slot0 = class("ShipGroup", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.REQ_INTERVAL = 60 function slot0.GetGroupConfig(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(pg.ship_data_group) do if slot5.group_type == slot0 then return slot5 end end end function slot0.getDefaultShipConfig(slot0) slot1 = nil for slot5 = 4, 1, -1 do if pg.ship_data_statistics[tonumber(slot0 .. slot5)] then break end end return slot1 end function slot0.getDefaultShipNameByGroupID(slot0) return uv0.getDefaultShipConfig(slot0).name end function slot0.IsBluePrintGroup(slot0) return tobool(pg.ship_data_blueprint[slot0]) end function slot0.IsMetaGroup(slot0) return tobool(pg.ship_strengthen_meta[slot0]) end slot0.STATE_LOCK = 0 slot0.STATE_NOTGET = 1 slot0.STATE_UNLOCK = 2 slot0.ENABLE_SKIP_TO_CHAPTER = true slot1 = pg.ship_data_group function slot0.getState(slot0, slot1, slot2) if HXSet.isHx() and function () if uv0.ENABLE_SKIP_TO_CHAPTER then if uv1 and not uv2 then return uv0.STATE_NOTGET end if uv3[uv4] then if not uv3[uv4].hide then return uv0.STATE_LOCK end if slot0.hide == 1 then return uv0.STATE_LOCK elseif slot0.hide ~= 0 then return uv0.STATE_LOCK end end if uv2 then return uv0.STATE_UNLOCK else if not uv3[uv4] then return uv0.STATE_LOCK end slot3 = nil if slot0.redirect_id ~= 0 then slot3 = getProxy(ChapterProxy):getChapterById(slot1) end if slot1 == 0 or slot3 and slot3:isClear() then return uv0.STATE_NOTGET else return uv0.STATE_LOCK end end else return uv2 and uv0.STATE_UNLOCK or uv0.STATE_LOCK end end() == uv0.STATE_NOTGET then return uv0.STATE_LOCK else return slot4 end end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = = slot0.hearts = slot1.heart_count slot0.iheart = (slot1.heart_flag or 0) > 0 slot0.married = slot1.marry_flag slot0.maxIntimacy = slot1.intimacy_max slot0.maxLV = slot1.lv_max slot0.evaluation = nil slot0.lastReqStamp = 0 slot0.trans = false slot0.remoulded = slot1.remoulded slot2 = uv0.getDefaultShipConfig( slot0.shipConfig = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot1] end }) slot3 = uv0.GetGroupConfig( slot0.groupConfig = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot1] end }) end function slot0.getName(slot0, slot1) slot2 = if slot1 and slot0.trans then slot2 = HXSet.hxLan(pg.ship_skin_template[slot0.groupConfig.trans_skin].name) end return slot2 end function slot0.getNation(slot0) return slot0.shipConfig.nationality end function slot0.getRarity(slot0, slot1) if slot1 and slot0.trans then slot2 = slot0.shipConfig.rarity + 1 end return slot2 end function slot0.getTeamType(slot0) return pg.ship_data_by_type[slot0:getShipType()].team_type end function slot0.getPainting(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.shipConfig.skin_id if slot1 and slot0.trans then slot2 = slot0.groupConfig.trans_skin end return pg.ship_skin_template[slot2].painting end function slot0.getShipType(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.shipConfig.type if slot1 and slot0.trans and Ship.getTransformShipId( then slot2 = pg.ship_data_statistics[slot3].type end return slot2 end function slot0.getShipConfigId(slot0, slot1) slot2 = if slot1 and slot0.trans and Ship.getTransformShipId( then slot2 = pg.ship_data_statistics[slot3].id end return slot2 end function slot0.getSkinList(slot0) return ShipSkin.GetAllSkinByGroup(slot0) end function slot0.getDisplayableSkinList(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(pg.ship_skin_template.all) do if pg.ship_skin_template[slot8].ship_group == and slot9.no_showing ~= "1" and not function (slot0) return slot0.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_OLD or slot0.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_NOT_HAVE_HIDE and not getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):hasSkin( end(slot9) and function (slot0) return getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):InShowTime(slot0) end( then table.insert(slot1, slot9) end end return slot1 end function slot0.getDefaultSkin(slot0) return ShipSkin.GetSkinByType(slot0, ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_DEFAULT) end function slot0.getProposeSkin(slot0) return ShipSkin.GetSkinByType(slot0, ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_PROPOSE) end function slot0.getModSkin(slot0) if pg.ship_data_trans[slot0] then return pg.ship_skin_template[slot1.skin_id] end return nil end function slot0.GetSkin(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return uv0.getDefaultSkin( else return uv0.getModSkin( end end function slot0.updateMaxIntimacy(slot0, slot1) slot0.maxIntimacy = math.max(slot1, slot0.maxIntimacy) end function slot0.updateMarriedFlag(slot0) slot0.married = 1 end function slot0.isBluePrintGroup(slot0) return uv0.IsBluePrintGroup( end function slot0.getBluePrintChangeSkillList(slot0) return pg.ship_data_blueprint[].change_skill end function slot0.GetSkin(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return uv0.getDefaultSkin( else return uv0.getModSkin( end end function slot0.GetNationTxt(slot0) slot1 = slot0.shipConfig.nationality return Nation.Nation2facionName(slot1) .. "-" .. Nation.Nation2Name(slot1) end slot0.CONDITION_FORBIDDEN = -1 slot0.CONDITION_CLEAR = 0 slot0.CONDITION_INTIMACY = 1 slot0.CONDITION_MARRIED = 2 function slot0.VoiceReplayCodition(slot0, slot1) slot2 = true slot3 = "" if slot0:isBluePrintGroup() and not table.contains(getProxy(TechnologyProxy):getBluePrintById(, slot1.key) and slot4:getUnlockLevel(slot1.key) > 0 then return false, i18n("ship_profile_voice_locked_design", slot6) end if slot0:isMetaGroup() and not table.contains(getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipByGroupId(, slot1.key) and slot5:getUnlockVoiceRepairPercent(slot1.key) > 0 then return false, i18n("ship_profile_voice_locked_meta", slot7) end if slot1.unlock_condition[1] == uv0.CONDITION_INTIMACY then if slot0.maxIntimacy < slot1.unlock_condition[2] then slot2 = false slot3 = i18n("ship_profile_voice_locked_intimacy", math.floor(slot1.unlock_condition[2] / 100)) end elseif slot1.unlock_condition[1] == uv0.CONDITION_MARRIED and slot0.married == 0 then slot2 = false slot3 = (not slot0:IsXIdol() or i18n("ship_profile_voice_locked_propose_imas")) and i18n("ship_profile_voice_locked_propose") end return slot2, slot3 end function slot0.GetMaxIntimacy(slot0) return slot0.maxIntimacy / 100 + (slot0.married and slot0.married * 1000 or 0) end function slot0.isSpecialFilter(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.shipConfig.tag_list) do if slot5 == "special" then return true end end return false end function slot0.getGroupId(slot0) return end function slot0.isRemoulded(slot0) return slot0.remoulded end function slot0.isMetaGroup(slot0) return uv0.IsMetaGroup( end slot2 = { feeling2 = true, feeling3 = true, feeling5 = true, propose = true, feeling4 = true, feeling1 = true } function slot0.getIntimacyName(slot0, slot1) if not uv0[slot1] then return end if slot0:isMetaGroup() then return i18n("meta_voice_name_" .. slot1) elseif slot0:IsXIdol() then return i18n("idolmaster_voice_name_" .. slot1) end end function slot0.getProposeType(slot0) if slot0:isMetaGroup() then return "meta" elseif slot0:IsXIdol() then return "imas" else return "default" end end function slot0.IsXIdol(slot0) return slot0:getNation() == Nation.IDOL_LINK end return slot0