pg = pg or {} pg.guild_boss_event = { [90001] = { id = 90001, name = "Shadow Over the North Sea", report = "With the Siren defeated, the threat to these waters has been eliminated. Was this battle, too, another one of their experiments? \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b1_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70001, { 70001 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 258 }, { 2, 54018, 6 } } }, [90002] = { id = 90002, name = "Looming Threat to the Atoll", report = "The Siren armed with unusual weaponry has been put a stop to. These azure lanes are in the hands of humanity once more. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b1_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70002, { 70002 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 298 }, { 2, 54018, 8 } } }, [90003] = { id = 90003, name = "Specter in the North Atlantic", report = "The scourge known as the “Specter” turned out to be a Siren. Its days of scaring seafarers are over, now that it has been dispelled. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b2_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70011, { 70011 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 278 }, { 2, 54018, 7 } } }, [90004] = { id = 90004, name = "Behemoth from the Icy Deep", report = "Although no voyage is without risk, this route has become significantly safer now that the commerce raiding Siren in this region has been dealt with. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b2_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70012, { 70012 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 328 }, { 2, 54018, 9 } } }, [90005] = { id = 90005, name = "Ambusher upon the North Routes", report = "It appears that the Siren that wreaked such havoc was not sentient... it was merely imitating the behavior of a more advanced entity. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b2_1", painting = "guild_event_boss_2", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70013, { 70013 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 388 }, { 2, 54018, 12 } } }, [90006] = { id = 90006, name = "Crystalline Beast of the Fjord", report = "The Siren presence in these waters has been eliminated. Somehow, it felt less like they were on the offensive and more like they were searching for something... \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b3_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70021, { 70021 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 308 }, { 2, 54018, 8 } } }, [90007] = { id = 90007, name = "Horror from the Royal Channel", report = "The Sirens’ siege on the crucial commerce harbor in this region was been thwarted. They will surely try again someday, for which we must be prepared. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b3_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70022, { 70022 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 368 }, { 2, 54018, 11 } } }, [90008] = { id = 90008, name = "Ghost of the White Sea", report = "It appears that the Siren that wreaked such havoc was not sentient... it was merely imitating the behavior of a more advanced entity. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b3_1", painting = "guild_event_boss_3", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70023, { 70023 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 438 }, { 2, 54018, 15 } } }, [90009] = { id = 90009, name = "Northern Island Night Battle", report = "Whilst on a patrol, the fleet discovered the prowling force of Sirens and eliminated them. These waters are once more at peace. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b4_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70031, { 70031 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 348 }, { 2, 54018, 10 } } }, [90010] = { id = 90010, name = "Remote Island Coastal Offensive", report = "The Sirens’ attack on this remote region has been repelled. Humanity draws one step closer to victory on this front. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b4_1", painting = "", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70032, { 70032 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 418 }, { 2, 54018, 14 } } }, [90011] = { id = 90011, name = "Ironbottom Maritime Defense", report = "In spite of their fierce counterattack, we managed to defend against the Sirens. Naval command hopes their analysis will uncover a clue as to the Sirens’ next move. \nReceived Rewards:", main_num = 1, pic = "b4_1", painting = "guild_event_boss_4", submarine_num = 1, expedition_id = { 70033, { 70033 } }, formula = { 150, 0, 0, 0, 3.8e-05, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 }, award = { { 2, 59008 }, { 2, 54018 } }, award_report = { { 2, 59008, 498 }, { 2, 54018, 18 } } }, all = { 90001, 90002, 90003, 90004, 90005, 90006, 90007, 90008, 90009, 90010, 90011 } }