slot0 = class("Activity", import(".BaseVO")) function slot0.Create(slot0) if pg.activity_template[].type == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_INSTAGRAM then return InstagramActivity.New(slot0) elseif slot1.type == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_HITMONSTERNIAN then return BeatMonterNianActivity.New(slot0) elseif slot1.type == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_COLLECTION_EVENT then return CollectionEventActivity.New(slot0) else return Activity.New(slot0) end end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot0.stopTime = slot1.stop_time slot0.data1 = defaultValue(slot1.data1, 0) slot0.data2 = defaultValue(slot1.data2, 0) slot0.data3 = defaultValue(slot1.data3, 0) slot0.data4 = defaultValue(slot1.data4, 0) slot0.data1_list = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.data1_list) do table.insert(slot0.data1_list, slot6) end slot0.data2_list = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.data2_list) do table.insert(slot0.data2_list, slot6) end slot0.data3_list = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.data3_list) do table.insert(slot0.data3_list, slot6) end slot0.data1KeyValueList = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.date1_key_value_list or {}) do slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot6.key] = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.value_list or {}) do slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot6.key][slot11.key] = slot11.value end end slot0.clientData1 = 0 slot0.clientList = {} end function slot0.setClientList(slot0, slot1) slot0.clientList = slot1 end function slot0.getClientList(slot0) return slot0.clientList end function slot0.updateDataList(slot0, slot1) table.insert(slot0.data1_list, slot1) end function slot0.updateKVPList(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1] then slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1] = {} end slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1][slot2] = slot3 end function slot0.getKVPList(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1] then slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1] = {} end return slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1][slot2] or 0 end function slot0.getData1(slot0) return slot0.data1 end function slot0.getData3(slot0) return slot0.data3 end function slot0.getData1List(slot0) return slot0.data1_list end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.activity_template end function slot0.getDataConfigTable(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MONOPOLY then return pg.activity_event_monopoly[tonumber(slot0:getConfig("config_id"))] elseif slot1 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_PIZZA_PT or slot1 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_PT_BUFF then return pg.activity_event_pt[tonumber(slot2)] end end function slot0.getDataConfig(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getDataConfigTable() and slot2[slot1] end function slot0.isEnd(slot0) return slot0.stopTime > 0 and slot0.stopTime <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() end function slot0.increaseUsedCount(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == 1 then slot0.data1 = slot0.data1 + 1 elseif slot1 == 2 then slot0.data2 = slot0.data2 + 1 end end function slot0.readyToAchieve() error("Decompilation failed") -- Exception in function building! -- Traceback (most recent call last): -- File "/home/dimbreath/tools/AzurLaneData/utils/luajit/ljd/ast/", line 856, in _build_function -- return _build_function_definition(prototype, state.header) -- File "/home/dimbreath/tools/AzurLaneData/utils/luajit/ljd/ast/", line 54, in _build_function_definition -- node.statements.contents = _build_function_blocks(state, instructions) -- File "/home/dimbreath/tools/AzurLaneData/utils/luajit/ljd/ast/", line 75, in _build_function_blocks -- _blockenize(state, instructions) -- File "/home/dimbreath/tools/AzurLaneData/utils/luajit/ljd/ast/", line 143, in _blockenize -- _fix_broken_unary_expressions(state, instructions) -- File "/home/dimbreath/tools/AzurLaneData/utils/luajit/ljd/ast/", line 1242, in _fix_broken_unary_expressions -- _remove_instruction(state, instructions, i + 1) -- File "/home/dimbreath/tools/AzurLaneData/utils/luajit/ljd/ast/", line 1265, in _remove_instruction -- state.debuginfo.addr_to_line_map.pop(index) -- IndexError: pop from empty list end function slot0.isShow(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_RETURN_AWARD then return slot0:getConfig("is_show") > 0 and slot0.data1 ~= 0 else return slot0:getConfig("is_show") > 0 end end function slot0.isAfterShow(slot0) if slot0.configId == ActivityConst.UR_TASK_ACT_ID then slot1 = getProxy(TaskProxy) return underscore.all(slot0:getConfig("config_data")[1], function (slot0) return uv0:getTaskVO(slot0) and slot1:isReceive() end) end return false end function slot0.getShowPriority(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("is_show") end function slot0.left4Day(slot0) if slot0.stopTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() < 345600 then return true end return false end function slot0.getAwardInfos(slot0) return slot0.data1KeyValueList or {} end function slot0.updateData(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LOTTERY then if not slot0:getAwardInfos()[slot1] then slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1] = {} end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1][slot9] then slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1][slot9] = slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1][slot9] + 1 else slot0.data1KeyValueList[slot1][slot9] = 1 end end end end function slot0.getTaskShip(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("config_client")[1] end function slot0.getNotificationMsg(slot0) slot2 = ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOW_AWARDS if slot0:getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP then slot2 = ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOP_SHOW_AWARDS elseif slot1 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LOTTERY then slot2 = ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_LOTTERY_SHOW_AWARDS elseif slot1 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_REFLUX then slot2 = ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOW_REFLUX_AWARDS elseif slot1 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_RED_PACKETS then slot2 = ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOW_RED_PACKET_AWARDS end return slot2 end function slot0.getDayIndex(slot0) slot2 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance() return slot2:DiffDay(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():parseTimeFromConfig(slot0:getConfig("time")[2]), slot2:GetServerTime()) + 1 end function slot0.getStartTime(slot0) return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():parseTimeFromConfig(slot0:getConfig("time")[2]) end function slot0.setSpecialData(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.speciaData = slot0.speciaData and slot0.speciaData or {} slot0.speciaData[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.getSpecialData(slot0, slot1) return slot0.speciaData and slot0.speciaData[slot1] and slot0.speciaData[slot1] or nil end function slot0.canPermanentFinish(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_TASK_LIST then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("config_data") slot2 = getProxy(TaskProxy) return underscore.all(underscore.flatten({ slot1[#slot1] }), function (slot0) return uv0:getFinishTaskById(slot0) ~= nil end) end return false end function slot0.GetShopTime(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getConfig("time") slot2 = slot1[2] slot3 = slot1[3] return string.format("%s.%s.%s - %s.%s.%s", slot2[1][1] - 2000, slot2[1][2], slot2[1][3], slot3[1][1] - 2000, slot3[1][2], slot3[1][3]) end function slot0.GetCrusingUnreceiveAward(slot0) slot1 = pg.battlepass_event_pt[] slot2 = {} slot3 = { [slot8] = true } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.data1_list) do -- Nothing end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs( do if slot0.data1 < slot8 then break elseif not slot3[slot8] then table.insert(slot2, { type = slot1.drop_client[slot7][1], id = slot1.drop_client[slot7][2], count = slot1.drop_client[slot7][3] }) end end if slot0.data2 ~= 1 then return PlayerConst.MergePassItemDrop(slot2) end slot4 = { [slot9] = true } for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.data2_list) do -- Nothing end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs( do if slot0.data1 < slot9 then break elseif not slot4[slot9] then table.insert(slot2, { type = slot1.drop_client_pay[slot8][1], id = slot1.drop_client_pay[slot8][2], count = slot1.drop_client_pay[slot8][3] }) end end return PlayerConst.MergePassItemDrop(slot2) end return slot0