return { fadeType = 1, mode = 2, once = true, id = "OUXIANGDASHIGUANQIA4", fadein = 1.5, scripts = { { say = "―――!!", side = 2, dir = 1, bgm = "idom-Speed", dialogShake = { speed = 0.08, x = 15, number = 2 }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { paintingNoise = true, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, actor = 202250, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Incredible...!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 0, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.1, x = 30, number = 3 } } }, { paintingNoise = true, side = 2, expression = 2, dir = 1, actor = 102240, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "That's insane... What kind of performance was that...?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { paintingNoise = true, side = 2, expression = 4, dir = 1, actor = 905030, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "In terms of Vocals, Dance, and Visuals— the opponent's performance is superior in every aspect.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 403070, side = 2, paintingNoise = true, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "What do we do, Akagi? We're not going to be able to get through here.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 307100, say = "...Retreat. It pains me to say this, but we've been thoroughly defeated.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, say = "……………", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700010, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "We really lost, huh...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 3, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700070, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = ".........", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 307100, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "I apologize for my unsightly performance.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 401236, say = "D-don't give up! It might be frustrating, but at least nobody got hurt, and we can come back as many times as needed.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 403030, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "That's true... If you undergo special training and prepare thoroughly, you can always face them again later.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "It wasn't Akashi's plan to have everything be settled through concerts, nya~", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 307020, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Nobody knows exactly why it happened. Akashi, you should focus on analyzing how that city came into being in the first place.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 3, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700030, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "I won't let those clones get away with this!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 4, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700040, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "I feel bad that you have to go through all of this because of us...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700020, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "(The Azur Lane girls are putting on a pretty good show, but...)", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700020, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = " feels like they don't know who they're singing for...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700010, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Chihaya? Why are you mumbling to yourself...?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700020, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Huh? I what? Oh, err, I guess I was thinking about the impression I got from the concert out loud...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 3, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700020, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "It might've simply been because our opponents were too strong, but simply singing is not enough to convey the feelings that can move one's heart.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 10700020, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "While I don't believe that there are winners or losers when it comes to concerts, I'd say this is the main reason for our \"defeat.\"", hidePaintEquip = true, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700050, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "The potential is definitely there, but what you currently lack is professionalism.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 10700050, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "I'm not saying you all have to become professional idols, but you're going to need a certain level of pro finesse if you want to keep moving forward.", hidePaintEquip = true, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actorName = "Everyone", side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "……………!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 205012, actorName = "???", say = "I have heard the lamentations of my subjects!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { actor = 202250, side = 2, paintingNoise = true, dir = 1, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Your Majesty...!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 205012, say = "Queen Elizabeth of the Royal Navy has arrived! And what a marvelous suggestion I just heard!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Nya?! One of our sponsors has arrived, nya!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { actor = 205012, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "If you are unable to defeat those clones, then you must undergo special training and try again! Also, do deploy the other Muse units!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 205012, say = "Can we also count on the cooperation of the idols of 765 Production?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 3, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700050, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "*gasp*...!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700040, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Oh my...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 307020, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "What are you saying all of a sudden...? These girls aren't a part of Azur Lane. They're just ordinary people who've been blown here from their world.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 3, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 205022, say = "I agree! Your Majesty, please consider...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 205012, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "I know, I know! However, if we don't investigate that location, there's no way to get these girls back home, correct?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { actor = 205012, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Most importantly, the Royal Navy is an official sponsor! It would reflect poorly upon us to leave the venue in its current condition!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 10700020, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Hmm, I see. If there's anything we can do to help...", hidePaintEquip = true, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700060, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Now, this is something I can get behind. We're all in!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 2, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700070, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "We can be idols spanning across worlds... Nihihi, I like the sound of that!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 307100, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Thank you. We appreciate your cooperation.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 10700040, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "It's decided then. But, umm...", hidePaintEquip = true, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 10700030, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "We're gonna be working together now! Isn't that great?", hidePaintEquip = true, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 2, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700010, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it! Let's give it our all, everyone!", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Hehehe...", flashout = { dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 0, 1 } }, flashin = { delay = 1, dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 312010, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Professional idols... I can already smell a new business opportunity, nya...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 3, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 401236, say = "Calm down, Akashi... They're just going to be advising us.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, actor = 401236, say = "They'll basically only be helping out with rehearsals and lessons, so don't go cooking up any weird plans.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 10700050, nameColor = "#a9f548", side = 2, dir = 1, say = "Um, if I'm remembering correctly, Akashi and Z23, yes?", hidePaintEquip = true, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 401236, side = 2, nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Miss Ritsuko? Did you need something?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 4, side = 2, dir = 1, hidePaintEquip = true, actor = 10700050, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Actually, I was a bit concerned about the rigging that the fake Iori was wearing...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } } } }