return { fadeOut = 1.5, mode = 2, fadeType = 1, once = true, id = "OUXIANGHUODONG15", fadein = 1.5, scripts = { { say = "Experimental Armament Testing Grounds", side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, bgm = "azumaster-ins", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Come, come! Our concert-battles are about to come to an explosive finale, nya! We will soon be finished with the test runs for the Muse System, nya!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Did everyone have a chance to pick up some merchandise during the downtime, nya? How about refilling your supplies, nya? If you want to step out for some fresh air, this would be the time do it, nya!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, actorName = "Everyone", say = "We're ready!!", dialogShake = { speed = 0.09, x = 8.5, number = 2 }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "All right, let's get on with the latter part of the show! Next, I'll be introducing your rival for this round, nya!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, actor = 301014, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "I'm the Special-Type Idol that's taking the world by snowstorm - Fubuki! My energetic performances will ring out more brilliantly than anyone else's!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 30, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 3, side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, actor = 301014, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Wow, look at all the Special-type destroyers who've come out to cheer for me! Heyyy, Ayanami~! Inazuma, Ikazuchi~! I'll do my best~!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 301014, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "By the way, Akatsuki! Remind Hibiki to buy an extra copy of my photo portrait for me~!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Thanks for promoting my services, but you still need to finish your introduction, nya! But we're out of time! Next up is...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 101264, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Eldridge and the kitties... are in Idol Mode...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Nya?! This is going to be the most exciting match yet! I can't wait for the next round to start, nya!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, actor = 102240, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Eldridge...! Looks like we'll be facing another formidable opponent!", flashout = { dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 0, 1 } }, flashin = { delay = 1, dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 2, side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, actor = 202250, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "There are only two battles left. All we have to do is hold out a bit longer.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 307100, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Indeed. I expect that our equipment will be nearing its limit soon.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", dir = 1, actor = 403070, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Hmph. That's exactly what we want!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 30, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { actor = 905030, nameColor = "#a9f548", bgName = "bg_ouxianglevel", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Affirmative!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } } } }