pg = pg or {} pg.equip_data_statistics_15 = { [703] = { id = 703, value_1 = "18", base = 700 }, [704] = { id = 704, value_1 = "20", base = 700 }, [705] = { id = 705, value_1 = "22", base = 700 }, [706] = { id = 706, value_1 = "24", base = 700 }, [707] = { id = 707, value_1 = "26", base = 700 }, [708] = { id = 708, value_1 = "28", base = 700 }, [709] = { id = 709, value_1 = "30", base = 700 }, [710] = { id = 710, value_1 = "32", base = 700 }, [711] = { id = 711, anti_siren = 100, value_1 = "34", base = 700 }, [720] = { name = "Certificate of Sponsorship", tech = 0, type = 10, speciality = "N/A", id = 720, value_2 = 80, icon = "720", value_1 = "12", attribute_2 = "durability", rarity = 5, descrip = "A certificate, written in earnest, to provide protection to \"Lord Bismarck\" on land and sea and air, even if it means towing her.", nationality = 4, ammo = 10, value_3 = 0, attribute_1 = "dodge", torpedo_ammo = 0, property_rate = {}, ammo_icon = {}, ammo_info = {}, equip_info = { 6 }, weapon_id = {}, skill_id = { 6410 }, part_main = { 4, 5, 8, 17 }, part_sub = { 4, 5, 8, 17 }, equip_parameters = {}, label = { "KMS", "DEV" } }, [721] = { id = 721, value_2 = 85, value_1 = "13", base = 720 }, [722] = { id = 722, value_2 = 90, value_1 = "13", base = 720 }, [723] = { id = 723, value_2 = 95, value_1 = "14", base = 720 }, [724] = { id = 724, value_2 = 100, value_1 = "14", base = 720 }, [725] = { id = 725, value_2 = 105, value_1 = "15", base = 720 }, [726] = { id = 726, value_2 = 110, value_1 = "16", base = 720 }, [727] = { id = 727, value_2 = 120, value_1 = "17", base = 720 } }