pg = pg or {} pg.equip_data_statistics_60 = { [3223] = { id = 3223, value_1 = "310", base = 3220 }, [3224] = { id = 3224, value_1 = "340", base = 3220 }, [3225] = { id = 3225, value_1 = "370", base = 3220 }, [3226] = { id = 3226, value_1 = "400", base = 3220 }, [3227] = { id = 3227, value_1 = "430", base = 3220 }, [3228] = { id = 3228, value_1 = "460", base = 3220 }, [3229] = { id = 3229, value_1 = "490", base = 3220 }, [3230] = { id = 3230, value_1 = "520", base = 3220 }, [3231] = { id = 3231, anti_siren = 100, value_1 = "550", base = 3220 }, [3300] = { name = "Seal of the Four Gods", tech = 0, type = 10, speciality = "N/A", attribute_1 = "durability", value_2 = 0, icon = "3300", value_1 = "250", descrip = "A Dragon Empery amulet with the seals of four divine beasts inscribed onto it. It hides a mysterious power.", rarity = 5, nationality = 5, ammo = 10, value_3 = 0, id = 3300, torpedo_ammo = 0, property_rate = {}, ammo_icon = {}, ammo_info = {}, equip_info = { 6 }, weapon_id = {}, skill_id = { 6480 }, part_main = { 1 }, part_sub = { 1 }, equip_parameters = {}, label = { "PRAN", "DEV" } }, [3301] = { id = 3301, value_1 = "280", base = 3300 }, [3302] = { id = 3302, value_1 = "310", base = 3300 }, [3303] = { id = 3303, value_1 = "340", base = 3300 }, [3304] = { id = 3304, value_1 = "370", base = 3300 }, [3305] = { id = 3305, value_1 = "400", base = 3300 }, [3306] = { id = 3306, value_1 = "430", base = 3300 }, [3307] = { id = 3307, value_1 = "460", base = 3300 } }