pg = pg or {} pg.equip_data_statistics_293 = { [42224] = { id = 42224, damage = "12 x 4", base = 42220, weapon_id = { 42224 } }, [42225] = { id = 42225, damage = "13 x 4", base = 42220, weapon_id = { 42225 } }, [42226] = { id = 42226, damage = "14 x 4", base = 42220, weapon_id = { 42226 } }, [42240] = { name = "Twin 150mm TbtsK C/36 Main Gun Mount", speciality = "Lock", type = 2, tech = 3, descrip = "The Twin 150mm TbtsK C/36 Main Gun Mount is a 1936A type destroyer gun which may be used by light carriers and most destroyers.", value_2 = 25, icon = "42200", attribute_2 = "cannon", rarity = 4, damage = "9 x 4", nationality = 4, ammo = 1, value_3 = 0, id = 42240, torpedo_ammo = 0, property_rate = {}, ammo_icon = { 2 }, ammo_info = { { 1, 1304 } }, equip_info = { 1, 2, { 3, 1304 }, { 4, 1001 }, 6, 10, 11, 12 }, weapon_id = { 42240 }, skill_id = {}, part_main = { 2 }, part_sub = { 5 }, equip_parameters = {}, label = { "KMS", "CL", "MG", "AP" } }, [42241] = { id = 42241, damage = "10 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42241 } }, [42242] = { id = 42242, damage = "11 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42242 } }, [42243] = { id = 42243, damage = "12 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42243 } }, [42244] = { id = 42244, damage = "13 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42244 } }, [42245] = { id = 42245, damage = "14 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42245 } }, [42246] = { id = 42246, damage = "15 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42246 } }, [42247] = { id = 42247, damage = "16 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42247 } }, [42248] = { id = 42248, damage = "17 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42248 } }, [42249] = { id = 42249, damage = "19 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42249 } }, [42250] = { id = 42250, damage = "21 x 4", base = 42240, weapon_id = { 42250 } }, [42251] = { anti_siren = 100, damage = "21 x 4", base = 42240, id = 42251, weapon_id = { 42251 } }, [42300] = { name = "Single 150mm TbtsK C/36 Main Gun Mount ", speciality = "Lock", type = 2, tech = 1, descrip = "Single-barreled 150mm gun that was used on the Type 1936A destroyer class. Can be equipped by CLs and some DDs. ", value_2 = 5, icon = "42300", attribute_2 = "cannon", rarity = 2, damage = "7 x 3", nationality = 4, ammo = 1, value_3 = 0, id = 42300, torpedo_ammo = 0, property_rate = {}, ammo_icon = { 2 }, ammo_info = { { 1, 1304 } }, equip_info = { 1, 2, { 3, 1304 }, { 4, 1003 }, 6, 10, 11, 12 }, weapon_id = { 42300 }, skill_id = {}, part_main = { 2 }, part_sub = { 5 }, equip_parameters = {}, label = { "KMS", "CL", "MG", "AP" } }, [42301] = { id = 42301, damage = "8 x 3", base = 42300, weapon_id = { 42301 } } }