slot0 = class("BattleGateAirFight") ys.Battle.BattleGateAirFight = slot0 slot0.__name = "BattleGateAirFight" function slot0.Entrance(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.stageId slot1:sendNotification(GAME.BEGIN_STAGE_DONE, { prefabFleet = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetDungeonTmpDataByID(pg.expedition_data_template[slot2].dungeon_id).fleet_prefab, stageId = slot2, system = SYSTEM_AIRFIGHT }) end function slot0.Exit(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_AIRFIGHT_BATTLE) if ys.Battle.BattleConst.BattleScore.B <= slot0.statistics._battleScore and slot2 and not slot2:isEnd() then for slot9 = 1, slot2:getConfig("config_client")[1] do slot4 = 0 + slot2:getKVPList(1, slot9) or 0 end slot6 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance() if slot4 < math.min((slot6:DiffDay(slot2.data1, slot6:GetServerTime()) + 1) * 2, slot5 * 3) then slot10 = slot2:getConfig("config_client")[2] if (slot2:getKVPList(1, math.floor((table.indexof(slot10, slot0.stageId) - 1) / (#slot10 / slot5)) + 1) or 0) < 3 and not (slot2:getKVPList(2, slot11) == 1) then slot1:sendNotification(GAME.ACTIVITY_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id = slot2 and, arg1 = slot11, statistics = slot0.statistics }) return end end end slot1:sendNotification(GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE, { statistics = slot0.statistics, score = slot0.statistics._battleScore, system = SYSTEM_AIRFIGHT }) end return slot0