return { fadeType = 1, mode = 2, once = true, id = "SHENGYONGQU1", fadein = 1.5, scripts = { { side = 2, stopbgm = true, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Am I... dreaming?", flashin = { delay = 1, dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, actor = 900055, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Flagship of the Vichya Dominion, Jean Bart, calls for the attention of the fleet!", effects = { { active = true, name = "memoryFog" } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Casablanca has fallen! Now, the pagans will surely bare their fangs at the heart of our motherland.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "The Iron Blood and the Sardegna Empire have banded together to tear at our bodies and partake of our blood.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Even our leaders seek the destruction of the Vichya Dominion!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Yes, the same was true of that fateful night at Mers-el-Kébir...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Though Dunkerque and the others showed no signs of hostility...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "The craven attack by the Azur Lane told me everything that I needed to know!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "These cowardly hypocrites shall never see us bow our heads in obeisance!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "These beasts seek to sever the lifeblood of the Vichya Dominion... and they surround us in great numbers. But we shall never become their playthings!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "In the name of freedom, hear my final order! All ships, you are to sink yourselves!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "I was defeated. For the sake of whatever pride we had left, I ordered my friends to sink themselves.", effects = { { active = false, name = "memoryFog" } }, flashin = { delay = 1, dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Battleship Jean Bart sank at Casablanca on that day... That should have been the case.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Yet, I am conscious, and something feels wrong.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "My consciousness, which should have returned to nothingness, still continues to \"exist\" in some way.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "So, is this heaven, or is this hell? Perhaps that is the wrong question.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "As a ship, perhaps another destination awaits me...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "At least I can confidently say this infinite black void all around me is nothing like what's described in the Iris Orthodoxy.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, actor = 900055, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "\"...All that comes into being must also cease to be. Grieve not over the passage of life, for that is the truth of the providence of rebirth.\"", effects = { { active = true, name = "memoryFog" } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "\"One day, I will wake up as a different me.\"", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "\"When that day comes, I still wish to praise God. For giving me life in such a wonderful country.\"", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "\"Thank you for bestowing upon me a life of happiness,\"", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "\"And thank you for welcoming me into the seas of Heaven.\"", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 900055, side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "\"I pray that this glory will be passed down to all who walk the path of the Iris after me.\"", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Within the darkness of the void, only my consciousness offers any illumination... Strangely, when I try to call out, a voice echoes back to me.", effects = { { active = false, name = "memoryFog" } }, flashin = { delay = 1, dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "However, I am forced to accept that even as a ship, I am scarcely different from any other mortal being.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "The Vichya Dominion... Iris Libre... and my sister, Richelieu...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...All the things that I hold dear, now so distant from me.", dialogShake = { speed = 0.09, x = 10, number = 2 }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...If only I could meet everyone again...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, say = "Vitals stable. D'accord. You should be regaining your five senses soon enough.", dir = 1, blackBg = true, bgm = "bsm-2", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...That voice... Who are you...?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Who I am is of little importance. What matters is you, Jean Bart.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "What matters... is me...?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Indeed. Now that you're coming to your senses, shall I explain the situation to you?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Now think, where do you last remember yourself?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Casablanca... Yeah, that should be the place where I sank.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "That's right. You ordered the fleet to preserve the Vichya's autonomy, for everyone to sink themselves so that they would not become pawns of the Iron Blood or the Royal Navy.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Yeah, I remember that clearly...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "But your decision was nothing but an escape. Your sinking cannot change the cowardice of the Senate, the Royal Navy's treachery, or the fracturing of the Iris Orthodoxy.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "However, one can say that your efforts were brave, comical, or tragic. Future generations are sure to reflect upon it in different ways.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "But you already knew that, didn't you? Your history... Even knowing that, you'd make the same choice, wouldn't you?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "The life of Jean Bart, the battleship, ended at Casablanca. But Jean Bart, the person, has yet to take the first step of her new life...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...You can close the channel now.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...What a load of crap. Le Terrible...", dialogShake = { speed = 0.09, x = 10, number = 2 }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Now I remember it clearly. I tried to sink myself back then, but I was rescued.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Which I guess means that I'm awaiting my recovery while listening to your blathering... right?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "I'm pleased to see that you're as sharp as ever, Miss Jean Bart.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "I too was in the same situation, but I recovered just earlier. Algérie entrusted me to take care of you.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Jean Bart, do you truly believe that you are in the clutches of death?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...Yes, that is what I chose. I know that my body rests at the bottom of the ocean, and only my consciousness has wandered here. There is no doubt that I have crossed to the other side.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "But as a ship... is it necessarily finality that awaits you on the other side?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "...What do you mean?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Nothing in particular, Miss Jean Bart.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Reflect upon everything you've left unfinished. Reflect upon all the anger you've yet to vent.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Reflect upon your faith, and upon the power that belongs to you.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "???", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Now arise, my \"Sleeping Beauty.\" The wondrous Iris skies await you.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { stopbgm = true, mode = 1, sequence = { { "\"Lift your head to the heavens, and look closely at the clouds that rise high over you.\"", 1 }, { "\"How much does each mistake you make cost you in the eyes of God?\"", 2.5 }, { "\"What would it mean to repeatedly turn your back against God?\"", 4 }, { "\"Even if your life is just, what would God grant upon you?\" ", 5.5 }, { "\"And what would God receive from your two hands?\"", 7 }, { "Cast your eyes skybound and gaze at your insignificance.", 8.5 }, { "Alas, what sinful creations we are...", 10 } } }, { mode = 1, stopbgm = true, blackBg = true, effects = { { active = true, name = "QDXDSYQ" } }, sequence = { { "", 2 } } } } }