return { fadeOut = 1.5, mode = 2, fadeType = 2, once = true, id = "GUINU3", fadein = 1.5, scripts = { { mode = 1, stopbgm = true, sequence = { { "As Cool As A Demon\n\n3 Demons and Men", 1 } } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, bgmDelay = 2, bgm = "story-1", say = "Kinu told me to meet her at a waterfall just by the mountain situated behind the port. She said it's a good place to meditate.", flashout = { dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 0, 1 } }, flashin = { delay = 1, dur = 1, black = true, alpha = { 1, 0 } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302080, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Meditating beneath a waterfall is a superb way to work up the composure needed to remain unperturbed in the face of any battle.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302090, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Oh. Hey there.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302080, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Abukuma? What are you doing out here?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302090, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "What's it look like? Fishing. You're not going under the waterfall, are you, Commander? The water's cold as ice today.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302080, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Oh, about that, actually...", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, say = "Kinu leaned in to whisper into Abukuma's ear. That felt suspicious to me, but nevertheless, I stepped forth and went barefoot into the water.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Listen, Commander: no matter what happens, you musn't be distracted. You cannot allow a repeat of the wasp incident.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, say = "Steeling my resolve, I went in beneath the waterfall. The water was freezing cold and crashed into me like a ceaseless tsunami.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302080, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Now hold that pose and stay there. Endure the pain, soldier through the cold, and nothing will be able to shake your spirit.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Let me stress this: no matter what happens! Understood?", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, say = "Kinu emphasizing that specific part made it sound as though she was planning something, which made me raise an eyebrow.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302090, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Just don't overdo it, all right, Commander? Also, sorry ahead of time for this.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Hush, Abukuma. Not another word of that.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302090, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "All right, then... Aw, shucks, I think I've got something big on the hook.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 0, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.4, x = 30, number = 2 } } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, say = "For whatever reason, Abukuma started speaking with a very deadpan tone.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302090, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Oh nooo. This is a biiiig big fish. So big I can't reel it in.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 0, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.4, x = 30, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 2, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Stay focused, Commander.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { actor = 302090, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", nameColor = "#a9f548", dir = 1, say = "Heeeelp, Commandeeeer. It's pulling me iiiiin... Here goes.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, say = "Abukuma fell into the river. Or rather, it looked more like she jumped in by her own volition. Her \"Here goes\" sounded especially suspect.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, say = "However, I had to do something on the odd chance she wasn't faking it. Stepping out of the waterfall, I waded through the river to help Abukuma.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302090, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Wow, uh... I didn't think the commander would fall for that.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "Your willingness to come to the rescue of an ally is certainly a virtue. But on the battlefield, it is a weakness that will only make matters worse.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 }, action = { { y = 45, type = "shake", delay = 0, dur = 0.15, x = 0, number = 2 } } }, { expression = 2, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "I stood right next to her as she fell in the river. You should've ordered me to jump to her rescue, not do it yourself.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 1, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "As long as you learn from your mistake, it's no harm done. On a more immediate note: you failed! Start over from the beginning!", effects = { { active = true, name = "speed" } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { expression = 5, side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, actor = 302080, nameColor = "#a9f548", say = "(Interesting... I suppose one need not BE a demon to CONTROL a demon...)", effects = { { active = false, name = "speed" } }, typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } }, { side = 2, bgName = "star_level_bg_142", dir = 1, blackBg = true, say = "Despite the stern look Kinu gave me as she ordered me to start over, I felt she was strangely pleased with my judgment call to help Abukuma.", typewriter = { speed = 0.05, speedUp = 0.01 }, painting = { alpha = 0.3, time = 1 } } } }