Done, Nya!", condition = "Clear \"The Special Banquet\" Mission 1.", story = "SHANCHENGLIFU1", id = 437, icon = "memory_shanchenglifu", is_open = 0 }, [438] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Little Chat Outside the Office", condition = "Clear \"The Special Banquet\" Mission 2.", story = "SHANCHENGLIFU2", id = 438, icon = "memory_shanchenglifu", is_open = 0 }, [439] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cleveland Enters!", condition = "Clear \"The Special Banquet\" Mission 3.", story = "SHANCHENGLIFU3", id = 439, icon = "memory_shanchenglifu", is_open = 0 }, [440] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Queen at the Banquet", condition = "Clear \"The Special Banquet\" Mission 4.", story = "SHANCHENGLIFU4", id = 440, icon = "memory_shanchenglifu", is_open = 0 }, [441] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Pianist of the Banquet Hall", condition = "Clear \"The Special Banquet\" Mission 5.", story = "SHANCHENGLIFU5", id = 441, icon = "memory_shanchenglifu", is_open = 0 }, [442] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Anniversary Orchestra", condition = "Clear \"The Special Banquet\" Mission 6.", story = "SHANCHENGLIFU6", id = 442, icon = "memory_shanchenglifu", is_open = 0 }, [443] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Secretary Ship's Duty (?), Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 1.", story = "DAFENG1", id = 443, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [444] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Secretary Ship's Duty (?), Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 2.", story = "DAFENG2", id = 444, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [445] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taihou's Nemesis (?)", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 3.", story = "DAFENG3", id = 445, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [446] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Alliance (?)", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 4.", story = "DAFENG4", id = 446, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [447] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Mighty (?) Clash", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 5.", story = "DAFENG5", id = 447, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [448] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taihou's Disappearance (?), Pt. 1", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 6.", story = "DAFENG6", id = 448, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [449] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taihou's Disappearance (?), Pt. 2", condition = "Begin \"Taihou, Body and Soul\" Chapter 7.", story = "DAFENG7", id = 449, icon = "memory_dafeng", is_open = 0 }, [450] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Strict Secretary", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 1.", story = "AISAIKESI1", id = 450, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [451] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Gathering of Juniors", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 2.", story = "AISAIKESI2", id = 451, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [452] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enterprise", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 3.", story = "AISAIKESI3", id = 452, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [453] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Essex Versus Enterprise", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 4.", story = "AISAIKESI4", id = 453, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [454] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Knots of the Heart, Pt 1", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 5.", story = "AISAIKESI5", id = 454, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [455] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Knots of the Heart, Pt 2", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 6.", story = "AISAIKESI6", id = 455, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [456] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "When We're Together", condition = "Begin \"Enterprise Troubles\" Chapter 7.", story = "AISAIKESI7", id = 456, icon = "memory_aisaikesi", is_open = 0 }, [457] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enter the Meowfficers", condition = "Unlock the Meowfficer feature (reach Commander Level 40.)", story = "ZHIHUIMIAO1", id = 457, icon = "memory_zhihuimiao", is_open = 0 }, [458] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Meowfficer Introduction", condition = "Unlock the Meowfficer feature (reach Commander Level 40.)", story = "ZHIHUIMIAO2", id = 458, icon = "memory_zhihuimiao", is_open = 0 }, [459] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Meowfficer Training", condition = "Unlock the Meowfficer feature (reach Commander Level 40.)", story = "ZHIHUIMIAO3", id = 459, icon = "memory_zhihuimiao", is_open = 0 }, [460] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Housing Situation...", condition = "Unlock the Meowfficer feature (reach Commander Level 40.)", story = "ZHIHUIMIAO4", id = 460, icon = "memory_zhihuimiao", is_open = 0 }, [461] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Seed is Sown", condition = "Begin \"Sparkling Battle Star!\"", story = "SHENGDIYAGEGAI1", id = 461, icon = "memory_shengdiyagegai", is_open = 0 }, [462] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Quest for Knowledge", condition = "Collect the 2nd San Diego Star from the \"Sparkling Battle Star!\" event.", story = "SHENGDIYAGEGAI2", id = 462, icon = "memory_shengdiyagegai", is_open = 0 }, [463] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "When In Doubt, Ask a Friend", condition = "Collect the 4th San Diego Star from the \"Sparkling Battle Star!\" event.", story = "SHENGDIYAGEGAI3", id = 463, icon = "memory_shengdiyagegai", is_open = 0 }, [464] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One Battle Star to Another", condition = "Collect the final San Diego Stars from the \"Sparkling Battle Star!\" event.", story = "SHENGDIYAGEGAI4", id = 464, icon = "memory_shengdiyagegai", is_open = 0 }, [471] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Bad Sense of Direction", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 1.", story = "XIAO1", id = 471, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [472] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ninja Training", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 2.", story = "XIAO2", id = 472, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [473] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Friendly Gathering (Part 1)", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 3.", story = "XIAO3", id = 473, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [474] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Friendly Gathering (Part 2)", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 4.", story = "XIAO4", id = 474, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [475] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sudden Darkness", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 5.", story = "XIAO5", id = 475, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [476] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "In The Dark", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 6.", story = "XIAO6", id = 476, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [477] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Promise and Hope", condition = "Begin \"Enter: Akatsuki, The Ninja!\" Chapter 7.", story = "XIAO7", id = 477, icon = "memory_xiao", is_open = 0 }, [478] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interim Head Maid ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 1.", story = "NIUKASIER1", id = 478, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [479] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Perfection and Peace ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 2.", story = "NIUKASIER2", id = 479, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [480] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lunch Break ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 3.", story = "NIUKASIER3", id = 480, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [481] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prank Time? ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 4.", story = "NIUKASIER4", id = 481, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [482] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Outing ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 5.", story = "NIUKASIER5", id = 482, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [483] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sunset ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 6.", story = "NIUKASIER6", id = 483, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [484] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Desires ", condition = "Clear \"A Paean for Peace\" Mission 7.", story = "NIUKASIER7", id = 484, icon = "memory_niukasier", is_open = 0 }, [485] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Easily Flustered Girl's Day", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 1.", story = "HUONULULU1", id = 485, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [486] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "She Doesn't Have Many Friends?", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 2.", story = "HUONULULU2", id = 486, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [487] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "You've Got a Friend in Me!", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 3.", story = "HUONULULU3", id = 487, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [488] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Honolulu's Concerned?", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 4.", story = "HUONULULU4", id = 488, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [489] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Honolulu's Bothered", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 5.", story = "HUONULULU5", id = 489, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [490] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Date With Honolulu (Part 1)", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 6.", story = "HUONULULU6", id = 490, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [491] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Date With Honolulu (Part 2)", condition = "Begin \"An Easily Flustered Girl's Story\" Chapter 7.", story = "HUONULULU7", id = 491, icon = "memory_huonululu", is_open = 0 }, [492] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unknown Encounter ", condition = "Encounter Special Target ", story = "DONGHUO13", id = 492, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [493] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "EXTRA", condition = "???", story = "DONGHUO17", id = 493, icon = "memory_winter", is_open = 0 }, [494] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "In Search of Lost Ghosts!", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 1.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE1", id = 494, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [495] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Curious Witch", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 2.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE2", id = 495, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [496] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Witch Scared of Ghosts", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 3.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE3", id = 496, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [497] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Witch Afraid of Troubles", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 4.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE4", id = 497, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [498] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Helper From A Coffin?", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 5.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE5", id = 498, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [499] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chasing Ghosts!", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 6.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE6", id = 499, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [500] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Happy Halloween!", condition = "Unlock \"Trick or Treat Halloween Night!\" Mission 7.", story = "BEILIWANSHENGJIE7", id = 500, icon = "memory_beiliwanshengjie", is_open = 0 }, [501] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What is the Rabbit Planet?", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 1.", story = "BEILI1", id = 501, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [502] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rabbit Alien Characteristics—— \"Rabbit Ears\"!", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 2.", story = "BEILI2", id = 502, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [503] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rabbit Alien Characteristics—— \"Effort\"!", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 3.", story = "BEILI3", id = 503, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [504] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rabbit Alien Characteristics—— \"Idol\"?", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 4.", story = "BEILI4", id = 504, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [505] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rabbit Alien Characteristics—— \"Love\"!", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 5.", story = "BEILI5", id = 505, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [506] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rabbit Alien Has Arrived?!", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 6.", story = "BEILI6", id = 506, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [507] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Real Rabbit Alien", condition = "Unlock \"Mysterious Rabbit Alien?!\" Mission 7.", story = "BEILI7", id = 507, icon = "memory_beili", is_open = 0 }, [508] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ice-Cold Shiranui", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 1", story = "BUZHIHUO1", id = 508, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [509] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Daily Life of a Shopkeeper", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 2", story = "BUZHIHUO2", id = 509, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [510] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shopkeeper's Little Buddies", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 3", story = "BUZHIHUO3", id = 510, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [511] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Encounter at the Store?", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 4", story = "BUZHIHUO4", id = 511, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [512] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shopkeeper's Abnormality", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 5", story = "BUZHIHUO5", id = 512, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [513] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shopkeeper's True Feelings (Pt 1)", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 6", story = "BUZHIHUO6", id = 513, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [514] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shopkeeper's True Feelings (Pt 2)", condition = "Unlock \"Shiranui, the Do-It-All Shopkeeper\" Mission 7", story = "BUZHIHUO7", id = 514, icon = "memory_buzhihuo", is_open = 0 }, [515] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Sweet Girl?", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 1", story = "KANGKEDE1", id = 515, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [516] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "It's Buffet Time!", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 2", story = "KANGKEDE2", id = 516, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [517] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Concert", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 3", story = "KANGKEDE3", id = 517, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [518] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sugar Alliance?", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 4", story = "KANGKEDE4", id = 518, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [519] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Determination", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 5", story = "KANGKEDE5", id = 519, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [520] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taste Tester?", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 6", story = "KANGKEDE6", id = 520, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [521] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "From Concord, with Sugar", condition = "Unlock \"Sugary Concord\" Mission 7", story = "KANGKEDE7", id = 521, icon = "memory_kangkede", is_open = 0 }, [567] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Debut! Light Carrier from the Land of the Rising Sun", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 1", story = "LONGXIANG1", id = 567, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [568] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Training! Hard work is the tenet of the Sakura Empire!", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 2", story = "LONGXIANG2", id = 568, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [569] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = " Focus! Don't stop until you've reached your goal!", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 3", story = "LONGXIANG3", id = 569, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [570] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Danger! A Girl's Mysterious Appeal!", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 4", story = "LONGXIANG4", id = 570, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [571] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Worries! What's going on with me lately?", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 5", story = "LONGXIANG5", id = 571, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [572] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enemies! The identity of the legendary idol is...?!", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 6", story = "LONGXIANG6", id = 572, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [573] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = " Bravery! Commander, I love you!", condition = "Begin \"Light Carrier Ryuujou, Moving Out!\" Chapter 7", story = "LONGXIANG7", id = 573, icon = "memory_longxiang", is_open = 0 }, [574] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Carriers of the Eagle Union", condition = "Begin \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP1", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG1", id = 574, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [575] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enemy Aircraft Sighted!", condition = "After starting \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP1", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG2", id = 575, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [576] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Versus the Fast Battleship Fleet", condition = "Fight the boss of \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP1", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG3", id = 576, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [577] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Battle Analysis", condition = "Clear \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP1", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG4", id = 577, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [578] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sisterly Seminar", condition = "Begin \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP2", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG5", id = 578, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [579] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Versus the Virtuous Sister!?", condition = "Fight the boss of \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP2", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG6", id = 579, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [580] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Saratoga's Secret Stratagem", condition = "Clear \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP2", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG7", id = 580, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [581] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sisterly Seminar II", condition = "Begin \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP3", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG8", id = 581, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [582] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Versus Light Carrier Ryuujou", condition = "Fight the boss of \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP3", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG9", id = 582, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [583] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Raging Battle Ensues, and then...", condition = "Defeat the boss of \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP3", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG10", id = 583, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [584] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Onward to the Next Battle", condition = "Clear \"The Solomon Ranger\" SP3", story = "LONGXIANGHUODONG11", id = 584, icon = "memory_longxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [585] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Secretary Ooshio", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 1\"", story = "DACHAO1", id = 585, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [586] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Do Ya Like Girls?", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 2\"", story = "DACHAO2", id = 586, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [587] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fate or Miracle?", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 3\"", story = "DACHAO3", id = 587, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [588] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Trusted Press Corps", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 4\"", story = "DACHAO4", id = 588, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [589] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Time for Overtime!", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 5\"", story = "DACHAO5", id = 589, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [590] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Catgirl Tea Party", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 6\"", story = "DACHAO6", id = 590, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [591] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "See Ya Next Time~", condition = "Unlock \"Gentle and Sweet Ooshio! - 7\"", story = "DACHAO7", id = 591, icon = "memory_dachao", is_open = 0 }, [592] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Christmas Conundrum ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 1\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN1", id = 592, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [593] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Gift for Everyone ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 2\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN2", id = 593, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [594] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shadow over Christmas, Pt. 1 ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 3\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN3", id = 594, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [595] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Shadow over Christmas, Pt. 2 ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 4\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN4", id = 595, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [596] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Warspite's Wish ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 5\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN5", id = 596, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [597] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Onwards, To Christmas Day! ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 6\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN6", id = 597, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [598] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commence Operation: Christmas! ", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Christmas! - 7\"", story = "DACHAOSHENGDAN7", id = 598, icon = "memory_dachaoshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [599] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, Fight!", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 1\"", story = "ZUBING1", id = 599, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [600] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, Work!", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 2\"", story = "ZUBING2", id = 600, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [601] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, Strike!", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 3\"", story = "ZUBING3", id = 601, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [602] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, Why do you Fight?", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 4\"", story = "ZUBING4", id = 602, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [603] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, Confused!", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 5\"", story = "ZUBING5", id = 603, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [604] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, (Love) Stricken!", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 6\"", story = "ZUBING6", id = 604, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [605] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ashigara, Go Out!", condition = "Begin \"Ashigara, Advance! - 7\"", story = "ZUBING7", id = 605, icon = "memory_zubing", is_open = 0 }, [606] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Be Careful What You Wish For", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 1.", story = "CANGLONG1", id = 606, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [607] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Instruct Me, Souryuu!", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 2.", story = "CANGLONG2", id = 607, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [608] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What are Friends?", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 3.", story = "CANGLONG3", id = 608, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [609] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unnecessary Things...?", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 4.", story = "CANGLONG4", id = 609, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [610] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Change (Pt. 1)", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 5.", story = "CANGLONG5", id = 610, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [611] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Change (Pt. 2)", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 6.", story = "CANGLONG6", id = 611, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [612] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Change (Pt. 3)", condition = "Begin \"Together with Souryuu\" Chapter 7.", story = "CANGLONG7", id = 612, icon = "memory_canglong", is_open = 0 }, [613] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kitchen Commotion", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 1", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN1", id = 613, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [614] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year's Snow", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 2", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN2", id = 614, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [615] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Great Snowball Brawl", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 3", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN3", id = 615, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [616] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sakura Empire's New Year", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 4", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN4", id = 616, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [617] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Gift From Akashi", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 5", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN5", id = 617, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [618] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dinner Takes An Exciting Turn", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 6", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN6", id = 618, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [619] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year's Blessings", condition = "Unlock \"New Year's Blessings\" Mission 7", story = "XIAOTIANEXINNIAN7", id = 619, icon = "memory_xiaotianexinnian", is_open = 0 }, [620] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sequence ", condition = "Enter Battle \"Crimson Echoes - Previous Chapter\"", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG1", id = 620, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [621] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence I", condition = "Enter A1/C1", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG2", id = 621, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [622] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence II", condition = "Battle the boss in A1/C1", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG3", id = 622, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [623] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence III", condition = "Defeat the boss in A1/C1", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG4", id = 623, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [624] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence IV", condition = "Battle the boss in A2/C2", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG5", id = 624, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [625] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence V", condition = "Defeat the boss in A2/C2", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG6", id = 625, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [626] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence VI", condition = "Begin A3/C3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG7", id = 626, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [627] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminscence VII", condition = "Battle the boss in A3/C3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG8", id = 627, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [628] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminscence VIII", condition = "Clear A3/C3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG9", id = 628, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [629] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reminescence IX", condition = "Clear A3/C3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG9-2", id = 629, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [630] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes I", condition = "Begin \"Crimson Echoes - Part 2\"", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG10", id = 630, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [631] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes II", condition = "Begin B1/D1", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG11", id = 631, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [632] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes III", condition = "Defeat the boss in B1/D1", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG12", id = 632, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [633] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes IV", condition = "Begin B2/D2", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG13", id = 633, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [634] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes V", condition = "Battle the boss in B2/D2", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG14", id = 634, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [635] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes VI", condition = "Defeat the boss in B2/D2", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG15", id = 635, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [636] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes VII", condition = "Begin B3/D3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG16", id = 636, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [637] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes VIII", condition = "Battle the boss in B3/D3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG17", id = 637, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [638] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes IX", condition = "Defeat the boss in B3/D3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG18", id = 638, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [639] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Present", condition = "Clear B3/D3", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG19", id = 639, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [640] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes X", condition = "???", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG20", id = 640, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [641] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_tiancheng", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Echoes XI", condition = "???", story = "TIANCHENGHUODONG21", id = 641, icon = "memory_tianchenghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [642] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Nervous Black Cat", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 1.", story = "CHUCHUN1", id = 642, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [643] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Advice From a Friend", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 2.", story = "CHUCHUN2", id = 643, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [644] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "You Can Do It, Hatsuharu!", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 3.", story = "CHUCHUN3", id = 644, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [645] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hatsuharu, The Secretary!", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 4.", story = "CHUCHUN4", id = 645, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [646] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fruitless Efforts?", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 5.", story = "CHUCHUN5", id = 646, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [647] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hatsuharu's Determination", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 6.", story = "CHUCHUN6", id = 647, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [648] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Black Cat's Daily Life", condition = "Begin \"The Timid Black Cat\" Chapter 7.", story = "CHUCHUN7", id = 648, icon = "memory_chuchun", is_open = 0 }, [649] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Daily Routine", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 1.", story = "WENSENSI1", id = 649, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [650] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Troubles", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 2.", story = "WENSENSI2", id = 650, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [651] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Thoughts", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 3.", story = "WENSENSI3", id = 651, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [652] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Sadness", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 4.", story = "WENSENSI4", id = 652, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [653] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Determination", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 5.", story = "WENSENSI5", id = 653, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [654] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Hard Work", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 6.", story = "WENSENSI6", id = 654, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [655] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Sister's Smile", condition = "Begin \"My Sister's Growth Spurt?