return { fadeType = 1, mode = 2, once = true, id = "SHENGYONGQU13", fadein = 1.5, scripts = { { actor = 207030, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Miss Richelieu, what would you like to do? Should we attack...?", bgm = "level-french2", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 207030, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Oh my... Miss Algérie has left the formation and is approaching us alone.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 805010, say = "Hmm... Finally something to be relieved about.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Everyone, stand down. I'll go talk to her.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 903020, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "It's been a while since we've last spoken, Cardinal.", flashout = { dur = 0.5, black = true, alpha = { 0, 1 } }, flashin = { delay = 0.5, dur = 0.5, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Indeed, it's been too long, Algérie. I believe the last time was...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 2, nameColor = "#ffff4d", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 903020, say = "A sunny day in the garden, surrounded by flowers and sweets. Something like that, right?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 3, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Yes, that brings back fond memories.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "One of Le Téméraire's and L'Opiniâtre's \"magic\" tricks went astray and almost caused a gunpowder explosion...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "Dunkerque came in just the knick of time and even brought some fresh confections with her...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 3, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Dunkerque...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, nameColor = "#ffff4d", dir = 1, say = "I wonder if you still remember the taste. Sweet and fluffy, soft and gentle... almost unimaginable when you think about what she's like on the battlefield.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "......", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "And then there's Strasbourg, Provence, Bretagne, and Jean Bart...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 805010, say = "I wonder... how they're doing now...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 3, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "Yes, as you already know, they didn't sink... They were rescued and are now under the care of the Iron Blood.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "Unlike the Royal Navy, the Iron Blood will not betray us.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 3, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "......……", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 4, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "The true enemies of the Iris Orthodoxy are those who invaded our homeland – the Iron Blood. There is no reason for blood to be spilled between us.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "We should live to honor the Lord and protect the Iris Orthodoxy, not to wage war against each other.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Please, Algérie. Come back to us, and let us work together to restore hope to our country.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "And what of those who already betrayed us? Would you still cooperate with them despite that?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, nameColor = "#ffff4d", dir = 1, say = "It's certainly true that Iris Libre and the Vichya Dominion should work together rather than fight.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "By allying yourselves with the Royal Navy, you are the ones who betrayed the Iris Orthodoxy. But I'm sure the others will understand how you feel.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "How about you join us instead? If you really feel sorry about what happened to Dunkerque, it's not too late to atone.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "I will not make excuses. What happened to Dunkerque is my responsibility.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "Sure, but that's not all I'm here to talk to you about. The Azur Lane is not the same as it was during the previous Great War.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, nameColor = "#ffff4d", dir = 1, say = "Even if the Iron Blood is far from just, they are rational and do not betray their allies.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "...Even if we can't convince anyone else, that'd be fine. I swear in the name of the Templar Knights that the Iron Blood shall not lay a finger on you.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "We are in need of your guidance.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Those who devote themselves to the restoration of the Iris Orthodoxy should not obey that which has become an agent of the Iron Blood invaders.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Only by expelling the influence of the Iron Blood, purifying the tainted throne of the puppet state, and restoring the independence of the Iris Orthodoxy can everyone become whole once again.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 4, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "After all, this is the will of the Iris Orthodoxy.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "For that purpose, we are willing to work with the Royal Navy.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 3, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "...Heh. It seems like we're traveling down two parallel lines.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "...So it seems. But, that won't deter me.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ffff4d", say = "My intent is the same. I have no desire to fight you, but sometimes the world doesn't work out the way you want it to.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 903020, side = 2, expression = 1, dir = 1, nameColor = "#ff5c5c", say = "In that case, Cardinal, best of luck to you.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, say = "The knight of the Vichya Dominion gave her blessings before turning around.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, say = "The cardinal watched her leave in silence before also turning around.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 805010, side = 2, expression = 3, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "I hope that one day, we'll be able to have another tea party...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } } } }