pg = pg or {} pg.equip_data_statistics_389 = { [90326] = { id = 90326, damage = "69 x 4", base = 90320, weapon_id = { 90326 } }, [90340] = { name = "Quadruple 330mm Mle 1931 Main Gun Mount", speciality = "Volley", type = 4, tech = 3, descrip = "No description", value_2 = 25, icon = "50300", attribute_2 = "cannon", rarity = 4, damage = "41 x 4", nationality = 8, ammo = 1, value_3 = 0, id = 90340, torpedo_ammo = 0, property_rate = {}, ammo_icon = { 2 }, ammo_info = { { 2, 1551 } }, equip_info = { 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12 }, weapon_id = { 90340 }, skill_id = {}, part_main = { 4, 5, 10, 13 }, part_sub = {}, equip_parameters = {}, label = { "FFNF", "BB", "MG", "AP" } }, [90341] = { id = 90341, damage = "47 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90341 } }, [90342] = { id = 90342, damage = "53 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90342 } }, [90343] = { id = 90343, damage = "59 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90343 } }, [90344] = { id = 90344, damage = "65 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90344 } }, [90345] = { id = 90345, damage = "71 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90345 } }, [90346] = { id = 90346, damage = "77 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90346 } }, [90347] = { id = 90347, damage = "83 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90347 } }, [90348] = { id = 90348, damage = "89 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90348 } }, [90349] = { id = 90349, damage = "95 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90349 } }, [90350] = { id = 90350, damage = "102 x 4", base = 90340, weapon_id = { 90350 } }, [90351] = { anti_siren = 100, damage = "102 x 4", base = 90340, id = 90351, weapon_id = { 90351 } }, [90400] = { name = "Quadruple 380mm Mle 1935 Main Gun Mount", speciality = "Volley", type = 4, tech = 1, descrip = "380mm main guns that were mounted on the Richelieu-class battleships. Can be equipped by BBs and BCs. ", value_2 = 12, icon = "50400", attribute_2 = "cannon", rarity = 3, damage = "40 x 4", nationality = 8, ammo = 3, value_3 = 0, id = 90400, torpedo_ammo = 0, property_rate = {}, ammo_icon = { 1 }, ammo_info = { { 2, 1550 } }, equip_info = { 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12 }, weapon_id = { 90400 }, skill_id = {}, part_main = { 4, 5, 10, 13 }, part_sub = {}, equip_parameters = {}, label = { "FFNF", "BB", "MG", "Richelieu" } }, [90401] = { id = 90401, damage = "46 x 4", base = 90400, weapon_id = { 90401 } }, [90402] = { id = 90402, damage = "52 x 4", base = 90400, weapon_id = { 90402 } }, [90403] = { id = 90403, damage = "58 x 4", base = 90400, weapon_id = { 90403 } } }