\" Chapter 7.", story = "WENSENSI7", id = 655, icon = "memory_wensensi", is_open = 0 }, [656] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Cleaning Crew", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 1\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE1", id = 656, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [657] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "For the Sake of \"Cleaning\"", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 2\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE2", id = 657, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [658] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Maid's Hobby", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 3\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE3", id = 658, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [659] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Motivation?", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 4\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE4", id = 659, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [660] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Weekend Rendezvous", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 5\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE5", id = 660, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [661] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Maid's Feelings (Part 1)", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 6\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE6", id = 661, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [662] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Maid's Feelings (Part 2)", condition = "Begin \"Loaded with Lead and Love - 7\"", story = "XIEFEIERDE7", id = 662, icon = "memory_xiefeierde", is_open = 0 }, [663] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Maid Must...", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 1\"", story = "TIANLANGXING1", id = 663, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [664] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Majesty's Orders", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 2\"", story = "TIANLANGXING2", id = 664, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [665] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Maids' Aid", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 3\"", story = "TIANLANGXING3", id = 665, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [666] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Big Seven Advice", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 4\"", story = "TIANLANGXING4", id = 666, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [667] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Take My Hand", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 5\"", story = "TIANLANGXING5", id = 667, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [668] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Banquet Panic", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 6\"", story = "TIANLANGXING6", id = 668, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [669] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Like The Brightest Star", condition = "Begin \"Sirius' Improvement Plan - 7\"", story = "TIANLANGXING7", id = 669, icon = "memory_tianlangxing", is_open = 0 }, [670] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Wake Up, Your Majesty!", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 1.", story = "YANZHAN1", id = 670, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [671] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Secretary Ship's Work", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 2.", story = "YANZHAN2", id = 671, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [672] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Speed of the Grand Old Lady", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 3.", story = "YANZHAN3", id = 672, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [673] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "After the Exercise...", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 4.", story = "YANZHAN4", id = 673, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [674] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Small Things", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 5.", story = "YANZHAN5", id = 674, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [675] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Majesty's Attentions", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 6.", story = "YANZHAN6", id = 675, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [676] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Guardian Sword", condition = "Begin \"The Royal Knight\" Chapter 7.", story = "YANZHAN7", id = 676, icon = "memory_yanzhan", is_open = 0 }, [677] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Start of a New Adventure!", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 1", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE1", id = 677, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [678] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Old Warehouse, New Discovery", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 2", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE2", id = 678, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [679] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Explosive New Year!", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 3", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE3", id = 679, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [680] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Peaceful Game", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 4", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE4", id = 680, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [681] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Celebrating Together (Part 1)", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 5", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE5", id = 681, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [682] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Celebrating Together (Part 2)", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 6", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE6", id = 682, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [683] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Lively, Happy New Year", condition = "Unlock \"Lunar New Yay-Yay-Year!\" Mission 7", story = "DONGHUANGCHUNJIE7", id = 683, icon = "memory_donghuangchunjie", is_open = 0 }, [684] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Special Exercises, Commence!", condition = "Start the \"Air Raid Drills with Essex\" Event.", story = "AISAIKESIBOSS1", id = 684, icon = "memory_aisaikesiboss", is_open = 0 }, [685] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Independence's Battle", condition = "Reach 25% Progress in \"Air Raid Drills with Essex.\"", story = "AISAIKESIBOSS2", id = 685, icon = "memory_aisaikesiboss", is_open = 0 }, [686] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Listener's Interlude", condition = "Reach 50% Progress in \"Air Raid Drills with Essex.\"", story = "AISAIKESIBOSS3", id = 686, icon = "memory_aisaikesiboss", is_open = 0 }, [687] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Goals and Hard Work", condition = "Reach 75% Progress in \"Air Raid Drills with Essex.\"", story = "AISAIKESIBOSS4", id = 687, icon = "memory_aisaikesiboss", is_open = 0 }, [688] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Best Memories", condition = "Reach 100% Progress in \"Air Raid Drills with Essex.\"", story = "AISAIKESIBOSS5", id = 688, icon = "memory_aisaikesiboss", is_open = 0 }, [689] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fond Memory", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 1.", story = "XIANGGELILA1", id = 689, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [690] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Concerns of a Friend", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 2.", story = "XIANGGELILA2", id = 690, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [691] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Clash of Minds", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 3.", story = "XIANGGELILA3", id = 691, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [692] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Know Your Enemy", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 4.", story = "XIANGGELILA4", id = 692, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [693] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Enemy of My Enemy", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 5.", story = "XIANGGELILA5", id = 693, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [694] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Ace Up Her Sleeve", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 6.", story = "XIANGGELILA6", id = 694, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [695] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "After the Battle", condition = "Begin \"Saffron Travelogue\" Chapter 7.", story = "XIANGGELILA7", id = 695, icon = "memory_xianggelila", is_open = 0 }, [696] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Iron Blood's March", condition = "Start the prelude to \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE1", id = 696, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [697] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Iron Blood's Advance", condition = "Complete the \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord\" prelude.", story = "NAERWEIKE2", id = 697, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [698] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Royal Navy Strikes Back", condition = "Start SP1 of \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE3", id = 698, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [699] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commence the Ambush", condition = "Fight the boss of SP1 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE4", id = 699, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [700] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Contact", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP1 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE5", id = 700, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [701] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hardy and Hunter", condition = "Start SP2 of \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE6", id = 701, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [702] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Assault on the Unfrozen Port", condition = "Fight the boss of SP2 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE7", id = 702, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [703] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Change of Plans", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP2 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE8", id = 703, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [704] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Evacuation Mission", condition = "Start SP3 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE9", id = 704, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [705] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Hunted", condition = "Fight the boss of SP3 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE10", id = 705, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [706] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Star of the Shimmering Fjord - Pt. 1", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP3 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE11", id = 706, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [707] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Star of the Shimmering Fjord - Pt. 2", condition = "Clear SP3 in \"Stars of the Shimmering Fjord.\"", story = "NAERWEIKE12", id = 707, icon = "memory_naerweike", is_open = 0 }, [716] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Neptune's New Journey", condition = "Get Neptune to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK29901", id = 716, icon = "memory_jhhaiwangxing", is_open = 0 }, [717] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Monarch's New Journey", condition = "Get Monarch to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK29902", id = 717, icon = "memory_jhjunzhu", is_open = 0 }, [718] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ibuki's New Journey", condition = "Get Ibuki to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK39901", id = 718, icon = "memory_jhyichui", is_open = 0 }, [719] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Izumo's New Journey", condition = "Get Izumo to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK39902", id = 719, icon = "memory_jhchuyun", is_open = 0 }, [720] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Roon's New Journey", condition = "Get Roon to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK49901", id = 720, icon = "memory_jhluoen", is_open = 0 }, [721] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Saint Louis' New Journey", condition = "Get Saint Louis to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK89901", id = 721, icon = "memory_jhluyijiushi", is_open = 0 }, [722] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kitakaze's New Journey ", condition = "Get Kitakaze to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK39903", id = 722, icon = "memory_jhbeifeng", is_open = 0 }, [725] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Gascogne's New Journey", condition = "Get Gascogne to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK99901", id = 725, icon = "memory_jhjiasikenie", is_open = 0 }, [726] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Georgia's New Journey", condition = "Get Georgia to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK19902", id = 726, icon = "memory_jhzuozhiya", is_open = 0 }, [727] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Seattle's New Journey", condition = "Get Seattle to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK19901", id = 727, icon = "memory_jhxiyatu", is_open = 0 }, [728] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 1", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 1", story = "AIRICHANG1", id = 728, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [729] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 2", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 2", story = "AIRICHANG2", id = 729, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [730] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 3", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 3", story = "AIRICHANG3", id = 730, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [731] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 4", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 4", story = "AIRICHANG4", id = 731, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [732] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 5", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 5", story = "AIRICHANG5", id = 732, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [733] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 6", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 6", story = "AIRICHANG6", id = 733, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [734] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI Daily Memorabilia 7", condition = "Unlocked \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity - Daily Memorabilia\" Day 7", story = "AIRICHANG7", id = 734, icon = "memory_ai1", is_open = 0 }, [735] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Random Word Generator", condition = "Complete \"Purification Space\" NO.01", story = "AIJINGHUA1", id = 735, icon = "memory_ai2", is_open = 0 }, [736] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Fine Line Between Moron and Genius", condition = "Complete \"Purification Space\" NO.02", story = "AIJINGHUA2", id = 736, icon = "memory_ai2", is_open = 0 }, [737] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Red Alert!?", condition = "Complete \"Purification Space\" NO.03", story = "AIJINGHUA3", id = 737, icon = "memory_ai2", is_open = 0 }, [738] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Until We Meet Again", condition = "Complete \"Purification Space\" NO.04", story = "AIJINGHUA4", id = 738, icon = "memory_ai2", is_open = 0 }, [739] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Visitor From Virtual Space", condition = "Event Limited Login Game", story = "AIGUANQIA1", id = 739, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [740] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Chance Meeting?", condition = "Begin \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign", story = "AIGUANQIA2", id = 740, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [741] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Forward, to the Virtual Mirror Sea!", condition = "Embark On \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP1", story = "AIGUANQIA3", id = 741, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [742] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lost Data?", condition = "Engage \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP1 Boss Fleet", story = "AIGUANQIA4", id = 742, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [743] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hacking Battle!", condition = "Defeat \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP1 Boss Fleet", story = "AIGUANQIA5", id = 743, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [744] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Data Recovery", condition = "Clear \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP1", story = "AIGUANQIA6", id = 744, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [745] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "It's Showtime!", condition = "Embark On \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP2", story = "AIGUANQIA7", id = 745, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [746] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI, Abducted!", condition = "Rescue Kizuna AI from \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" SP2", story = "AIGUANQIA8", id = 746, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [747] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Found: Kizuna AI Clone!", condition = "Engage \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP2 Boss Fleet", story = "AIGUANQIA9", id = 747, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [748] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Someday, a Real Concert", condition = "Clear \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP2", story = "AIGUANQIA10", id = 748, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [749] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unaided Bungee Jumping!", condition = "Embark On \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP3", story = "AIGUANQIA11", id = 749, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [750] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Caution: Highly Explosive!", condition = "Successfully Destroy SP3 Obstacles", story = "AIGUANQIA12", id = 750, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [751] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Start Looting!", condition = "Recover Supplementary Coins in SP3", story = "AIGUANQIA13", id = 751, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [752] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Watch Out!", condition = "Engage \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP3 Boss Fleet", story = "AIGUANQIA14", id = 752, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [753] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Bang! Victory!", condition = "Clear \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP3", story = "AIGUANQIA15", id = 753, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [754] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Virus Infection?!", condition = "Embark On \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP4", story = "AIGUANQIA16", id = 754, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [755] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kizuna AI's Fleet", condition = "In SP4, Engage an AI Fleet", story = "AIGUANQIA17", id = 755, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [756] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hear Our Voices!", condition = "In SP4, Defeat All AI Fleets", story = "AIGUANQIA18", id = 756, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [757] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Power Outage!", condition = "In SP4, Destroy All Power Stations", story = "AIGUANQIA19", id = 757, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [758] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Absolute Despair?!", condition = "Engage \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP4 Boss Fleet", story = "AIGUANQIA20", id = 758, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [759] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Collapse", condition = "Clear \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign SP4", story = "AIGUANQIA21", id = 759, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [760] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Return from Virtual Space", condition = "Complete \"Virtual Connection Synchronicity\" Campaign", story = "AIGUANQIA22", id = 760, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [761] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sequel!", condition = "???", story = "AIGUANQIA23", id = 761, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [762] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_ailevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What's this black screen...?", condition = "???", story = "AIGUANQIA24", id = 762, icon = "memory_ai3", is_open = 0 }, [763] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 1 - Where Are We?", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Escape from Port!\" Day 1", story = "GANGQUTAOLI1", id = 763, icon = "memory_gangqutaoli", is_open = 0 }, [764] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 2 - Spy Operation!", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Escape from Port!\" Day 2", story = "GANGQUTAOLI2", id = 764, icon = "memory_gangqutaoli", is_open = 0 }, [765] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 3 - An Angel's Aid?!", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Escape from Port!\" Day 3", story = "GANGQUTAOLI3", id = 765, icon = "memory_gangqutaoli", is_open = 0 }, [766] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 4 - Final Destination!", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Escape from Port!\" Day 4", story = "GANGQUTAOLI4", id = 766, icon = "memory_gangqutaoli", is_open = 0 }, [767] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chapter 5 - Mission Failed...?", condition = "Unlock \"Operation: Escape from Port!\" Day 5", story = "GANGQUTAOLI5", id = 767, icon = "memory_gangqutaoli", is_open = 0 }, [768] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Wish", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 1.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE1", id = 768, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [769] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Chance Encounter", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 2.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE2", id = 769, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [770] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Comrades in Arms", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 3.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE3", id = 770, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [771] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Allies", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 4.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE4", id = 771, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [772] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Loneliness", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 5.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE5", id = 772, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [773] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Weight", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 6.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE6", id = 773, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [774] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Warmth", condition = "Begin \"One Little Incident\" Chapter 7.", story = "SIPEIBOJUE7", id = 774, icon = "memory_sipei", is_open = 0 }, [775] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sortie Begins", condition = "Begin mission \"One Small Promise\"", story = "BSMXU1", id = 775, icon = "memory_u556", is_open = 0 }, [776] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "After the First Fight", condition = "Proceed with mission \"One Small Promise\"", story = "BSMXU2", id = 776, icon = "memory_u556", is_open = 0 }, [777] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "When the Dust Settles", condition = "Complete mission \"One Small Promise\"", story = "BSMXU3", id = 777, icon = "memory_u556", is_open = 0 }, [778] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Unexpected Savior", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 1", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI1", id = 778, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [779] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Affable Personality...?", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 2", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI2", id = 779, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [780] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Majesty", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 3", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI3", id = 780, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [781] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Knight Commander's Leadership", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 4", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI4", id = 781, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [782] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "To be a Leader", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 5", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI5", id = 782, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [783] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tonight's Supper", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 6", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI6", id = 783, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [784] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Heart's Desire", condition = "Unlock \"Another Leader?\" Chapter 7", story = "QIAOZHIWUSHI7", id = 784, icon = "memory_qiaozhiwushi", is_open = 0 }, [785] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Good Morning, Commander!", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 1", story = "U556STORY1", id = 785, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [786] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Are You Busy, Commander?", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 2", story = "U556STORY2", id = 786, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [787] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "I Found You, Commander!", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 3", story = "U556STORY3", id = 787, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [788] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "It's a Date!", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 4", story = "U556STORY4", id = 788, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [789] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Mountain from a Molehill?", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 5", story = "U556STORY5", id = 789, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [790] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Vow of Pride", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 6", story = "U556STORY6", id = 790, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [791] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "It's a Promise!", condition = "Unlock \"A Knight's Promise\" Chapter 7", story = "U556STORY7", id = 791, icon = "memory_u556story", is_open = 0 }, [792] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Afternoon, One Day", condition = "Unlock \"Science Rules!\" Day 1", story = "U73HUOYUE1", id = 792, icon = "memory_u73huoyue", is_open = 0 }, [793] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Big Experiment", condition = "Unlock \"Science Rules!\" Day 3", story = "U73HUOYUE2", id = 793, icon = "memory_u73huoyue", is_open = 0 }, [794] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "I Dream Big!", condition = "Unlock \"Science Rules!\" Day 5", story = "U73HUOYUE3", id = 794, icon = "memory_u73huoyue", is_open = 0 }, [795] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Real Experiment?", condition = "Unlock \"Science Rules!\" Day 7", story = "U73HUOYUE4", id = 795, icon = "memory_u73huoyue", is_open = 0 }, [796] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Science Is Never Done", condition = "Unlock \"Science Rules!\" Day 9", story = "U73HUOYUE5", id = 796, icon = "memory_u73huoyue", is_open = 0 }, [797] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Movement - Sunrise", condition = "Begin \"Scherzo of Iron and Blood,\"", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU1", id = 797, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [798] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Second Movement - Backworldsmen", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU2", id = 798, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [799] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tailing", condition = "Discover the boss in A1 or C1.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU3", id = 799, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [800] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Race Against Time", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU4", id = 800, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [801] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Movement - Great Longing", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU5", id = 801, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [802] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cornered", condition = "Encounter the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU6", id = 802, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [803] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Battle Status", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU7", id = 803, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [804] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fourth Movement - Passion, Joy, and Suffering", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU8", id = 804, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [805] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Resolution", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU9", id = 805, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [806] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Elegy", condition = "Begin Part 2 of \"Scherzo of Iron and Blood.\"", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU10", id = 806, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [807] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Movement - Songs of the Grave", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU11", id = 807, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [808] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements", condition = "Discover the boss in B1 or D1.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU12", id = 808, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [809] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Foray", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU13", id = 809, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [810] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sixth Movement - Of Science and Learning", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU14", id = 810, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [811] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Awakening", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU15", id = 811, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [812] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Seventh Movement - The Convalescent", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU16", id = 812, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [813] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Final Battle", condition = "Enounter the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU17", id = 813, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [814] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Finale", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU18", id = 814, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [815] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Unfulfilled Promise", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU19", id = 815, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [816] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Eighth Movement - Song of Dance", condition = "? ? ?", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU20", id = 816, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [817] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_bsmlevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "???", condition = "? ? ?", story = "TIEXUEYUYINFU21", id = 817, icon = "memory_tiexueyuyinfu", is_open = 0 }, [818] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Invitation to the Banquet", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 1", story = "XIMULIFU1", id = 818, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [819] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Toast to our Gathering", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 2", story = "XIMULIFU2", id = 819, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [820] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "May I Have This Dance?", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 3", story = "XIMULIFU3", id = 820, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [821] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Novel Anniversary", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 4", story = "XIMULIFU4", id = 821, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [822] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "How to Enjoy a Banquet", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 5", story = "XIMULIFU5", id = 822, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [823] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Brief Interlude", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 6", story = "XIMULIFU6", id = 823, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [824] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fireworks", condition = "Unlock \"A Prayer for Peace\" Day 7", story = "XIMULIFU7", id = 824, icon = "memory_ximulifu", is_open = 0 }, [825] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Good Morning, Javelin!", condition = "Unlock \"Javelin's Monthly Manga\" Day 1.", story = "BIAOQIANGMANHUA1", id = 825, icon = "memory_biaoqiangmanhua", is_open = 0 }, [826] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mystery Within the Drawer", condition = "Unlock \"Javelin's Monthly Manga\" Day 3.", story = "BIAOQIANGMANHUA2", id = 826, icon = "memory_biaoqiangmanhua", is_open = 0 }, [827] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Strange Letter...?", condition = "Unlock \"Javelin's Monthly Manga\" Day 5.", story = "BIAOQIANGMANHUA3", id = 827, icon = "memory_biaoqiangmanhua", is_open = 0 }, [828] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Javelin, to the Final Battle!", condition = "Unlock \"Javelin's Monthly Manga\" Day 7.", story = "BIAOQIANGMANHUA4", id = 828, icon = "memory_biaoqiangmanhua", is_open = 0 }, [829] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What the Heck is This...", condition = "Unlock \"Javelin's Monthly Manga\" Day 9.", story = "BIAOQIANGMANHUA5", id = 829, icon = "memory_biaoqiangmanhua", is_open = 0 }, [830] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Departure", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm.\"", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI0", id = 830, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [831] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 2, title = "Joint Exercise", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm\" P1.", story = "1242017", id = 831, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [832] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Convoy", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm\" P2.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI2", id = 832, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [833] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mission", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm\" P3.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI3", id = 833, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [834] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Advance", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm\" P4.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI4", id = 834, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [835] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Grouping Up", condition = "Clear \"Approaching Storm\" P4.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI5", id = 835, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [836] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Area Sweep", condition = "Clear \"Approaching Storm\" P5.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI6", id = 836, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [837] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interference", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm\" P6.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI7", id = 837, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [838] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Withdrawing", condition = "Begin \"Approaching Storm\" P7.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI8", id = 838, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [839] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Contact Reestablished", condition = "Clear \"Approaching Storm\" P7.", story = "FENGBAOQIANXI9", id = 839, icon = "memory_fengbaoqianxi", is_open = 0 }, [840] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fateful Encounter", condition = "Unlock \"Wallflower in the Corner\" Day 1.", story = "I56XIAOFU1", id = 840, icon = "memory_i56xiaofu", is_open = 0 }, [841] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Misunderstandings and Making Friends", condition = "Unlock \"Wallflower in the Corner\" Day 3.", story = "I56XIAOFU2", id = 841, icon = "memory_i56xiaofu", is_open = 0 }, [842] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Friend?", condition = "Unlock \"Wallflower in the Corner\" Day 5.", story = "I56XIAOFU3", id = 842, icon = "memory_i56xiaofu", is_open = 0 }, [843] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Let's Go!", condition = "Unlock \"Wallflower in the Corner\" Day 7.", story = "I56XIAOFU4", id = 843, icon = "memory_i56xiaofu", is_open = 0 }, [844] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Getting Work Done!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 1.", story = "JIQI1", id = 844, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [845] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Justice Is Served!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 2.", story = "JIQI2", id = 845, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [846] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prepare To Strike!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 3.", story = "JIQI3", id = 846, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [847] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mistakes Were Made!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 4.", story = "JIQI4", id = 847, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [848] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tell Me A Story!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 5.", story = "JIQI5", id = 848, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [849] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "I'm A Grownup!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 6.", story = "JIQI6", id = 849, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [850] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Date Time!", condition = "Unlock \"I'm Not A Baby!\" Day 7.", story = "JIQI7", id = 850, icon = "memory_jiqi", is_open = 0 }, [851] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Arrival", condition = "Begin Pt. 1 of \"Ashen Simulacrum.\"", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA1", id = 851, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [852] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Counterattack", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA2", id = 852, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [853] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rescue", condition = "Locate the Boss in A1 or C1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA3", id = 853, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [854] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Engagement", condition = "Encounter the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA4", id = 854, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [855] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Signal", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA5", id = 855, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [856] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Long Island Line - Part 1", condition = "Begin AS1 or CS1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA6", id = 856, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [857] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Long Island Line - Part 2", condition = "Clear AS1 or CS1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA7", id = 857, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [858] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Burning of the Line", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA8", id = 858, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [859] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Convergence", condition = "Locate the Boss in A2 or C2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA9", id = 859, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [860] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Delay", condition = "Encounter the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA10", id = 860, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [861] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Purifier Defeated", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA11", id = 861, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [862] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "NY HQ - Part 1", condition = "Begin AS2 or CS2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA12", id = 862, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [863] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "NY HQ - Part 2", condition = "Clear AS2 or CS2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA13", id = 863, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [864] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Test", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA14", id = 864, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [865] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stage", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA15", id = 865, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [866] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Assembly", condition = "Begin Pt. 2 of \"Ashen Simulacrum.\"", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA16", id = 866, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [867] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Front Lines", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA17", id = 867, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [868] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Puppet", condition = "Locate the Boss in B1 or D1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA18", id = 868, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [869] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Song?", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA19", id = 869, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [870] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Third Fleet - Part 1", condition = "Begin BS1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA20", id = 870, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [871] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Third Fleet - Part 2", condition = "Clear BS1.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA21", id = 871, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [872] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Clandestine Mission", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA22", id = 872, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [873] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Enemy", condition = "Encounter the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA23", id = 873, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [874] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Déjà Vu", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA24", id = 874, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [875] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Fourth Fleet - Part 1", condition = "Begin BS2 or DS2.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA25", id = 875, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [876] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Fourth Fleet - Part 2", condition = "Clear BS2 or DS2..", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA26", id = 876, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [877] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Eye of the Storm", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA27", id = 877, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [878] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mysterious One", condition = "Locate the Boss in B3 or D3.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA28", id = 878, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [879] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ember", condition = "Encounter the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA29", id = 879, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [880] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Triumph?", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA30", id = 880, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [881] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Journey Home", condition = "???", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA31", id = 881, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [882] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sandbox", condition = "???", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA32", id = 882, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [883] = { mask = "bg/bg_xiangting_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "\"Moby Dick\"", condition = "???", story = "XIANGTINGLIAOFA33", id = 883, icon = "memory_xiangtingliaofa", is_open = 0 }, [884] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Marine Idol!", condition = "Begin \"Superstar of the Blue Seas.\"", story = "SALATUOJIAHAIBAO1", id = 884, icon = "memory_salatuojiahaibao", is_open = 0 }, [885] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Charity Race?", condition = "Collect 1,000 event points.", story = "SALATUOJIAHAIBAO2", id = 885, icon = "memory_salatuojiahaibao", is_open = 0 }, [886] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Protectors of the Seal", condition = "Collect 2,000 event points.", story = "SALATUOJIAHAIBAO3", id = 886, icon = "memory_salatuojiahaibao", is_open = 0 }, [887] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Seal Located!", condition = "Collect 3,000 event points.", story = "SALATUOJIAHAIBAO4", id = 887, icon = "memory_salatuojiahaibao", is_open = 0 }, [888] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mythical Seal", condition = "Collect 4,000 event points.", story = "SALATUOJIAHAIBAO5", id = 888, icon = "memory_salatuojiahaibao", is_open = 0 }, [889] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prepare for the Festival! ", condition = "Begin Summer Festival", story = "TIANHOUYUYI1", id = 889, icon = "memory_tianhouyuyi", is_open = 0 }, [890] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enjoy for the Festival! ", condition = "Obtain Juno's festival skin. ", story = "TIANHOUYUYI2", id = 890, icon = "memory_tianhouyuyi", is_open = 0 }, [900] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Good Morning", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 1.", story = "ZHALA1", id = 900, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [901] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Caring Big Sister?", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 2.", story = "ZHALA2", id = 901, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [902] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Caring for the Commander", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 3.", story = "ZHALA3", id = 902, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [903] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Afternoon Chat", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 4.", story = "ZHALA4", id = 903, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [904] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Devil's Whispers", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 5.", story = "ZHALA5", id = 904, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [905] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Commander's Ordeal", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 6.", story = "ZHALA6", id = 905, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [906] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Starry Night", condition = "Begin \"Storia di Rosa\" Chapter 7.", story = "ZHALA7", id = 906, icon = "memory_zhala", is_open = 0 }, [907] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vestibule of Hell", condition = "Begin Pt. 1 of \"Empyreal Tragicomedy.\" ", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU1", id = 907, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [908] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Menace", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU2", id = 908, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [909] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Brief Respite", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU3", id = 909, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [910] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Misgivings", condition = "Begin AS1 or CS1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU4", id = 910, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [911] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Negotiations", condition = "Clear AS1 or CS1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU5", id = 911, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [912] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Battle", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU6", id = 912, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [913] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Divine Cannons", condition = "Encounter the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU7", id = 913, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [914] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Second Operation", condition = "Begin AS2 or CS2.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU8", id = 914, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [915] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Battle Preparations", condition = "Clear AS2 or CS2.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU9", id = 915, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [916] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lacrimosa of the Sea", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU10", id = 916, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [917] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Light of Night", condition = "Encounter the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU11", id = 917, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [918] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Out of Time", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU12", id = 918, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [919] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Invitation", condition = "Begin Pt. 2 of \"Empyreal Tragicomedy.\" ", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU13", id = 919, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [920] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Choice", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU14", id = 920, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [921] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Imperial Welcome", condition = "Encounter the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU15", id = 921, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [922] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Destination", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU16", id = 922, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [923] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Descent", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU17", id = 923, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [924] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Passione", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU18", id = 924, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [925] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lamentation's End", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU19", id = 925, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [926] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Jewel of Calabria", condition = "Encounter the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU20", id = 926, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [927] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Secret Tea Party", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU21", id = 927, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [928] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Journey's End", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU22", id = 928, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [929] = { mask = "bg/bg_italy_cg6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Denouement", condition = "???", story = "SHENSHENGDEBEIXIJU23", id = 929, icon = "memory_italy", is_open = 0 }, [930] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ready, Ladies!", condition = "Start \"Woozy Party\" Day 1.", story = "DACHAOLIFU1", id = 930, icon = "memory_dachaolifu", is_open = 0 }, [931] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prost!", condition = "Start \"Woozy Party\" Day 3.", story = "DACHAOLIFU2", id = 931, icon = "memory_dachaolifu", is_open = 0 }, [932] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Other Ways to Have Fun", condition = "Start \"Woozy Party\" Day 5.", story = "DACHAOLIFU3", id = 932, icon = "memory_dachaolifu", is_open = 0 }, [933] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Classic Conclusion", condition = "Start \"Woozy Party\" Day 7.", story = "DACHAOLIFU4", id = 933, icon = "memory_dachaolifu", is_open = 0 }, [934] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suruga, Sally Forth!", condition = "Begin the \"Crosswave\" event.", story = "JUNHEBOSS1", id = 934, icon = "memory_junheboss", is_open = 0 }, [935] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Lucky Ship's Initiative", condition = "Reach the 25% Milestone in the \"Crosswave\" event.", story = "JUNHEBOSS2", id = 935, icon = "memory_junheboss", is_open = 0 }, [936] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Leader's Prowess", condition = "Reach the 50% Milestone in the \"Crosswave\" event.", story = "JUNHEBOSS3", id = 936, icon = "memory_junheboss", is_open = 0 }, [937] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Crossing New Waves", condition = "Reach the 75% Milestone in the \"Crosswave\" event.", story = "JUNHEBOSS4", id = 937, icon = "memory_junheboss", is_open = 0 }, [938] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suruga's Saga", condition = "Reach the 100% Milestone in the \"Crosswave\" event.", story = "JUNHEBOSS5", id = 938, icon = "memory_junheboss", is_open = 0 }, [940] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shark, Embark", condition = "Begin the \"The Enigma and the Shark\" event.", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU1", id = 940, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [941] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Enigma", condition = "Clear SP1 of \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU2", id = 941, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [942] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Respected Job", condition = "Begin SP2 of \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU3", id = 942, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [943] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Predator's Jaws?", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP2 in \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU4", id = 943, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [944] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Words Beat Swords?", condition = "Defeat the Boss of SP2 in \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU5", id = 944, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [945] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "U-110, Prized", condition = "Begin SP3 of \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU6", id = 945, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [946] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Counteroffensive?", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP3 in \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU7", id = 946, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [947] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surprising Spoils", condition = "Defeat the Boss of SP3 in \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU8", id = 947, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [948] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Lost Treasure", condition = "Clear SP3 of \"The Enigma and the Shark.\"", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU9", id = 948, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [949] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Enigma's New Owner", condition = "???", story = "ZUIZHENGUIDEBAOWU10", id = 949, icon = "memory_zuizhenguidebaowu", is_open = 0 }, [950] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Everything According to Plan", condition = "Unlock Halloween Chaos! Day 1", story = "MENGFEISIWANSHENG1", id = 950, icon = "memory_mengfeisiwansheng", is_open = 0 }, [951] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Smalley's Delivery Service", condition = "Unlock Halloween Chaos! Day 2", story = "MENGFEISIWANSHENG2", id = 951, icon = "memory_mengfeisiwansheng", is_open = 0 }, [952] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Same Old Prank", condition = "Unlock Halloween Chaos! Day 4", story = "MENGFEISIWANSHENG3", id = 952, icon = "memory_mengfeisiwansheng", is_open = 0 }, [953] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suiting Up", condition = "Unlock Halloween Chaos! Day 6", story = "MENGFEISIWANSHENG4", id = 953, icon = "memory_mengfeisiwansheng", is_open = 0 }, [954] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Party Chaos", condition = "Unlock Halloween Chaos! Day 7", story = "MENGFEISIWANSHENG5", id = 954, icon = "memory_mengfeisiwansheng", is_open = 0 }, [960] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lights", condition = "Login during the event.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG1", id = 960, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [961] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Test Begins!", condition = "Begin Passionate Polaris SP1.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG2", id = 961, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [962] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Debut of the Dragon Sisters!", condition = "Continue Passionate Polaris SP1.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG3", id = 962, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [963] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "120% Motivation!", condition = "Encounter the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP1.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG4", id = 963, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [964] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Polaris I", condition = "Defeat the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP1.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG5", id = 964, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [965] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Magical Girl Idol Arrives!", condition = "Begin Passionate Polaris SP2.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG6", id = 965, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [966] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Polaris II", condition = "Get the Boss Node of Passionate Polaris SP2 to appear.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG7", id = 966, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [967] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Slightly Confused Rival?", condition = "Encounter the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP2.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG8", id = 967, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [968] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Polaris III", condition = "Defeat the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP2.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG9", id = 968, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [969] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Girl Who Awakened Her Emotions", condition = "Begin Passionate Polaris SP3.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG10", id = 969, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [970] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Polaris IV", condition = "Get the Boss Node of Passionate Polaris SP3 to appear.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG11", id = 970, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [971] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "World's♡Cutest", condition = "Encounter the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP3.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG12", id = 971, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [972] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Girl's Smile", condition = "Defeat the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP3.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG13", id = 972, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [973] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Emotion Module", condition = "Clear Passionate Polaris SP3.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG14", id = 973, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [974] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Final Stretch?!", condition = "Begin Passionate Polaris SP4.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG15", id = 974, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [975] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Polaris V", condition = "Get the Boss Node of Passionate Polaris SP4 to appear.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG16", id = 975, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [976] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lightning and Ice!", condition = "Encounter the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP4.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG17", id = 976, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [977] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "MAXIMUM OUTPUT", condition = "Defeat the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP4.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG18", id = 977, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [978] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Final Battle", condition = "Begin Passionate Polaris SP5.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG19", id = 978, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [979] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Muse System", condition = "Get the Boss Node of Passionate Polaris SP5 to appear.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG20", id = 979, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [980] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Make or Break", condition = "Encounter the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP5.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG21", id = 980, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [981] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Passionate Encore", condition = "Defeat the Boss of Passionate Polaris SP5.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG22", id = 981, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [982] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "fin", condition = "Clear Passionate Polaris SP5.", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG23", id = 982, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [983] = { mask = "bg/bg_ouxianglevel", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Observation", condition = "???", story = "OUXIANGHUODONG24", id = 983, icon = "memory_ouxianghuodong", is_open = 0 }, [990] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One day, at rehearsal...", condition = "Complete the 1st phase of Passion Fes.", story = "OUXIANGRICHANG1", id = 990, icon = "memory_ouxiangrichang", is_open = 0 }, [991] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One day, during a break...", condition = "Complete the 4th phase of Passion Fes.", story = "OUXIANGRICHANG2", id = 991, icon = "memory_ouxiangrichang", is_open = 0 }, [992] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One day, at a dress rehearsal...", condition = "Complete the 7th phase of Passion Fes.", story = "OUXIANGRICHANG3", id = 992, icon = "memory_ouxiangrichang", is_open = 0 }, [995] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Interdimensional Encounter", condition = "Login during the event.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA1", id = 995, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [996] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Tale Begins", condition = "Begin \"Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction.\"", story = "HOLOGUANQIA2", id = 996, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [997] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Dense Fog", condition = "Begin TS1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA3", id = 997, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [998] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Call for Help", condition = "Get the Boss Node of TS1 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA4", id = 998, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [999] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fubuki and Kawakaze", condition = "Encounter the Boss of TS1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA5", id = 999, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1000] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Visitors from Another World", condition = "Defeat the Boss of TS1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA6", id = 1000, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1001] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Guide", condition = "Begin T1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA7", id = 1001, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1002] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vestiges of Battle", condition = "Get the Boss Node of T1 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA8", id = 1002, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1003] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Natsuiro Matsuri, the Flirt", condition = "Encounter the Boss of T1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA9", id = 1003, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1004] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vestiges of Battle", condition = "Defeat the Boss of T1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA10", id = 1004, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1005] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Resistance Base", condition = "Clear T1.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA11", id = 1005, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1006] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Purity?!", condition = "Begin TS2.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA12", id = 1006, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1007] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Matsuri, The Ordinary Girl", condition = "Get the Boss Node of TS2 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA13", id = 1007, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1008] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "TNT?!", condition = "Encounter the Boss of TS2.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA14", id = 1008, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1009] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Request for Support", condition = "Clear TS2.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA15", id = 1009, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1010] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Nakiri Castle", condition = "Begin T2.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA16", id = 1010, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1011] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements", condition = "Encounter the Boss of T2.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA17", id = 1011, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1012] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Grouping Up", condition = "Defeat the Boss of T2.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA18", id = 1012, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1013] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Plot Thickens", condition = "Begin TS3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA19", id = 1013, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1014] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Two Aquas?", condition = "Get the Boss Node of TS3 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA20", id = 1014, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1015] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Yamada Hermione", condition = "Encounter the Boss of TS3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA21", id = 1015, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1016] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Victory", condition = "Defeat the Boss of TS3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA22", id = 1016, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1017] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "At Nighttime", condition = "Begin T3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA23", id = 1017, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1018] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Forming the Team", condition = "Continue T3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA24", id = 1018, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1019] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Chaotic Labyrinth", condition = "Finish battling on T3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA25", id = 1019, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1020] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Matryoshka", condition = "Get the Boss Node of T3 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA26", id = 1020, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1021] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Game Characters", condition = "Encounter the Boss of T3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA27", id = 1021, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1022] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Conquerors of the Labyrinth", condition = "Clear T3.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA28", id = 1022, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1023] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Matsuri's Plan", condition = "Begin Pt. 2 of\"Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction.\"", story = "HOLOGUANQIA29", id = 1023, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1024] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dark Hololive", condition = "Begin T4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA30", id = 1024, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1025] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Test of a Soul's Worth", condition = "Encounter the Boss of T4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA31", id = 1025, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1026] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unusual Friendship", condition = "Clear T4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA32", id = 1026, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1027] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Haunted Mansion", condition = "Begin TS4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA33", id = 1027, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1028] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lava Zone?!", condition = "Continue TS4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA34", id = 1028, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1029] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enemy Sora", condition = "Encounter the Boss of TS4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA35", id = 1029, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1030] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Combat Guidance?", condition = "Defeat the Boss of TS4.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA36", id = 1030, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1031] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Roller Coaster", condition = "Begin T5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA37", id = 1031, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1032] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Broken Entrance", condition = "Get the Boss Node of T5 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA38", id = 1032, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1033] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Normal Shion?", condition = "Encounter the Boss of T5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA39", id = 1033, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1034] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "0 MP", condition = "Defeat the Boss of T5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA40", id = 1034, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1035] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The MioShio Coaster", condition = "Begin TS5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA41", id = 1035, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1036] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Disaster", condition = "Continue TS5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA42", id = 1036, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1037] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "It's Time to Duel!", condition = "Encounter the Boss of TS5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA43", id = 1037, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1038] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shadow Duel", condition = "Defeat the Boss of TS5.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA44", id = 1038, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1039] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Holo Island", condition = "Begin T6.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA45", id = 1039, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1040] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Bonds that Connect", condition = "Get the Boss Node of T6 to appear.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA46", id = 1040, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1041] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shadow Eye Blizzard Fox", condition = "Encounter the Boss of T6.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA47", id = 1041, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1042] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "End of Battle", condition = "Defeat the Boss of T6.", story = "HOLOGUANQIA48", id = 1042, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1043] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Blowing Up the Headquarters", condition = "???", story = "HOLOGUANQIA49", id = 1043, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1044] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Treating Oneself with Care", condition = "???", story = "HOLOGUANQIA50", id = 1044, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1045] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_holosaba2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Road Home", condition = "???", story = "HOLOGUANQIA51", id = 1045, icon = "memory_hologuanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1046] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Same Face", condition = "Unlock day 2 of Good Morning Azur Lane.", story = "HOLORICHANG1", id = 1046, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1047] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Same Energy", condition = "Unlock day 4 of Good Morning Azur Lane.", story = "HOLORICHANG2", id = 1047, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1048] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Similar Traits", condition = "Unlock day 6 of Good Morning Azur Lane.", story = "HOLORICHANG3", id = 1048, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1049] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Peaceful World", condition = "Clear S2 of Rally the Resistance.", story = "HOLORICHANG4", id = 1049, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1050] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Attitudes", condition = "Clear S4 of Rally the Resistance.", story = "HOLORICHANG5", id = 1050, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1051] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Gaming", condition = "Clear S6 of Rally the Resistance.", story = "HOLORICHANG6", id = 1051, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1052] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kagura Dance", condition = "Unlock day 3 of Mio's Divination Hall.", story = "HOLORICHANG7", id = 1052, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1053] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sakura War Dance", condition = "Unlock day 5 of Mio's Divination Hall.", story = "HOLORICHANG8", id = 1053, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1054] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Great Castle", condition = "Unlock day 7 of Mio's Divination Hall.", story = "HOLORICHANG9", id = 1054, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1055] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Beginning", condition = "Obtain the commemorative event medal.", story = "HOLORICHANG10", id = 1055, icon = "memory_holorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1056] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "How to Craft a Cookie ", condition = "Unlock Christmas Party! Day 1", story = "RUOYESHENGDAN1", id = 1056, icon = "memory_ruoyeshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [1057] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Queen's Profile ", condition = "Unlock Christmas Party! Day 2", story = "RUOYESHENGDAN2", id = 1057, icon = "memory_ruoyeshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [1058] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Hearth's Warmth ", condition = "Unlock Christmas Party! Day 4", story = "RUOYESHENGDAN3", id = 1058, icon = "memory_ruoyeshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [1059] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Speaking of Sweets ", condition = "Unlock Christmas Party! Day 6", story = "RUOYESHENGDAN4", id = 1059, icon = "memory_ruoyeshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [1060] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Christmas Party ", condition = "Unlock Christmas Party! Day 7", story = "RUOYESHENGDAN5", id = 1060, icon = "memory_ruoyeshengdan", is_open = 0 }, [1061] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sound of Sapphires", condition = "Begin \"Swirling Cherry Blossoms\" Part 1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA1", id = 1061, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1062] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Undercurrent", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA2", id = 1062, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1063] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The First Host", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA3", id = 1063, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1064] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Advancing Waves", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA4", id = 1064, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1065] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Another Battlefield", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA5", id = 1065, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1066] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Second Host", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA6", id = 1066, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1067] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suruga's Tactics", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA7", id = 1067, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1068] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Joint Operation", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA8", id = 1068, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1069] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Plan B", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA9", id = 1069, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1070] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Third Host", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA10", id = 1070, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1071] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Inciters", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA11", id = 1071, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1072] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Trickery", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA12", id = 1072, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1073] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dark Clouds", condition = "Begin \"Swirling Cherry Blossoms\" Part 2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA13", id = 1073, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1074] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Banquet", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA14", id = 1074, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1075] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enemy Attack", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA15", id = 1075, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1076] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Siren Menace", condition = "Make the Boss of B1 or D1 appear.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA16", id = 1076, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1077] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pawns", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA17", id = 1077, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1078] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mirror Sea", condition = "Clear B1 or D1", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA18", id = 1078, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1079] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Great Fox", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA19", id = 1079, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1080] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reunion", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA20", id = 1080, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1081] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Encroaching Suspicions", condition = "Clear B2 or D2", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA21", id = 1081, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1082] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Watatsumi", condition = "Begin B3 or D3", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA22", id = 1082, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1083] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ember's Assault", condition = "Make the Boss of B3 or D3 appear.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA23", id = 1083, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1084] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Showdown", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA24", id = 1084, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1085] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cut Time", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA25", id = 1085, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1086] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Flash of Shadow", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA26", id = 1086, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1087] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ending", condition = "???", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA27", id = 1087, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1088] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong_cg2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ceremony's Dusk", condition = "???", story = "FUYINGYINGHUA28", id = 1088, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuaguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1091] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Greetings and Meetings?", condition = "Complete \"Blessings and Tidings\" Day 2.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUARICHANG1", id = 1091, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuarichang", is_open = 0 }, [1092] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sleepy Shougatsu", condition = "Complete \"Blessings and Tidings\" Day 4.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUARICHANG2", id = 1092, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuarichang", is_open = 0 }, [1093] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year's Challenge", condition = "Complete \"Blessings and Tidings\" Day 5.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUARICHANG3", id = 1093, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuarichang", is_open = 0 }, [1094] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "New Year's Training?", condition = "Complete \"Blessings and Tidings\" Day 6.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUARICHANG4", id = 1094, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuarichang", is_open = 0 }, [1095] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Happy New Year!", condition = "Complete \"Blessings and Tidings\" Day 7.", story = "FUYINGYINGHUARICHANG5", id = 1095, icon = "memory_fuyingyinghuarichang", is_open = 0 }, [1096] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Begin the Operation!", condition = "Begin \"Fight On, Royal Maids!\"", story = "DAIDUOBOSS1", id = 1096, icon = "memory_daiduoshijieboss", is_open = 0 }, [1097] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Secret Stratagem", condition = "Reach 25% Progress in \"Fight On, Royal Maids!\"", story = "DAIDUOBOSS2", id = 1097, icon = "memory_daiduoshijieboss", is_open = 0 }, [1098] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sororal Defensive Line", condition = "Reach 50% Progress in \"Fight On, Royal Maids!\"", story = "DAIDUOBOSS3", id = 1098, icon = "memory_daiduoshijieboss", is_open = 0 }, [1099] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Instructor's Tactics", condition = "Reach 75% Progress in \"Fight On, Royal Maids!\"", story = "DAIDUOBOSS4", id = 1099, icon = "memory_daiduoshijieboss", is_open = 0 }, [1100] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Reward", condition = "Reach 100% Progress in \"Fight On, Royal Maids!\"", story = "DAIDUOBOSS5", id = 1100, icon = "memory_daiduoshijieboss", is_open = 0 }, [1101] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mother of All Firecrackers", condition = "Open 1 Red Envelope in the Manjuu Resort.", story = "HONGBAORICHANG1", id = 1101, icon = "memory_hongbaorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1102] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Redecorating the Office", condition = "Open 5 Red Envelopes in the Manjuu Resort.", story = "HONGBAORICHANG2", id = 1102, icon = "memory_hongbaorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1103] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Full Swing", condition = "Open 10 Red Envelopes in the Manjuu Resort.", story = "HONGBAORICHANG3", id = 1103, icon = "memory_hongbaorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1104] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Spring Festival Banquet", condition = "Open 15 Red Envelopes in the Manjuu Resort.", story = "HONGBAORICHANG4", id = 1104, icon = "memory_hongbaorichang", is_open = 0 }, [1110] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Overture", condition = "Begin \"Northern Overture.\"", story = "MAOZIHUODONG1", id = 1110, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1111] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Joint Operation", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG2", id = 1111, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1112] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Gathering", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG3", id = 1112, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1113] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Surveillance", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG4", id = 1113, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1114] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Perimeter Sweep", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG5", id = 1114, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1115] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Incursion", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG6", id = 1115, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1116] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Foe", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG7", id = 1116, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1117] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breakthrough", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG8", id = 1117, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1118] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ad Infinitum", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG9", id = 1118, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1119] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Leadership", condition = "Obtain victory once in A3 or C3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG10", id = 1119, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1120] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Aegis", condition = "Get the boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG11", id = 1120, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1121] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Countermeasures", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3 one time.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG12", id = 1121, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1122] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Isolated by Ice", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3 two times.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG13", id = 1122, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1123] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Arctic Fleet", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG14", id = 1123, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1124] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Waves of Cold Steel", condition = "Begin \"Northern Overture,\" Part 2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG15", id = 1124, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1125] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Storm of the Revolution", condition = "Get the boss of B1 or D1 to appear.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG16", id = 1125, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1126] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Northern Battle", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG17", id = 1126, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1127] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taste of the North", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG18", id = 1127, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1128] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hot and Cold", condition = "Obtain victory once in B2 or D2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG19", id = 1128, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1129] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breach", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG20", id = 1129, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1130] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reunion", condition = "Fight the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG21", id = 1130, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1131] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Coordinates Confirmed", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG22", id = 1131, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1132] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stronghold Siege", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG23", id = 1132, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1133] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Spawn of Evil", condition = "Obtain victory once in B3 or D3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG24", id = 1133, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1134] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interception", condition = "Get the boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG25", id = 1134, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1135] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Omitter", condition = "Fight the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG26", id = 1135, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1136] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Full Assault", condition = "Defeat the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG27", id = 1136, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1137] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Collapse", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "MAOZIHUODONG28", id = 1137, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1138] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "For a Brighter Future", condition = "???", story = "MAOZIHUODONG29", id = 1138, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1139] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unbreakable Bonds", condition = "???", story = "MAOZIHUODONG30", id = 1139, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1140] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Final Overture", condition = "???", story = "MAOZIHUODONG31", id = 1140, icon = "memory_maozihuodong", is_open = 0 }, [1141] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccp_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Decryption", condition = "Enter the Decryption minigame for the first time.", story = "MAOZIPT", id = 1141, icon = "memory_maozipt", is_open = 0 }, [1142] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dawn of Victory", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 1.", story = "AFULEER1", id = 1142, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1143] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Nostalgia", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 2.", story = "AFULEER2", id = 1143, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1144] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Welcoming Party", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 3.", story = "AFULEER3", id = 1144, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1145] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Old Soldiers", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 4.", story = "AFULEER4", id = 1145, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1146] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Arresting Wire", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 5.", story = "AFULEER5", id = 1146, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1147] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "True Power", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 6.", story = "AFULEER6", id = 1147, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1148] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Light of Dawn", condition = "Begin \"Avrora and Her Jovial Friends\" Chapter 7.", story = "AFULEER7", id = 1148, icon = "memory_afuleer", is_open = 0 }, [1149] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Redeployment", condition = "Complete \"Under the Mist\" Mission 1.", story = "MIWUZHIXIA1", id = 1149, icon = "memory_miwuzhixia", is_open = 0 }, [1150] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mist", condition = "Complete \"Under the Mist\" Mission 2.", story = "MIWUZHIXIA2", id = 1150, icon = "memory_miwuzhixia", is_open = 0 }, [1151] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Misdirection", condition = "Complete \"Under the Mist\" Mission 3.", story = "MIWUZHIXIA3", id = 1151, icon = "memory_miwuzhixia", is_open = 0 }, [1152] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lost at Sea", condition = "Complete \"Under the Mist\" Mission 4.", story = "MIWUZHIXIA4", id = 1152, icon = "memory_miwuzhixia", is_open = 0 }, [1153] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Bridge", condition = "Begin \"Microlayer Medley.\"", story = "WEICENGHUNHE1", id = 1153, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1154] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rescue Fleet", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE2", id = 1154, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1155] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stronghold", condition = "Continue A1 or C1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE3", id = 1155, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1156] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Deep in Thought", condition = "Obtain victory once in A1 or C1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE4", id = 1156, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1157] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Disappearance", condition = "Get the Boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE5", id = 1157, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1158] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ambush", condition = "Fight the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE6", id = 1158, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1159] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Creeping Mist", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE7", id = 1159, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1160] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fragments I", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE8", id = 1160, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1161] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Teamwork", condition = "Get the Boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE9", id = 1161, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1162] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mission", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE10", id = 1162, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1163] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Duties", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE11", id = 1163, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1164] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fragments II", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE12", id = 1164, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1165] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Engagement", condition = "Continue A3 or C3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE13", id = 1165, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1166] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Prize", condition = "Get the Boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE14", id = 1166, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1167] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pulled Under", condition = "Fight the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE15", id = 1167, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1168] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Bluegill?!", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE16", id = 1168, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1169] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Respite", condition = "Begin Pt. 2 of \"Microlayer Medley.\"", story = "WEICENGHUNHE17", id = 1169, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1170] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fragments III", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE18", id = 1170, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1171] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breakthrough", condition = "Continue B1 or D1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE19", id = 1171, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1172] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Return", condition = "Get the Boss of B1 or D1 to appear.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE20", id = 1172, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1173] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sidekick", condition = "Fight the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE21", id = 1173, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1174] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Disaster", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE22", id = 1174, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1175] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fragments IV", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE23", id = 1175, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1176] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rendezvous", condition = "Continue B2 or D2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE24", id = 1176, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1177] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Defense Mechanism", condition = "Get the Boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE25", id = 1177, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1178] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hero's Party", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE26", id = 1178, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1179] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sister Ships", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE27", id = 1179, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1180] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fragments V", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE28", id = 1180, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1181] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Might of the Essex Class", condition = "Get the Boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE29", id = 1181, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1182] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Compiler", condition = "Fight the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE30", id = 1182, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1183] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Transformation", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE31", id = 1183, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1184] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mist Clears", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "WEICENGHUNHE32", id = 1184, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1185] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Party", condition = "???", story = "WEICENGHUNHE33", id = 1185, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1186] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stars in the Firmament", condition = "???", story = "WEICENGHUNHE34", id = 1186, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1187] = { mask = "bg/bg_banama_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Microlayer Medley", condition = "???", story = "WEICENGHUNHE35", id = 1187, icon = "memory_weicenghunhe", is_open = 0 }, [1188] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Golden Doubulin, Part I", condition = "Log in to the game", story = "HUANGJINDEMIBAO1", id = 1188, icon = "memory_huangjindemibao", is_open = 0 }, [1189] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Golden Doubulin, Part II", condition = "Fight the boss in \"The Golden Doubulin\"", story = "HUANGJINDEMIBAO2", id = 1189, icon = "memory_huangjindemibao", is_open = 0 }, [1190] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Golden Doubulin, Part III", condition = "Clear \"The Golden Doubulin\"", story = "HUANGJINDEMIBAO3", id = 1190, icon = "memory_huangjindemibao", is_open = 0 }, [1204] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Not Feeling So Well?", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 1.", story = "JUANBO1", id = 1204, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1205] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Makinami to the Rescue!", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 2.", story = "JUANBO2", id = 1205, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1206] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Happy to Help!", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 3.", story = "JUANBO3", id = 1206, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1207] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Smile Goes a Mile!", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 4.", story = "JUANBO4", id = 1207, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1208] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Time's The Charm!", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 5.", story = "JUANBO5", id = 1208, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1209] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Come Play With Me!", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 6.", story = "JUANBO6", id = 1209, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1210] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Now, Give Me a Smile!", condition = "Begin \"A Beaming Smile!\" Chapter 7.", story = "JUANBO7", id = 1210, icon = "memory_juanbo", is_open = 0 }, [1211] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Night March", condition = "Start \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP1.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU1", id = 1211, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1212] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breakthrough", condition = "Fight the boss in \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP1.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU2", id = 1212, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1213] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Nature of War?", condition = "Clear \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP1.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU3", id = 1213, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1214] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Winter on the Méditerranée", condition = "Start \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP2.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU4", id = 1214, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1215] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Arethusa", condition = "Fight the boss in \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP2.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU5", id = 1215, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1216] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Opposition", condition = "Clear \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP2.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU6", id = 1216, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1217] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Snack Time", condition = "Start \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP3.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU7", id = 1217, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1218] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Nelson", condition = "Fight the boss in \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP3.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU8", id = 1218, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1219] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Darkened Path Home", condition = "Clear \"The Way Home in the Dark\" SP3.", story = "YESEXIADEGUITU9", id = 1219, icon = "memory_yesexiadeguitu", is_open = 0 }, [1231] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Phantasmal Labyrinth", condition = "Begin \"Skybound Oratorio.\"", story = "SHENGYONGQU1", id = 1231, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1232] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Dawn", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "SHENGYONGQU2", id = 1232, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1233] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Information Exchange", condition = "Continue A1 or C1.", story = "SHENGYONGQU3", id = 1233, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1234] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Foes and Friends", condition = "Get the Boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "SHENGYONGQU4", id = 1234, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1235] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Friends and Foes", condition = "Fight the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "SHENGYONGQU5", id = 1235, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1236] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Secret Weapon", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU6", id = 1236, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1237] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hesitation", condition = "Win 1 battle on A2 or C2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU7", id = 1237, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1238] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Autonomy", condition = "Win 2 battles on A2 or C2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU8", id = 1238, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1239] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Negotiation", condition = "Get the Boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "SHENGYONGQU9", id = 1239, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1240] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Speculation", condition = "Fight the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU10", id = 1240, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1241] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Chosen Road", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "SHENGYONGQU11", id = 1241, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1242] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "True Intentions?", condition = "Get the Boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "SHENGYONGQU12", id = 1242, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1243] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Cardinal and the Knight", condition = "Fight the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "SHENGYONGQU13", id = 1243, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1244] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The First Wave", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "SHENGYONGQU14", id = 1244, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1245] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_6", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Momentary Victory?", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "SHENGYONGQU15", id = 1245, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1246] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Secrets", condition = "Begin Pt. 2 of \"Skybound Oratorio.\"", story = "SHENGYONGQU16", id = 1246, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1247] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Doors of the Basilica", condition = "Get the Boss of B1 or D1 to appear.", story = "SHENGYONGQU17", id = 1247, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1248] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Persuasion", condition = "Fight the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "SHENGYONGQU18", id = 1248, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1249] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Trusted Friends", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "SHENGYONGQU19", id = 1249, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1250] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fortune", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "SHENGYONGQU20", id = 1250, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1251] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Skybound Wall", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU21", id = 1251, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1252] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Search for Truth", condition = "Get the Boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "SHENGYONGQU22", id = 1252, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1253] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Blinding Light", condition = "Fight the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU23", id = 1253, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1254] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Onslaught", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU24", id = 1254, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1255] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Retreat", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "SHENGYONGQU25", id = 1255, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1256] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 2, title = "Decisive Battle", condition = "Begin B3 or D3.", story = "1393214", id = 1256, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1257] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prayer of Light", condition = "Get the Boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "SHENGYONGQU27", id = 1257, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1258] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Under God's Banner", condition = "Fight the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "SHENGYONGQU28", id = 1258, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1259] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lever du jour", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "SHENGYONGQU29", id = 1259, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1260] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 2, title = "Machina", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "1393215", id = 1260, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1261] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Distant Gaze", condition = "???", story = "SHENGYONGQU31", id = 1261, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1262] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Contract", condition = "???", story = "SHENGYONGQU32", id = 1262, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1263] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Another Plan", condition = "???", story = "SHENGYONGQU33", id = 1263, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1264] = { mask = "bg/bg_qiongding_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Skybound Fantaisie", condition = "???", story = "SHENGYONGQU34", id = 1264, icon = "memory_shengyongqu", is_open = 0 }, [1265] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Retreat", condition = "Start SP1.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI1", id = 1265, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1266] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Separation", condition = "Get the boss of SP1 to appear.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI2", id = 1266, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1267] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pursuit", condition = "Fight the boss of SP1.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI3", id = 1267, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1268] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Escape", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP1.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI4", id = 1268, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1269] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Starry Fjord", condition = "Start SP2.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI5", id = 1269, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1270] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reunion", condition = "Get the boss of SP2 to appear.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI6", id = 1270, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1271] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Encounter", condition = "Fight the boss of SP2.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI7", id = 1271, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1272] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP2.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI8", id = 1272, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1273] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Onwards", condition = "Start SP3.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI9", id = 1273, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1274] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strategy", condition = "Get the boss of SP3 to appear.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI10", id = 1274, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1275] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Battle", condition = "Fight the boss of SP3.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI11", id = 1275, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1276] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP3.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI12", id = 1276, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1277] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Epilogue", condition = "Clear SP3.", story = "XIAWANJIANDEFANJI13", id = 1277, icon = "memory_xiawanjiandefanji", is_open = 0 }, [1281] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Urgent Request", condition = "Begin \"Aurora Noctis.\"", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG1", id = 1281, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1282] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Fleet Embarks", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG2", id = 1282, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1283] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Change in Plans", condition = "After starting A1 or C1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG3", id = 1283, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1284] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Aurora", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG4", id = 1284, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1285] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ambush", condition = "Fight the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG5", id = 1285, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1286] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Analysis", condition = "Defeat the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG6", id = 1286, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1287] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Orders to Turn Back", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG7", id = 1287, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1288] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Operation Nordlicht", condition = "Start A2 or C2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG8", id = 1288, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1289] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Underneath the Aurora", condition = "After starting A2 or C2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG9", id = 1289, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1290] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Leaked Information", condition = "Win a battle in A2 or C2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG10", id = 1290, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1291] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stratagem", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG11", id = 1291, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1292] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Iron Blood Vanguard", condition = "Fight the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG12", id = 1292, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1293] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Devil and the Vampire", condition = "Defeat the boss of A2 or C2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG13", id = 1293, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1294] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suspicion", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG14", id = 1294, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1295] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "According to Plan?", condition = "Start A3 or C3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG15", id = 1295, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1296] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interception", condition = "Get the boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG16", id = 1296, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1297] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Uninvited Guests", condition = "Fight the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG17", id = 1297, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1298] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "All-Out Assault", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG18", id = 1298, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1299] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_7", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Crucial Decision", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG19", id = 1299, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1300] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Interlude", condition = "Begin \"Aurora Noctis,\" Part 2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG20", id = 1300, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1301] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Third Order", condition = "Start B1 or D1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG21", id = 1301, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1302] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Before the Raid", condition = "Win a battle in B1 or D1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG22", id = 1302, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1303] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Escort Fleet", condition = "Get the boss of B1 or D1 to appear.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG23", id = 1303, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1304] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Wolfpack", condition = "Fight the boss of B1 or D1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG24", id = 1304, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1305] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Threat Neutralized", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG25", id = 1305, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1306] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Phantom Fleet", condition = "Start B2 or D2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG26", id = 1306, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1307] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "According to Plan", condition = "Win a battle in B2 or D2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG27", id = 1307, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1308] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Uninvited Guests II", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG28", id = 1308, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1309] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Siren Outbreak", condition = "Fight the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG29", id = 1309, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1310] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Set Sail Once More", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG30", id = 1310, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1311] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Overwhelming Firepower", condition = "Start B3 or D3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG31", id = 1311, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1312] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Omitter", condition = "Get the boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG32", id = 1312, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1313] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Royal Etiquette", condition = "Fight the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG33", id = 1313, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1314] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Countermeasures", condition = "Defeat the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG34", id = 1314, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1315] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Once More", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG35", id = 1315, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1316] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Iron Blood Intentions", condition = "After clearing B3 or D3.", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG36", id = 1316, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1317] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Northern Front", condition = "???", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG37", id = 1317, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1318] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Scapa Flow", condition = "???", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG38", id = 1318, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1319] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Call to Arms", condition = "???", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG39", id = 1319, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1320] = { mask = "bg/bg_hms_8", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Phase", condition = "???", story = "YONGYEHUANGUANG40", id = 1320, icon = "memory_yongyehuanguang", is_open = 0 }, [1321] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Let's Have a Week of Indy!", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 1.", story = "BOTELAN1", id = 1321, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1322] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Clash of Sisters", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 2.", story = "BOTELAN2", id = 1322, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1323] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Like Two Peas in a Pod", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 3.", story = "BOTELAN3", id = 1323, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1324] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Distance Felt", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 4.", story = "BOTELAN4", id = 1324, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1325] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Change of Plans", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 5.", story = "BOTELAN5", id = 1325, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1326] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "More Layers Than One", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 6.", story = "BOTELAN6", id = 1326, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1327] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Happiness is Best When Shared", condition = "Begin \"Anything and Everything for Indy!\" Chapter 7.", story = "BOTELAN7", id = 1327, icon = "memory_botelan", is_open = 0 }, [1331] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Secret Spot", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 1.", story = "GUANGHUI1", id = 1331, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1332] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Consultation", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 2.", story = "GUANGHUI2", id = 1332, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1333] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Unexpected Disaster?", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 3.", story = "GUANGHUI3", id = 1333, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1334] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Heart-pounding Intimacy?!", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 4.", story = "GUANGHUI4", id = 1334, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1335] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Little Sister's Opinion", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 5.", story = "GUANGHUI5", id = 1335, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1336] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Holding Hands, Once More", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 6.", story = "GUANGHUI6", id = 1336, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1337] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Our Special Spot", condition = "Begin \"A Lady's Modest Proposal\" Chapter 7.", story = "GUANGHUI7", id = 1337, icon = "memory_guanghui", is_open = 0 }, [1341] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreams of the Beginning - Ephemeral Butterfly", condition = "Begin \"Dreamwaker's Butterfly.\"", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA1", id = 1341, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1342] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Transient Reality - I", condition = "Start TS1 or HTS1.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA2", id = 1342, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1343] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Transient Reality - II", condition = "After starting TS1 or HTS1.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA3", id = 1343, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1344] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Transient Reality - III", condition = "Get the boss of TS1 or HTS1 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA4", id = 1344, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1345] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Transformation - I", condition = "Clear TS1 or HTS1.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA5", id = 1345, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1346] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Transformation - II", condition = "Start T1 or HT1.