slot0 = class("ShipStatus") slot0.flagList = { "inChapter", "inFleet", "inElite", "inActivity", "inPvP", "inExercise", "inEvent", "inClass", "inTactics", "inBackyard", "inAdmiral", "inWorld", "isActivityNpc", "inGuildEvent", "inGuildBossEvent" } function slot0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, slot2) if type(defaultValue(slot1[slot2], uv0.TAG_HIDE_BASE[slot2])) == "boolean" then return not slot3 and slot0:getFlag(slot2) elseif type(slot3) == "number" then return slot0:getFlag(slot2, slot3) end end function slot0.ShipStatusToTag(slot0, slot1) if uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inChapter") then return { "shipstatus", "red", i18n("word_status_inFight") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inFleet") then if math.fmod(slot0:getFleetId(), 10) >= 1 and slot2 <= 6 then return { "ui/dockyardui_atlas", "biandui0" .. slot2, "" } else return { "shipstatus", "red", Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME_FOR_DOCKYARD[slot0:getFleetId()] } end elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inElite") then return { "shipstatus", "red", i18n("word_status_inHardFormation") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inActivity") then return { "shipstatus", "red", i18n("word_status_challenge") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inPvP") then return { "shipstatus", "red", i18n("word_status_inPVP") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inEvent") then return { "shipstatus", "green", i18n("word_status_inEvent") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inBackyard") then if slot0.state == Ship.STATE_REST then return { "shipstatus", "purple", i18n("word_status_rest") } elseif slot0.state == Ship.STATE_TRAIN then return { "shipstatus", "purple", i18n("word_status_train") } end elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inClass") then return { "shipstatus", "blue", i18n("word_status_inClass") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inTactics") then return { "shipstatus", "blue", i18n("word_status_inTactics") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inAdmiral") then return { "shipstatus", "light_green", i18n("common_flag_ship") } elseif uv0.checkShipFlag(slot0, slot1, "inWorld") then return { "shipstatus", "red", i18n("word_status_world") } end end slot0.FILTER_SHIPS_FLAGS_1 = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inPvP = false, inFleet = false, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = false, inElite = false, inGuildEvent = true, inEvent = true, inBackyard = false, isActivityNpc = true, inWorld = true, inAdmiral = true } slot0.FILTER_SHIPS_FLAGS_2 = { inExercise = true, inChapter = true, inPvP = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inElite = true, inGuildEvent = true, inEvent = true, inBackyard = true, inGuildBossEvent = true, isActivityNpc = true, inWorld = true, inAdmiral = true } slot0.FILTER_SHIPS_FLAGS_3 = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inPvP = false, inFleet = false, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = false, inElite = false, inGuildEvent = true, inEvent = true, inBackyard = false, isActivityNpc = true, inWorld = true, inAdmiral = false } slot0.FILTER_SHIPS_FLAGS_4 = { inExercise = true, inChapter = true, inPvP = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inElite = true, inGuildEvent = true, inEvent = true, inBackyard = true, inGuildBossEvent = true, isActivityNpc = true, inWorld = true, inAdmiral = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_ALL = { inExercise = true, inChapter = true, inPvP = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inElite = true, inBackyard = true, inEvent = true, isActivityNpc = true, inWorld = true, inAdmiral = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_BASE = { inExercise = true, inChapter = false, inPvP = false, inFleet = false, inClass = false, inActivity = false, inTactics = false, inElite = true, inBackyard = false, inEvent = false, isActivityNpc = false, inWorld = false, inAdmiral = false } slot0.TAG_HIDE_ACTIVITY_BOSS = { inPvP = true, inChapter = true, inAdmiral = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_BACKYARD = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inEvent = true, inPvP = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_PVP = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inClass = true, inFleet = true, inPvP = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_DEFENSE = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inPvP = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true, inEvent = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_LEVEL = { inAdmiral = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_NORMAL = { inExercise = false, inPvP = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_CHALLENGE = { inAdmiral = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_EVENT = { inExercise = false, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_TACTICES = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inPvP = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true, inEvent = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_ADMIRAL = { inExercise = false, inChapter = true, inPvP = true, inFleet = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true, inEvent = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_FORMATION = { inExercise = false, inPvP = true, inClass = true, inActivity = true, inTactics = true, inBackyard = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_WORLD = { inActivity = true, inFleet = true } slot0.TAG_HIDE_DESTROY = { inElite = false } slot0.TAG_BLOCK_EVENT = { inEvent = true } slot0.TAG_BLOCK_PVP = { inEvent = true } slot0.TAG_BLOCK_BACKYARD = { inClass = true } slot0.STATE_CHANGE_OK = -1 slot0.STATE_CHANGE_FAIL = 0 slot0.STATE_CHANGE_CHECK = 1 slot0.STATE_CHANGE_TIP = 2 slot1 = { inFleet = { inEvent = 0 }, inElite = { inElite = 0, inEvent = 0 }, inActivity = { isActivityNpc = 0, inEvent = 0, inActivity = 0 }, inEvent = { inChapter = 0, inEvent = 0, inPvP = 1, inFleet = 1, isActivityNpc = 0 }, inClass = { isActivityNpc = 0, inClass = 0, inBackyard = 1 }, inTactics = { inTactics = 0 }, inBackyard = { inClass = 0, isActivityNpc = 0 }, inWorld = { isActivityNpc = 0 }, onPropose = { inEvent = 0, inChapter = 0 }, onModify = { inChapter = 0 }, onDestroy = { inExercise = 1, inChapter = 0, inPvP = 1, inFleet = 1, inClass = 0, inActivity = 0, inTactics = 1, inBackyard = 1, inGuildEvent = 0, inEvent = 0, inGuildBossEvent = 1, isActivityNpc = 0, inWorld = 0, inAdmiral = 0 } } slot2 = { inChapter = { tips_block = "word_shipState_fight" }, inFleet = { tips_block = "word_shipState_fight" }, inElite = { tips_block = "word_shipState_fight" }, inActivity = { tips_block = "word_shipState_fight" }, inPvP = { tips_block = "word_shipState_fight" }, inExercise = { tips_block = "word_shipState_fight" }, inEvent = { tips_block = "word_shipState_event" }, inClass = { tips_block = "word_shipState_study" }, inTactics = { tips_block = "word_shipState_tactics" }, inBackyard = { tips_block = "word_shipState_rest" }, inAdmiral = { tips_block = "playerinfo_ship_is_already_flagship" }, inGuildEvent = { tips_block = "word_shipState_guild_event" }, inGuildBossEvent = { tips_block = "word_shipState_guild_event" }, isActivityNpc = { tips_block = "word_shipState_npc" }, inWorld = { tips_block = "word_shipState_world" } } function slot0.ShipStatusCheck(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4, slot5 = uv0.ShipStatusConflict(slot0, slot1, slot3) if slot4 == uv0.STATE_CHANGE_FAIL then return false, i18n(slot5) elseif slot4 == uv0.STATE_CHANGE_CHECK then if slot2 then return uv0.ChangeStatusCheckBox(slot5, slot1, slot2) else return false end elseif slot4 == uv0.STATE_CHANGE_TIP then return uv0.ChangeStatusTipBox(slot5, slot1) elseif slot4 == uv0.STATE_CHANGE_OK then return true end end function slot0.ShipStatusConflict(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv1.flagList) do if uv0[slot0][slot8] == uv1.STATE_CHANGE_FAIL and slot1:getFlag(slot8, (slot2 or {})[slot8]) then return uv1.STATE_CHANGE_FAIL, uv2[slot8].tips_block end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv1.flagList) do if slot3[slot8] == uv1.STATE_CHANGE_CHECK and slot1:getFlag(slot8, slot2[slot8]) then return uv1.STATE_CHANGE_CHECK, slot8 end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv1.flagList) do if slot3[slot8] == uv1.STATE_CHANGE_TIP and slot1:getFlag(slot8, slot2[slot8]) then return uv1.STATE_CHANGE_TIP, slot8 end end return uv1.STATE_CHANGE_OK end function slot0.ChangeStatusCheckBox(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == "inBackyard" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("ship_vo_moveout_backyard"), onYes = function () pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.EXIT_SHIP, { callback = uv0, shipId = }) end }) return false, nil elseif slot0 == "inFleet" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("ship_vo_moveout_formation"), onYes = function () if getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetByShip(uv0):isFirstFleet() then slot2, slot3 = slot1:canRemoveByShipId( if not slot2 then if slot3 == TeamType.Vanguard then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_vo_vanguardFleet_must_hasShip")) elseif slot3 == TeamType.Main then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_vo_mainFleet_must_hasShip")) end return end end slot1:removeShip(uv0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_FLEET, { callback = uv1, fleet = slot1 }) end }) return false, nil elseif slot0 == "inPvP" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("ship_vo_moveout_formation"), onYes = function () slot2, slot3 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetByShip(uv0):canRemoveByShipId( if not slot2 then if slot3 == TeamType.Vanguard then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_vo_vanguardFleet_must_hasShip")) elseif slot3 == TeamType.Main then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_vo_mainFleet_must_hasShip")) end else slot1:removeShip(uv0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_FLEET, { callback = uv1, fleet = slot1 }) end end }) return false, nil elseif slot0 == "inExercise" then slot5, slot6 = getProxy(MilitaryExerciseProxy):getExerciseFleet():canRemoveByShipId( if not slot5 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("exercise_clear_fleet_tip"), onYes = function () uv0:removeShip(uv1) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_EXERCISE_FLEET, { fleet = uv0, callback = uv2 }) end }) else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("exercise_fleet_exit_tip"), onYes = function () uv0:removeShip(uv1) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_EXERCISE_FLEET, { fleet = uv0, callback = uv2 }) end }) end return false, nil elseif slot0 == "inTactics" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("tactics_lesson_cancel"), onYes = function () pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CANCEL_LEARN_TACTICS, { callback = uv1, shipId = getProxy(NavalAcademyProxy):getStudentIdByShipId(, type = Student.CANCEL_TYPE_MANUAL }) end }) return false, nil elseif slot0 == "inGuildBossEvent" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("word_shipState_guild_boss"), onYes = function () if not getProxy(GuildProxy):getRawData() then return end if not slot0:GetActiveEvent() then return end if not slot1:GetBossMission() or not slot2:IsActive() then return end if not slot2:GetFleetUserId(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id, then return end slot5 = Clone(slot4) slot5:RemoveUserShip(slot3, pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GUILD_UPDATE_BOSS_FORMATION, { force = true, editFleet = { [] = slot5 }, callback = uv1 }) end }) return false, nil end return true end function slot0.ChangeStatusTipBox(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == "inElite" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ hideNo = true, content = i18n("ship_vo_moveout_hardFormation") }) end return true end function slot0.canDestroyShip(slot0, slot1) if slot0:isBluePrintShip() then return false, i18n("blueprint_destory_tip") elseif slot0:GetLockState() == Ship.LOCK_STATE_LOCK then return false, i18n("ship_vo_locked") elseif slot0:isMetaShip() then return false, i18n("meta_destroy_tip") end return uv0.ShipStatusCheck("onDestroy", slot0, slot1) end return slot0