pg = pg or {} pg.expedition_daily_template = { [201] = { tips = "Escort Mission available on every Monday, Thursday and Sunday", limit_type = 1, limit_time = 3, pic = "daily1", title = "商船护送", id = 201, des = "Our Cargo ship is damaged by enemy torpedoes! Escort it to get a large number of Equipment Materials", weekday = { 1, 4, 7 }, expedition_and_lv_limit_list = { { 2000, 10 }, { 2001, 10 }, { 2002, 25 }, { 2003, 25 }, { 2004, 35 }, { 2005, 35 }, { 2006, 50 }, { 2007, 50 }, { 2008, 70 }, { 2009, 70 }, { 2010, 95 }, { 2011, 95 } } }, [301] = { tips = "Advance Mission available on every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday", limit_type = 1, limit_time = 3, pic = "daily2", title = "海域突进", id = 301, des = "Enemy self-destruction boats are zerging around! Clear them will have a chance to get Tactical Materials", weekday = { 2, 5, 7 }, expedition_and_lv_limit_list = { { 3000, 10 }, { 3001, 25 }, { 3002, 35 }, { 3003, 50 }, { 3004, 70 }, { 3005, 95 } } }, [401] = { tips = "Fierce Assault available on every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday", limit_type = 1, limit_time = 3, pic = "daily3", title = "斩首行动", id = 401, des = "Warning! Enemy Bosses on sight! Destroy them will have a chance to get Mystery Tech Packs", weekday = { 3, 6, 7 }, expedition_and_lv_limit_list = { { 4000, 10 }, { 4001, 25 }, { 4002, 35 }, { 4003, 50 }, { 4004, 70 }, { 4005, 95 } } }, [501] = { tips = "Supply Line Disruption is open every day, and can be played a maximum of 2 times weekly. ", limit_type = 2, limit_time = 2, pic = "daily5", title = "Supply Line Disruption ", id = 501, des = "Launch an operation to disrupt enemy supply lines with your Submarine Fleet! Success will grant you various Submarine gear blueprints! ", weekday = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, expedition_and_lv_limit_list = { { 1000, 35 }, { 1001, 45 }, { 1002, 55 }, { 1003, 65 }, { 1004, 75 }, { 1005, 95 } } }, [601] = { tips = "战术研修每天开启", limit_type = 1, limit_time = 3, pic = "daily6", title = "战术研修", id = 601, des = "强大的特战敌人出现了!击破有几率获得战术升级材料", weekday = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, expedition_and_lv_limit_list = { { 6000, 60 }, { 6001, 60 }, { 6002, 60 }, { 6003, 100 }, { 6004, 100 }, { 6005, 100 } } }, all = { 201, 301, 401, 501, 601 } }