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA6", id = 1346, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1347] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Transformation - III", condition = "Get the boss of T1 or HT1 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA7", id = 1347, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1348] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Transformation - IV", condition = "Fight the boss of T1 or HT1.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA8", id = 1348, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1349] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Transformation - V", condition = "Clear T1 or HT1.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA9", id = 1349, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1350] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Second Transformation - I", condition = "Start T2 or HT2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA10", id = 1350, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1351] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Second Transformation - II", condition = "After starting T2 or HT2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA11", id = 1351, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1352] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Second Transformation - III", condition = "Get the boss of T2 or HT2 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA12", id = 1352, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1353] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Second Transformation - IV", condition = "Defeat the boss of T2 or HT2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA13", id = 1353, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1354] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Second Transformation - V", condition = "Clear T2 or HT2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA14", id = 1354, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1355] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Transformation - I", condition = "Start T3 or HT3.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA15", id = 1355, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1356] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Transformation - II", condition = "After starting T3 or HT3.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA16", id = 1356, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1357] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Transformation - III", condition = "Get the boss of T3 or HT3 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA17", id = 1357, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1358] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Transformation - IV", condition = "Fight the boss of T3 or HT3.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA18", id = 1358, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1359] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Transformation - V", condition = "Defeat the boss of T3 or HT3.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA19", id = 1359, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1360] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Third Transformation - VI", condition = "Clear T3 or HT3.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA20", id = 1360, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1361] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fourth Transformation - I", condition = "Start T4 or HT4.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA21", id = 1361, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1362] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fourth Transformation - II", condition = "After starting T4 or HT4.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA22", id = 1362, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1363] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fourth Transformation - III", condition = "Get the boss of T4 or HT4 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA23", id = 1363, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1364] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fourth Transformation - IV", condition = "Fight the boss of T4 or HT4.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA24", id = 1364, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1365] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fourth Transformation - V", condition = "Clear T4 or HT4.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA25", id = 1365, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1366] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - I", condition = "Start TS2 or HTS2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA26", id = 1366, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1367] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - II", condition = "Move to a special tile on TS2 or HTS2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA27", id = 1367, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1368] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - III", condition = "Move to a special tile on TS2 or HTS2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA28", id = 1368, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1369] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - IV", condition = "Move to a special tile on TS2 or HTS2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA29", id = 1369, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1370] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - V", condition = "Clear TS2 or HTS2.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA30", id = 1370, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1371] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - VI", condition = "Start T5 or HT5.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA31", id = 1371, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1372] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - VII", condition = "Get the boss of T5 or HT5 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA32", id = 1372, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1373] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - VIII", condition = "Fight the boss of T5 or HT5.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA33", id = 1373, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1374] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fifth Transformation - IX", condition = "Clear T5 or HT5.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA34", id = 1374, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua2", is_open = 0 }, [1375] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreamwaker's Opus - I", condition = "Start T6 or HT6.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA35", id = 1375, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1376] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreamwaker's Opus - II", condition = "After starting T6 or HT6.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA36", id = 1376, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1377] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreamwaker's Opus - III", condition = "Get the boss of T6 or HT6 to appear.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA37", id = 1377, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1378] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreamwaker's Opus - IV", condition = "Fight the boss of T6 or HT6.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA38", id = 1378, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1379] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreamwaker's Opus - V", condition = "Defeat the boss of T6 or HT6.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA39", id = 1379, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1380] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dreamwaker's Opus - VI", condition = "Clear T6 or HT6.", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA40", id = 1380, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1381] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Divine Relic", condition = "???", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA41", id = 1381, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1382] = { mask = "bg/bg_xinnong2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Descent", condition = "???", story = "DIEHAIMENGHUA42", id = 1382, icon = "memory_diehaimenghua1", is_open = 0 }, [1386] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Making an Entrance", condition = "Start SP1.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI1", id = 1386, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1387] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Minor Investigation", condition = "Get the boss of SP1 to appear.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI2", id = 1387, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1388] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Person I Admire - Pt. 1", condition = "Clear SP1.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI3", id = 1388, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1389] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sunder the Blue Skies", condition = "Start SP2.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI4", id = 1389, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1390] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Intercepting the Enemy", condition = "Fight the boss of SP2.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI5", id = 1390, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1391] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tradeoffs", condition = "Clear SP2.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI6", id = 1391, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1392] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Person I Admire - Pt. 2", condition = "Start SP3.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI7", id = 1392, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1393] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Second Strike", condition = "Get the boss of SP3 to appear.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI8", id = 1393, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1394] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements", condition = "Fight the boss of SP3.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI9", id = 1394, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1395] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Clear Skies", condition = "Clear SP3.", story = "HUAPOHAIKONGZHIYI10", id = 1395, icon = "memory_huapohaikongzhiyi", is_open = 0 }, [1401] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Bright and Cheery Secretary Ship", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 1.", story = "FANJI1", id = 1401, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1402] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sisters and the Commander", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 2.", story = "FANJI2", id = 1402, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1403] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A \"Sharp\" Friend", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 3.", story = "FANJI3", id = 1403, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1404] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hesitation", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 4.", story = "FANJI4", id = 1404, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1405] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chance Encounter", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 5.", story = "FANJI5", id = 1405, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1406] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dazzling Smile", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 6.", story = "FANJI6", id = 1406, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1407] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Why I Chose You", condition = "Begin \"The Heart Beneath the Smile\" Chapter 7.", story = "FANJI7", id = 1407, icon = "memory_fanji", is_open = 0 }, [1411] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prologue", condition = "Begin \"Universe in Unison.\"", story = "JICHANG1", id = 1411, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1412] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Muse", condition = "Start SP1.", story = "JICHANG2", id = 1412, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1413] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Brand New Form", condition = "Get the boss of SP1 to appear.", story = "JICHANG3", id = 1413, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1414] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Warship? Or Idol?", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP1.", story = "JICHANG4", id = 1414, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1415] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lesson Goals", condition = "Clear SP1.", story = "JICHANG5", id = 1415, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1416] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Survey on Idols", condition = "Start SP2.", story = "JICHANG6", id = 1416, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1417] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Mystery", condition = "Get the boss of SP2 to appear.", story = "JICHANG7", id = 1417, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1418] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Setting the Stage", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP2.", story = "JICHANG8", id = 1418, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1419] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Mysterious Rivals", condition = "Clear SP2.", story = "JICHANG9", id = 1419, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1420] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Competition, Commence!", condition = "Start SP3.", story = "JICHANG10", id = 1420, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1421] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Entrance of a Saint", condition = "Get the boss of SP3 to appear.", story = "JICHANG11", id = 1421, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1422] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tiebreaking Encore", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP3.", story = "JICHANG12", id = 1422, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1423] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sentimental Power", condition = "Clear SP3.", story = "JICHANG13", id = 1423, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1424] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Guidance from Polaris", condition = "Start SP4.", story = "JICHANG14", id = 1424, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1425] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "That Which Connects Us", condition = "Get the boss of SP4 to appear.", story = "JICHANG15", id = 1425, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1426] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Emotions Unleashed", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP4.", story = "JICHANG16", id = 1426, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1427] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Towards the Crescendo", condition = "Clear SP4.", story = "JICHANG17", id = 1427, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1428] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Madly in Love", condition = "Start SP5.", story = "JICHANG18", id = 1428, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1429] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Final Countdown?", condition = "Get the boss of SP5 to appear.", story = "JICHANG19", id = 1429, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1430] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Final Stage", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP5.", story = "JICHANG20", id = 1430, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1431] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Universe in Unison", condition = "Clear SP5.", story = "JICHANG21", id = 1431, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1432] = { mask = "bg/bg_jichang_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Azure Legacy", condition = "???", story = "JICHANG22", id = 1432, icon = "memory_jichang", is_open = 0 }, [1436] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Mysterious Invitation", condition = "Login during the event.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN1", id = 1436, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1437] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Preordained Encounter", condition = "Begin \"Vacation Lane.\"", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN2", id = 1437, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1438] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Venuses' Visitation", condition = "Begin SP1.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN3", id = 1438, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1439] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Special Power", condition = "After starting SP1.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN4", id = 1439, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1440] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Grand Opening", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP1.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN5", id = 1440, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1441] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dancing Blades", condition = "Defeat the Boss of SP1.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN6", id = 1441, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1442] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Intermission", condition = "Begin SP2.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN7", id = 1442, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1443] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Story of Several Sisters", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP2.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN8", id = 1443, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1444] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sisters in Battle", condition = "Defeat the Boss of SP2.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN9", id = 1444, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1445] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Matter of Size?", condition = "Begin SP3.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN10", id = 1445, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1446] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Featured Fight", condition = "Defeat the Boss of SP3.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN11", id = 1446, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1447] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Before the Decisive Battle", condition = "Begin SP4.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN12", id = 1447, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1448] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mikasa's Bright Stars", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP4.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN13", id = 1448, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1449] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Living Up to Expectations", condition = "Defeat the Boss of SP4.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN14", id = 1449, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1450] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Linked Worlds", condition = "Clear SP4.", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN15", id = 1450, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1451] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_doa", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One-way Observation", condition = "???", story = "JIARIHANGXIAN16", id = 1451, icon = "memory_jiarihangxian", is_open = 0 }, [1452] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Care for a Crepe?", condition = "Unlock day 1 of \"Vacation Lane - Cozy Days.\"", story = "JIARIHANGXIANRICHANG1", id = 1452, icon = "memory_jiarihangxianrichang", is_open = 0 }, [1453] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sandcastle Showdown", condition = "Unlock day 3 of \"Vacation Lane - Cozy Days.\"", story = "JIARIHANGXIANRICHANG2", id = 1453, icon = "memory_jiarihangxianrichang", is_open = 0 }, [1454] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Luck of the Draw", condition = "Unlock day 5 of \"Vacation Lane - Cozy Days.\"", story = "JIARIHANGXIANRICHANG3", id = 1454, icon = "memory_jiarihangxianrichang", is_open = 0 }, [1455] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tales from the Sakura Empire", condition = "Unlock day 7 of \"Vacation Lane - Cozy Days.\"", story = "JIARIHANGXIANRICHANG4", id = 1455, icon = "memory_jiarihangxianrichang", is_open = 0 }, [1461] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Moreso than Usual...", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 1.", story = "XIPEIER1", id = 1461, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1462] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hipper Wants to Calm Down", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 2.", story = "XIPEIER2", id = 1462, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1463] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Getting A Clue", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 3.", story = "XIPEIER3", id = 1463, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1464] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Seaside Ride", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 4.", story = "XIPEIER4", id = 1464, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1465] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strategy Meeting?", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 5.", story = "XIPEIER5", id = 1465, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1466] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Courageous Charge", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 6.", story = "XIPEIER6", id = 1466, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1467] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Lifelong Vow", condition = "Begin \"Paradigm of Happiness\" Chapter 7.", story = "XIPEIER7", id = 1467, icon = "memory_xipeier", is_open = 0 }, [1471] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Charge, Kent!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 1.", story = "KENTE1", id = 1471, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1472] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kent the Unbeatable!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 2.", story = "KENTE2", id = 1472, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1473] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Feelings of Gratitude!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 3.", story = "KENTE3", id = 1473, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1474] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Just Happened To!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 4.", story = "KENTE4", id = 1474, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1475] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Kent's Secret!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 5.", story = "KENTE5", id = 1475, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1476] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Light in the Darkness!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 6.", story = "KENTE6", id = 1476, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1477] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Forever Together!", condition = "Begin \"Unbridled Positivity\" Chapter 7.", story = "KENTE7", id = 1477, icon = "memory_kente", is_open = 0 }, [1481] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Invitation", condition = "Begin \"Inverted Orthant.\"", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN1", id = 1481, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1482] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Floating Fortress", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN2", id = 1482, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1483] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Routine", condition = "After starting A1 or C1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN3", id = 1483, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1484] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Storming the Stronghold", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN4", id = 1484, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1485] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Conductor", condition = "Fight the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN5", id = 1485, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1486] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Fruits of Training", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN6", id = 1486, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1487] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strasser's Whims", condition = "Start A2 or C2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN7", id = 1487, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1488] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mirror Sea", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN8", id = 1488, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1489] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Cause for Concern", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN9", id = 1489, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1490] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sudden Visitors", condition = "Start A3 or C3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN10", id = 1490, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1491] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "On Guard", condition = "After starting A3 or C3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN11", id = 1491, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1492] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Out of Control", condition = "Fight the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN12", id = 1492, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1493] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unexpected Retreat?", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN13", id = 1493, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1494] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Takeover", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN14", id = 1494, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1495] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sudden Visitors II", condition = "Begin \"Inverted Orthant,\" Part 2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN15", id = 1495, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1496] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "According to Plan", condition = "Start B1 or D1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN16", id = 1496, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1497] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Equipment Issue", condition = "Get the boss of B1 or D1 to appear.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN17", id = 1497, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1498] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Going Back", condition = "Fight the boss of B1 or D1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN18", id = 1498, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1499] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Guidance", condition = "Defeat the boss of B1 or D1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN19", id = 1499, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1500] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Misunderstanding", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN20", id = 1500, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1501] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Some Adjustment", condition = "Start B2 or D2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN21", id = 1501, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1502] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Trap", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN22", id = 1502, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1503] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Wave After Wave", condition = "Fight the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN23", id = 1503, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1504] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Critical Moment", condition = "Defeat the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN24", id = 1504, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1505] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breach of Trust", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN25", id = 1505, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1506] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Coming to Light", condition = "Start B3 or D3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN26", id = 1506, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1507] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Warning", condition = "Get the boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN27", id = 1507, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1508] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Leading the Charge", condition = "Fight the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN28", id = 1508, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1509] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Night Battle", condition = "1st time defeating the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN29", id = 1509, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1510] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cooperation", condition = "2nd time defeating the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN30", id = 1510, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1511] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breaking Through", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN31", id = 1511, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1512] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Epilogue", condition = "???", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN32", id = 1512, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1513] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shaky Return", condition = "???", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN33", id = 1513, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1514] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What Really Happened", condition = "???", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN34", id = 1514, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1515] = { mask = "bg/bg_fuxiangxian_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Inverted Orthant", condition = "???", story = "FUXIANGXIANZUOZHAN35", id = 1515, icon = "memory_fuxiangxianzuozhan", is_open = 0 }, [1521] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The First Sound Under the Sky ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 1", story = "ZHUIGANZHE1", id = 1521, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1522] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Novel Tea Novelty ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 2", story = "ZHUIGANZHE2", id = 1522, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1523] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Curiosity and Cake ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 3", story = "ZHUIGANZHE3", id = 1523, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1524] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "When in Rome ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 4", story = "ZHUIGANZHE4", id = 1524, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1525] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Passion for the Exotic ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 5", story = "ZHUIGANZHE5", id = 1525, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1526] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Ungraceful Attempt? ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 6", story = "ZHUIGANZHE6", id = 1526, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1527] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Excitement and Curiosity ", condition = "Begin \"Moments with the Young Miss\" Chapter 7", story = "ZHUIGANZHE7", id = 1527, icon = "memory_zhuiganzhe", is_open = 0 }, [1530] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Arcana Sanctum", condition = "Begin \"Khorovod of Dawn's Rime.\"", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA1", id = 1530, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1531] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Two-Pronged Operation", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA2", id = 1531, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1532] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "History", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA3", id = 1532, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1533] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Guardian", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA4", id = 1533, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1534] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cooperation", condition = "Start A2 or C2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA5", id = 1534, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1535] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Disguise", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA6", id = 1535, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1536] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unexpected Results", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA7", id = 1536, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1537] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Icebreaker Submarine", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA8", id = 1537, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1538] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Air Chamber", condition = "Start A3 or C3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA9", id = 1538, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1539] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sanctuary", condition = "Get the Boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA10", id = 1539, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1540] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Obsolete", condition = "Fight the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA11", id = 1540, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1541] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vortex", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3 one time.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA12", id = 1541, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1542] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Control Room", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3 two time.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA13", id = 1542, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1543] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_2", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "City of Light", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA14", id = 1543, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1544] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strings I", condition = "Begin \"Khorovod of Dawn's Rime.\" Part 2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA15", id = 1544, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1545] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Phase ", condition = "Start B1 or D1.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA16", id = 1545, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1546] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Swarms of Light", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA17", id = 1546, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1547] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strings II", condition = "Start B2 or D2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA18", id = 1547, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1548] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Line of Sight", condition = "Continue B2 or D2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA19", id = 1548, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1549] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Blueprint Ships", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA20", id = 1549, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1550] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pick", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA21", id = 1550, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1551] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strings III", condition = "Start B3 or D3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA22", id = 1551, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1552] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Alarm", condition = "Continue B3 or D3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA23", id = 1552, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1553] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vox ex Machina", condition = "Get the boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA24", id = 1553, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1554] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Radiance", condition = "Fight the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA25", id = 1554, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1555] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Afterglow", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA26", id = 1555, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1556] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Project Dawn", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA27", id = 1556, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1557] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Exchange of Opinions", condition = "???", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA28", id = 1557, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1558] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Awakening", condition = "???", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA29", id = 1558, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1559] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Priority", condition = "???", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA30", id = 1559, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1560] = { mask = "bg/bg_cccpv2_10", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Convergence", condition = "???", story = "POXIAOBINGHUA31", id = 1560, icon = "memory_poxiaobinghua", is_open = 0 }, [1561] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Season of Love is Here!", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 1", story = "GELASIGE1", id = 1561, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1562] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "We’re Not Like That!", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 2", story = "GELASIGE2", id = 1562, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1563] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mandarin Ducks?!", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 3", story = "GELASIGE3", id = 1563, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1564] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Your Face is Too Close!", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 4", story = "GELASIGE4", id = 1564, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1565] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Name... Is Glasgow", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 5", story = "GELASIGE5", id = 1565, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1566] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Would You Still... Love Me?", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 6", story = "GELASIGE6", id = 1566, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1567] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "That Scared Me Half to Death!", condition = "Begin \"Tis the Season of Love!\" Chapter 7", story = "GELASIGE7", id = 1567, icon = "memory_gelasige", is_open = 0 }, [1571] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Earliest Bird", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 1", story = "BEILALUOSI1", id = 1571, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1572] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Eyes on the Prize", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 2", story = "BEILALUOSI2", id = 1572, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1573] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Luck of the Draw", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 3", story = "BEILALUOSI3", id = 1573, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1574] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Belorussiya, As a Person", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 4", story = "BEILALUOSI4", id = 1574, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1575] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Drunken Stupor", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 5", story = "BEILALUOSI5", id = 1575, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1576] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Refreshing Morning", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 6", story = "BEILALUOSI6", id = 1576, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1577] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Back in Office", condition = "Begin \"White Gallantry\" Chapter 7", story = "BEILALUOSI7", id = 1577, icon = "memory_beilaluosi", is_open = 0 }, [1581] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Quest Accepted!", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 1", story = "DANFO1", id = 1581, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1582] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First Quest, First Party", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 2", story = "DANFO2", id = 1582, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1583] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Knights Need Advice", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 3", story = "DANFO3", id = 1583, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1584] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Knight's Sisters", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 4", story = "DANFO4", id = 1584, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1585] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Rival's Quest", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 5", story = "DANFO5", id = 1585, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1586] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Leveling Up!", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 6", story = "DANFO6", id = 1586, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1587] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chivalric Oath", condition = "Begin \"Denver's Quest!\" Chapter 7", story = "DANFO7", id = 1587, icon = "memory_danfo", is_open = 0 }, [1588] = { mask = "bg/bg_story_outdoor", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Golden Doubulin, Part IV", condition = "???", story = "HUANGJINDEMIBAO4", id = 1588, icon = "memory_huangjindemibao", is_open = 0 }, [1591] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Easily Distracted", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 1", story = "AILUNSAMUNA1", id = 1591, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1592] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sticker Star", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 2", story = "AILUNSAMUNA2", id = 1592, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1593] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Work Hard, Play Hard", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 3", story = "AILUNSAMUNA3", id = 1593, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1594] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shopping in the Daylight", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 4", story = "AILUNSAMUNA4", id = 1594, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1595] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dinner in the Sunset", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 5", story = "AILUNSAMUNA5", id = 1595, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1596] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Surprise Gift", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 6", story = "AILUNSAMUNA6", id = 1596, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1597] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What Allen Wanted", condition = "Begin \"Three-Star Luxury Romance\" Chapter 7", story = "AILUNSAMUNA7", id = 1597, icon = "memory_ailunsamuna", is_open = 0 }, [1601] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Maestrale's Report", condition = "Begin \"Daedalian Hymn.\" Part 1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI1", id = 1601, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1602] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Littorio's Departure", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI2", id = 1602, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1603] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Strolling Through the Garden", condition = "After starting A1 or C1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI3", id = 1603, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1604] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "History Lesson", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI4", id = 1604, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1605] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Paltry Invasion", condition = "Fight the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI5", id = 1605, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1606] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mysterious Island", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI6", id = 1606, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1607] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Aquila Takes Wing", condition = "Start A2 or C2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI7", id = 1607, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1608] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Veneto's Stratagem", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI8", id = 1608, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1609] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mirror Sea of the Mediterranean", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI9", id = 1609, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1610] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Great Labyrinth Appears", condition = "Start A3 or C3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI10", id = 1610, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1611] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rhythm of Trust", condition = "After starting A3 or C3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI11", id = 1611, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1612] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Torricelli's Guidance ", condition = "Get the Boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI12", id = 1612, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1613] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tea Party in the Labyrinth", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI13", id = 1613, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1614] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Field Report", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI14", id = 1614, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1615] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Origin Myths ", condition = "Begin \"Daedalian Hymn.\" Part 2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI15", id = 1615, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1616] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Colors of the Empire ", condition = "Start B1 or D1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI16", id = 1616, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1617] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Imitations ", condition = "Fight the boss of B1 or D1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI17", id = 1617, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1618] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shifting Labyrinth ", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI18", id = 1618, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1619] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Twists and Turns ", condition = "Start B2 or D2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI19", id = 1619, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1620] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Suspicions and Exchanges ", condition = "Continue B2 or D2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI20", id = 1620, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1621] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Song of the Pawns ", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI21", id = 1621, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1622] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Bad Premonition ", condition = "Fight the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI22", id = 1622, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1623] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Dangerous Allure ", condition = "1st time defeating the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI23", id = 1623, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1624] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Littorio and Veneto ", condition = "2nd time defeating the boss of B2 or D2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI24", id = 1624, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1625] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reset ", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI25", id = 1625, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1626] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Daedalus ", condition = "Start B3 or D3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI26", id = 1626, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1627] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Path Forward ", condition = "Continue B3 or D3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI27", id = 1627, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1628] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Visitors ", condition = "Get the boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI28", id = 1628, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1629] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Minotauros ", condition = "Fight the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI29", id = 1629, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1630] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unity Amidst Chaos ", condition = "1st time defeating the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI30", id = 1630, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1631] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Leading the Way ", condition = "2nd time defeating the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI31", id = 1631, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1632] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Triumph? ", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI32", id = 1632, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1633] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stremitelny's Departure ", condition = "???", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI33", id = 1633, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1634] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vacation in Roma ", condition = "???", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI34", id = 1634, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1635] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Letter ", condition = "???", story = "FUXINGDEZANMEISHI35", id = 1635, icon = "memory_fuxingdezanmeishi", is_open = 0 }, [1641] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Day After the Storm", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 1", story = "SHIYU1", id = 1641, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1642] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "To Yamashiro's Aid", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 2", story = "SHIYU2", id = 1642, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1643] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sweep 'n' Skip", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 3", story = "SHIYU3", id = 1643, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1644] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Be Mindful Around the Green", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 4", story = "SHIYU4", id = 1644, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1645] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Inside Shigure's Mind", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 5", story = "SHIYU5", id = 1645, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1646] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Surprise Behind the Door", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 6", story = "SHIYU6", id = 1646, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1647] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Moving Forward with Shigure", condition = "Begin \"Heart in the Right Place\" Chapter 7", story = "SHIYU7", id = 1647, icon = "memory_shiyu", is_open = 0 }, [1651] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Help Me, My Commander!", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 1", story = "TIANYING1", id = 1651, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1652] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Study in Elegance", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 2", story = "TIANYING2", id = 1652, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1653] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Making Things Work", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 3", story = "TIANYING3", id = 1653, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1654] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Exercises and Combat Training", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 4", story = "TIANYING4", id = 1654, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1655] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Try, Try Again", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 5", story = "TIANYING5", id = 1655, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1656] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Missing \"Something\"", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 6", story = "TIANYING6", id = 1656, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1657] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "My Commander", condition = "Begin \"The Growth of a Courtly Lady\" Chapter 7", story = "TIANYING7", id = 1657, icon = "memory_tianying", is_open = 0 }, [1661] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Archive Log I", condition = "Clear \"Silver Archives\" P2", story = "YINSEDANGAN1", id = 1661, icon = "memory_yinsedangan", is_open = 0 }, [1662] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Archive Log II", condition = "Clear \"Silver Archives\" P6", story = "YINSEDANGAN2", id = 1662, icon = "memory_yinsedangan", is_open = 0 }, [1663] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Archive Log III", condition = "Clear \"Silver Archives\" P10", story = "YINSEDANGAN3", id = 1663, icon = "memory_yinsedangan", is_open = 0 }, [1664] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Silver Archives IV", condition = "Clear \"Silver Archives\" P14", story = "YINSEDANGAN4", id = 1664, icon = "memory_yinsedangan", is_open = 0 }, [1671] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sound of the Waves", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 1", story = "U471", id = 1671, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1672] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Quiet Visitor", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 2", story = "U472", id = 1672, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1673] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Milky Goodness", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 3", story = "U473", id = 1673, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1674] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Loudmouthed Visitor", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 4", story = "U474", id = 1674, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1675] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Breaking the Silence", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 5", story = "U475", id = 1675, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1676] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Free Rein", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 6", story = "U476", id = 1676, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1677] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Tacit Communication", condition = "Begin \"Days of Tranquility\" Chapter 7", story = "U477", id = 1677, icon = "memory_u47", is_open = 0 }, [1681] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Welcome Back, Commander", condition = "Begin \"Mirror Involution.\" Part 1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN1", id = 1681, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1682] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Black Dragon Awakens", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN2", id = 1682, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1683] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Unforgettable", condition = "After starting A1 or C1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN3", id = 1683, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1684] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enemy Intel", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN4", id = 1684, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1685] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reverse Course", condition = "Fight the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN5", id = 1685, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1686] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Intelligence and Mobilization", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN6", id = 1686, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1687] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Trapped?", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN7", id = 1687, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1688] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "AF Base", condition = "Start A2 or C2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN8", id = 1688, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1689] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Morrison and Mr. Bear", condition = "After starting A2 or C2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN9", id = 1689, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1690] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reenactment", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN10", id = 1690, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1691] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Incomplete Reenactment", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN11", id = 1691, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1692] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Memories of AF", condition = "Clear A2 or C2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN12", id = 1692, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1693] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reinforcements?", condition = "Start A3 or C3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN13", id = 1693, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1694] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Silver Wings", condition = "Get the Boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN14", id = 1694, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1695] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Visitor From a Distant Dream", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN15", id = 1695, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1696] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_1", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fated Memories", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN16", id = 1696, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1697] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shadows in the Sea Fog", condition = "Begin \"Mirror Involution.\" Part 2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN17", id = 1697, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1698] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Silent Dolls", condition = "Start B1 or D1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN18", id = 1698, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1699] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mindless", condition = "Fight the boss of B1 or D1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN19", id = 1699, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1700] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cogs of Fate", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN20", id = 1700, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1701] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Helena's Shadow", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN21", id = 1701, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1702] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Combat", condition = "Start B2 or D2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN22", id = 1702, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1703] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Imperceptible", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN23", id = 1703, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1704] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Clockwork World", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN24", id = 1704, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1705] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Through the Rift", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN25", id = 1705, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1706] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Reboot", condition = "Start B3 or D3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN26", id = 1706, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1707] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Final Battle", condition = "Get the boss of B3 or D3 to appear.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN27", id = 1707, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1708] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "META", condition = "Fight the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN28", id = 1708, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1709] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Old Friend", condition = "1st time defeating the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN29", id = 1709, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1710] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Path to the Future", condition = "2nd time defeating the boss of B3 or D3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN30", id = 1710, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1711] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Retreat", condition = "Clear B3 or D3.", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN31", id = 1711, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1712] = { mask = "bg_luoxuan_5", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Investigation", condition = "???", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN32", id = 1712, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1713] = { mask = "bg/bg_italyv2_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rewritten Rules", condition = "???", story = "JINGWEILUOXUAN33", id = 1713, icon = "memory_jingweiluoxuan", is_open = 0 }, [1716] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Because I Expect Great Things From You!", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 1", story = "NAERXUN1", id = 1716, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1717] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Stop Seeing Right Through Me!", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 2", story = "NAERXUN2", id = 1717, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1718] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Don't Make Me Repeat Myself!", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 3", story = "NAERXUN3", id = 1718, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1719] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "We're Done Talking Here!", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 4", story = "NAERXUN4", id = 1719, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1720] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Say Something Already!", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 5", story = "NAERXUN5", id = 1720, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1721] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "There's Something I Wanted to Tell You", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 6", story = "NAERXUN6", id = 1721, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1722] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "I've Always Expected Great Things From You!", condition = "Begin \"The Virtue of Being Earnest\" Chapter 7", story = "NAERXUN7", id = 1722, icon = "memory_naerxun", is_open = 0 }, [1725] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mermaid?", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 1", story = "BOYIXI1", id = 1725, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1726] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Rookie Secretary", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 2", story = "BOYIXI2", id = 1726, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1727] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shopping", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 3", story = "BOYIXI3", id = 1727, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1728] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Defeat?", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 4", story = "BOYIXI4", id = 1728, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1729] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "An Invisible Smile", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 5", story = "BOYIXI5", id = 1729, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1730] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "As Promised", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 6", story = "BOYIXI6", id = 1730, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1731] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Sweetness of Tiramisu", condition = "Begin \"Me and the Boise\" Chapter 7", story = "BOYIXI7", id = 1731, icon = "memory_boyixi", is_open = 0 }, [1732] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cheshire's New Journey", condition = "Get Cheshire to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK29903", id = 1732, icon = "memory_chaijun", is_open = 0 }, [1733] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Champagne's New Journey", condition = "Get Champagne to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK89902", id = 1733, icon = "memory_xiangbin", is_open = 0 }, [1734] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Odin's New Journey", condition = "Get Odin to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK49904", id = 1734, icon = "memory_aoding", is_open = 0 }, [1735] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mainz's New Journey", condition = "Get Mainz to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK49903", id = 1735, icon = "memory_meiyinci", is_open = 0 }, [1736] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Lost Purse", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 1", story = "FUSANG1", id = 1736, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1737] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Shopping for Sweets", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 2", story = "FUSANG2", id = 1737, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1738] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Bad At Writing Mail?", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 3", story = "FUSANG3", id = 1738, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1739] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Promise", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 4", story = "FUSANG4", id = 1739, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1740] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Smiling Faces", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 5", story = "FUSANG5", id = 1740, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1741] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rain of Disappointment", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 6", story = "FUSANG6", id = 1741, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1742] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Small Blessing", condition = "Begin \"After the Flowers Bloomed\" Chapter 7", story = "FUSANG7", id = 1742, icon = "memory_fusang", is_open = 0 }, [1746] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Idols", condition = "Play Manjuu Meet n' Greet 1 time.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIRICHANG1", id = 1746, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashirichang", is_open = 0 }, [1747] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Port", condition = "Play Manjuu Meet n' Greet 3 times.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIRICHANG2", id = 1747, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashirichang", is_open = 0 }, [1748] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Lessons", condition = "Play Manjuu Meet n' Greet 5 times.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIRICHANG3", id = 1748, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashirichang", is_open = 0 }, [1749] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Fun and Games", condition = "Play Manjuu Meet n' Greet 7 times.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIRICHANG4", id = 1749, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashirichang", is_open = 0 }, [1751] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Bridge to an Ocean-Colored Destination", condition = "Begin \"Azur Anthem.\"", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA1", id = 1751, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1752] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "For Real...?!", condition = "Begin SP1", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA2", id = 1752, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1753] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Encroaching Mirror Sea", condition = "Fight the Boss of SP1", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA3", id = 1753, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1754] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Danger", condition = "Clear SP1.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA4", id = 1754, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1755] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Exercises, Lessons, and Smiles!", condition = "Begin SP2", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA5", id = 1755, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1756] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ready to Go!", condition = "Fight the Boss of SP2", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA6", id = 1756, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1757] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Illusory Enemy", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP2.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA7", id = 1757, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1758] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Moving Forward!", condition = "Clear SP2.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA8", id = 1758, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1759] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ongoing Journey", condition = "Begin SP3", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA9", id = 1759, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1760] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Skies, Seas, and Songs", condition = "Win 1 battle on SP3", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA10", id = 1760, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1761] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Illuminate the Star of Bravery!", condition = "Fight the Boss of SP3", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA11", id = 1761, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1762] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The First Step Towards Fate", condition = "Clear SP3.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA12", id = 1762, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1763] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "To A Miraculous Concert", condition = "Begin SP4", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA13", id = 1763, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1764] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "United Hearts", condition = "Fight the Boss of SP4", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA14", id = 1764, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1765] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Our Path, Our Song", condition = "Defeat the boss of SP4.", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA15", id = 1765, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1766] = { mask = "bg/bg_map_idom", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Our Conviction, Our Hope", condition = "Clear SP4", story = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA16", id = 1766, icon = "memory_ouxiangdashiguanqia", is_open = 0 }, [1771] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Freeze!", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 1.", story = "GUINU1", id = 1771, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1772] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Differences in Skill", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 2.", story = "GUINU2", id = 1772, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1773] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Demons and Men", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 3.", story = "GUINU3", id = 1773, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1774] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One of a Kind", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 4.", story = "GUINU4", id = 1774, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1775] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ghosts & Demons", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 5.", story = "GUINU5", id = 1775, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1776] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Pokerface", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 6.", story = "GUINU6", id = 1776, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1777] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Element of Surprise", condition = "Begin \"As Cool As A Demon\" Chapter 7.", story = "GUINU7", id = 1777, icon = "memory_guinu", is_open = 0 }, [1781] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Bright and Bubbly", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 1.", story = "DAHUANGFENG1", id = 1781, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1782] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Silent Friend", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 2.", story = "DAHUANGFENG2", id = 1782, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1783] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Topic of Sisters", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 3.", story = "DAHUANGFENG3", id = 1783, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1784] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Appearance of a Rival?!", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 4.", story = "DAHUANGFENG4", id = 1784, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1785] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Enty's Sister", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 5.", story = "DAHUANGFENG5", id = 1785, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1786] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Be Yourself", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 6.", story = "DAHUANGFENG6", id = 1786, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1787] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "I Love You!", condition = "Begin \"Duelling Sunshine!\" Chapter 7.", story = "DAHUANGFENG7", id = 1787, icon = "memory_dahuangfeng", is_open = 0 }, [1791] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Touching Fingertips", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 1.", story = "KASABULANKA1", id = 1791, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1792] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Too Many Appointments", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 2.", story = "KASABULANKA2", id = 1792, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1793] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Her Serious Side", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 3.", story = "KASABULANKA3", id = 1793, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1794] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hard to Explain", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 4.", story = "KASABULANKA4", id = 1794, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1795] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Advice From Friends", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 5.", story = "KASABULANKA5", id = 1795, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1796] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Passionate Thoughts", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 6.", story = "KASABULANKA6", id = 1796, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1797] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Premonitions of Romance", condition = "Begin \"A Whirlwind Romance\" Chapter 7.", story = "KASABULANKA7", id = 1797, icon = "memory_kasabulanka", is_open = 0 }, [1798] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Azuma's New Journey", condition = "Get Azuma to Dev. Level 30.", story = "LUCK39904", id = 1798, icon = "memory_wuqi", is_open = 0 }, [1801] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Iron Blood's Invitation", condition = "Begin \"Upon the Shimmering Blue.\" Part 1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN1", id = 1801, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1802] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Directionally Challenged?", condition = "Start A1 or C1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN2", id = 1802, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1803] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Palace on the Sea", condition = "Get the boss of A1 or C1 to appear.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN3", id = 1803, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1804] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Onset of Peril", condition = "Fight the boss of A1 or C1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN4", id = 1804, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1805] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Glimpses into a Dream", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A1 or C1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN5", id = 1805, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1806] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sinking", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN6", id = 1806, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1807] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Race to the Heart", condition = "Start A2 or C2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN7", id = 1807, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1808] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mass-Production Machine", condition = "Get the boss of A2 or C2 to appear.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN8", id = 1808, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1809] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Brave the Waves!", condition = "Fight the boss of A2 or C2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN9", id = 1809, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1810] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Seals of the Dragon palace", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A2 or C2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN10", id = 1810, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1811] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Onward!", condition = "Start A3 or C3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN11", id = 1811, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1812] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Defense System?", condition = "Get the Boss of A3 or C3 to appear.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN12", id = 1812, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1813] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Immovable Sentinels", condition = "Fight the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN13", id = 1813, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1814] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Getting Closer", condition = "Defeat the boss of A3 or C3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN14", id = 1814, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1815] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Underwater Wonder", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A3 or C3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN15", id = 1815, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1816] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_3", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sea of Flames", condition = "Clear A3 or C3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN16", id = 1816, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1817] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Things of the Past", condition = "Begin \"Upon the Shimmering Blue.\" Part 2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN17", id = 1817, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1818] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Cry for Help", condition = "Start B1 or D1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN18", id = 1818, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1819] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Another Victim", condition = "Get the boss of B1 or D1 to appear.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN19", id = 1819, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1820] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Straight Line", condition = "Fight the boss of B1 or D1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN20", id = 1820, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1821] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Rolling Thunder", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN21", id = 1821, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1822] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hidden Treasure", condition = "Clear B1 or D1.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN22", id = 1822, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1823] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Crossfire", condition = "Start B2 or D2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN23", id = 1823, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1824] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Inner Ring", condition = "Get the boss of B2 or D2 to appear.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN24", id = 1824, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1825] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Regeneration", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B2 or D2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN25", id = 1825, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1826] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Into the Heart", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN26", id = 1826, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1827] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hakuryuu's Descent", condition = "Start B3 or D3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN27", id = 1827, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1828] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Activating the Mechanisms", condition = "Continue B3 or D3.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN28", id = 1828, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1829] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Treasure of Verdant Gales ", condition = "Destroy 1 Palace Mechanism Ship.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN29", id = 1829, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1830] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Treasure of Azure Vortexes ", condition = "Destroy 2 Palace Mechanism Ships.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN30", id = 1830, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1831] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Treasure of Scarlet Flames ", condition = "Destroy 3 Palace Mechanism Ships.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN31", id = 1831, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1832] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Treasure of White Waves ", condition = "Destroy 4 Palace Mechanism Ships.", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN32", id = 1832, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1833] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 2, title = "Upon the Shimmering Blue", condition = "Defeat the Boss of B3 or D3.", story = "1566001", id = 1833, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1834] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A New Companion", condition = "???", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN34", id = 1834, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1835] = { mask = "bg/bg_daofeng_4", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chaos", condition = "???", story = "BIHAIGUANGLIN35", id = 1835, icon = "memory_bihaiguanglin", is_open = 0 }, [1841] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Guess Who!", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 1.", story = "MABUERHEIDE1", id = 1841, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1842] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Smile for the Camera", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 2.", story = "MABUERHEIDE2", id = 1842, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1843] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Girl Talk", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 3.", story = "MABUERHEIDE3", id = 1843, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1844] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sweet Tooth", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 4.", story = "MABUERHEIDE4", id = 1844, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1845] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Seashells by the Seashore", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 5.", story = "MABUERHEIDE5", id = 1845, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1846] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sunlit Backstory", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 6.", story = "MABUERHEIDE6", id = 1846, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1847] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Toward a New Tomorrow", condition = "Begin \"Light Up My Day\" Chapter 7.", story = "MABUERHEIDE7", id = 1847, icon = "memory_mabuerheide", is_open = 0 }, [1851] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "First on the Scene", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 1", story = "DAOFENG1", id = 1851, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [1852] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cool that Hot Head", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 2", story = "DAOFENG2", id = 1852, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [1853] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Ride the Island Breeze", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 3", story = "DAOFENG3", id = 1853, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [1854] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Day at the Museum", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 4", story = "DAOFENG4", id = 1854, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [1855] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Double Bunny Trouble", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 5", story = "DAOFENG5", id = 1855, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [1856] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "One for All", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 6", story = "DAOFENG6", id = 1856, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [1857] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "All for One", condition = "Begin \"Full Steam Ahead!\" Chapter 7", story = "DAOFENG7", id = 1857, icon = "memory_daofeng", is_open = 0 }, [10011] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Vacation Encounter", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 1", story = "CHANGDAO1", id = 10011, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10012] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "No more sports!", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 2", story = "CHANGDAO2", id = 10012, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10013] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "No more exercise!", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 3", story = "CHANGDAO3", id = 10013, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10014] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Perfect Vacation", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 4", story = "CHANGDAO4", id = 10014, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10015] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Eat my ultimate skill!", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 5", story = "CHANGDAO5", id = 10015, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10016] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Hard Defeat", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 6", story = "CHANGDAO6", id = 10016, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10017] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Dream Vacation", condition = "Complete Long Island mission 7", story = "CHANGDAO7", id = 10017, icon = "changdao", is_open = 0 }, [10018] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 2, title = "The War God's Return", condition = "Complete the event battle of \"The War God's Return.\" ", story = "1060000", id = 10018, icon = "mikasa", is_open = 0 }, [10019] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Upheaval", condition = "Complete the 2nd mission of \"The War God's Return.\"", story = "SANLI07", id = 10019, icon = "mikasa", is_open = 0 }, [10020] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Celebratory Banquet", condition = "Complete the 3rd mission of \"The War God's Return.\"", story = "SANLI08", id = 10020, icon = "mikasa", is_open = 0 }, [10021] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Conviction", condition = "Complete the 4th mission of \"The War God's Return.\"", story = "SANLI09", id = 10021, icon = "mikasa", is_open = 0 }, [10029] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Problem Kids", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 1", story = "TEACHER1", id = 10029, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10030] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "NEET's Last Dignity", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 2", story = "TEACHER2", id = 10030, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10031] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Who is this? Where am I?", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 3", story = "TEACHER3", id = 10031, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10032] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Taboo - Double Mischief!", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 5", story = "TEACHER4", id = 10032, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10033] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "The Worries of Z23", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 7", story = "TEACHER5", id = 10033, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10034] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Run, Z23!", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 9", story = "TEACHER6", id = 10034, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10035] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Teach Me, Z23-Sensei!", condition = "Unlock Z23-Sensei Day 10", story = "TEACHER7", id = 10035, icon = "z23", is_open = 0 }, [10036] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Wormhole To Another Dimension", condition = "Unlocked on day 1 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY1", id = 10036, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10037] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "What You Need Is A CPU!", condition = "Unlocked on day 2 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY2", id = 10037, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10038] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Cross-Cultural Contact", condition = "Unlocked on day 3 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY3", id = 10038, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10039] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "A Room, Two Gamers, And I", condition = "Unlocked on day 4 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY4", id = 10039, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10040] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Keep Quiet In The Library", condition = "Unlocked on day 5 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY5", id = 10040, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10041] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Game Night With The Girls!", condition = "Unlocked on day 6 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY6", id = 10041, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10042] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Well Then, Buh-Bye!", condition = "Unlocked on day 7 of the collaboration", story = "NEPU_DAILY7", id = 10042, icon = "memory_nepu_daily", is_open = 0 }, [10043] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Odd-Colored Seas - BLACK", condition = "Begin \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 1", story = "NEPU_STAGE101", id = 10043, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10044] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Jet Black Finale", condition = "Clear \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 1", story = "NEPU_STAGE102", id = 10044, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10045] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Odd-Colored Seas - GREEN", condition = "Begin \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 2", story = "NEPU_STAGE201", id = 10045, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10046] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Verdant Green Finale", condition = "Clear \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 2", story = "NEPU_STAGE202", id = 10046, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10047] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Odd-Colored Seas - WHITE", condition = "Begin \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 3", story = "NEPU_STAGE301", id = 10047, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10048] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Pure White Finale", condition = "Clear \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 3", story = "NEPU_STAGE302", id = 10048, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10049] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Odd-Colored Seas - PURPLE", condition = "Begin \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 4", story = "NEPU_STAGE401", id = 10049, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10050] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Deep Purple Conclusion", condition = "Clear \"Visitors From Another Dimension\" SP. 4", story = "NEPU_STAGE402", id = 10050, icon = "memory_nepu_stage", is_open = 0 }, [10051] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Opening", condition = "Begin \"Ink-Stained Steel Sakura.\"", story = "YINGHUA1", id = 10051, icon = "memory_yinghua1", is_open = 0 }, [10052] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Return", condition = "Begin A1 or C1.", story = "YINGHUA2", id = 10052, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10053] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Objective", condition = "Clear A1 or C1.", story = "YINGHUA3", id = 10053, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10054] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Chance", condition = "Begin A2 or C2.", story = "YINGHUA4", id = 10054, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10055] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sisters", condition = "Begin A3 or C3.", story = "YINGHUA5", id = 10055, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10056] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Confinement", condition = "Begin A4 or C4.", story = "YINGHUA6", id = 10056, icon = "memory_yinghua2", is_open = 0 }, [10057] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Convoy", condition = "Defeat the Boss of A4 or C4.", story = "YINGHUA7", id = 10057, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10058] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Boundary", condition = "Clear A4 or C4.", story = "YINGHUA8", id = 10058, icon = "memory_yinghua3", is_open = 0 }, [10059] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Prayer", condition = "Begin Part 2 of \"Ink-Stained Steel Sakura.\"", story = "YINGHUA9", id = 10059, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10060] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Little Sister", condition = "Begin B1 or D1.", story = "YINGHUA10", id = 10060, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10061] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Waking Up", condition = "Get the Boss Node of B1 or D1.", story = "YINGHUA11", id = 10061, icon = "memory_yinghua3", is_open = 0 }, [10062] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Final Battle", condition = "Encounter the Boss of B1 or D1.", story = "YINGHUA12", id = 10062, icon = "memory_yinghua4", is_open = 0 }, [10063] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Powerful Enemy", condition = "Begin B2 or D2.", story = "YINGHUA13", id = 10063, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10064] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Repelling Strike", condition = "Clear B2 or D2.", story = "YINGHUA14", id = 10064, icon = "memory_yinghua", is_open = 0 }, [10065] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "装甲骑兵1", condition = "解锁装甲骑兵任务1", story = "ZHUANGJIA1", id = 10065, icon = "memory_zhuangjia", is_open = 0 }, [10072] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Moonlit Overture", condition = "Begin SP1.", story = "TACT50000", id = 10072, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10073] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Encounter", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP1.", story = "TACT50001", id = 10073, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10074] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Retreat", condition = "Clear SP1.", story = "TACT50002", id = 10074, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10075] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Sisters", condition = "Begin SP2.", story = "TACT50003", id = 10075, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10076] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Mayhem", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP2.", story = "TACT50004", id = 10076, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10077] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Backup", condition = "Clear SP2.", story = "TACT50005", id = 10077, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10078] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Struggle", condition = "Begin SP3.", story = "TACT50006", id = 10078, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10079] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Evenly Matched", condition = "Encounter the Boss of SP3.", story = "TACT50007", id = 10079, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, [10080] = { mask = "bg/bg_memory", subtitle = "", type = 1, title = "Overture", condition = "Clear SP3.", story = "TACT50008", id = 10080, icon = "memory_asituoliya", is_open = 0 }, all = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 4001, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 4000, 49, 4002, 50, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 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10079, 10080 } }