return { bcnames = "ISLT ISGE ISLE ISGT ISEQV ISNEV ISEQS ISNES ISEQN ISNEN ISEQP ISNEP ISTC ISFC IST ISF ISTYPEISNUM MOV NOT UNM LEN ADDVN SUBVN MULVN DIVVN MODVN ADDNV SUBNV MULNV DIVNV MODNV ADDVV SUBVV MULVV DIVVV MODVV POW CAT KSTR KCDATAKSHORTKNUM KPRI KNIL UGET USETV USETS USETN USETP UCLO FNEW TNEW TDUP GGET GSET TGETV TGETS TGETB TGETR TSETV TSETS TSETB TSETM TSETR CALLM CALL CALLMTCALLT ITERC ITERN VARG ISNEXTRETM RET RET0 RET1 FORI JFORI FORL IFORL JFORL ITERL IITERLJITERLLOOP ILOOP JLOOP JMP FUNCF IFUNCFJFUNCFFUNCV IFUNCVJFUNCVFUNCC FUNCCW", irnames = "LT GE LE GT ULT UGE ULE UGT EQ NE ABC RETF NOP BASE PVAL GCSTEPHIOP LOOP USE PHI RENAMEPROF KPRI KINT KGC KPTR KKPTR KNULL KNUM KINT64KSLOT BNOT BSWAP BAND BOR BXOR BSHL BSHR BSAR BROL BROR ADD SUB MUL DIV MOD POW NEG ABS ATAN2 LDEXP MIN MAX FPMATHADDOV SUBOV MULOV AREF HREFK HREF NEWREFUREFO UREFC FREF STRREFLREF ALOAD HLOAD ULOAD FLOAD XLOAD SLOAD VLOAD ASTOREHSTOREUSTOREFSTOREXSTORESNEW XSNEW TNEW TDUP CNEW CNEWI BUFHDRBUFPUTBUFSTRTBAR OBAR XBAR CONV TOBIT TOSTR STRTO CALLN CALLA CALLL CALLS CALLXSCARG ", irfpm = { [0] = "floor", "ceil", "trunc", "sqrt", "exp", "exp2", "log", "log2", "log10", "sin", "cos", "tan", "other" }, irfield = { [0] = "str.len", "func.env", "func.pc", "func.ffid", "thread.env", "tab.meta", "tab.array", "tab.node", "tab.asize", "tab.hmask", "tab.nomm", "udata.meta", "udata.udtype", "udata.file", "cdata.ctypeid", "cdata.ptr", "", "cdata.int64", "cdata.int64_4" }, ircall = { [0] = "lj_str_cmp", "lj_str_find", "lj_str_new", "lj_strscan_num", "lj_strfmt_int", "lj_strfmt_num", "lj_strfmt_char", "lj_strfmt_putint", "lj_strfmt_putnum", "lj_strfmt_putquoted", "lj_strfmt_putfxint", "lj_strfmt_putfnum_int", "lj_strfmt_putfnum_uint", "lj_strfmt_putfnum", "lj_strfmt_putfstr", "lj_strfmt_putfchar", "lj_buf_putmem", "lj_buf_putstr", "lj_buf_putchar", "lj_buf_putstr_reverse", "lj_buf_putstr_lower", "lj_buf_putstr_upper", "lj_buf_putstr_rep", "lj_buf_puttab", "lj_buf_tostr", "lj_tab_new_ah", "lj_tab_new1", "lj_tab_dup", "lj_tab_clear", "lj_tab_newkey", "lj_tab_len", "lj_gc_step_jit", "lj_gc_barrieruv", "lj_mem_newgco", "lj_math_random_step", "lj_vm_modi", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "fputc", "fwrite", "fflush", "lj_vm_floor", "lj_vm_ceil", "lj_vm_trunc", "sqrt", "exp", "lj_vm_exp2", "log", "lj_vm_log2", "log10", "sin", "cos", "tan", "lj_vm_powi", "pow", "atan2", "ldexp", "lj_vm_tobit", "softfp_add", "softfp_sub", "softfp_mul", "softfp_div", "softfp_cmp", "softfp_i2d", "softfp_d2i", "lj_vm_sfmin", "lj_vm_sfmax", "softfp_ui2d", "softfp_f2d", "softfp_d2ui", "softfp_d2f", "softfp_i2f", "softfp_ui2f", "softfp_f2i", "softfp_f2ui", "fp64_l2d", "fp64_ul2d", "fp64_l2f", "fp64_ul2f", "fp64_d2l", "fp64_d2ul", "fp64_f2l", "fp64_f2ul", "lj_carith_divi64", "lj_carith_divu64", "lj_carith_modi64", "lj_carith_modu64", "lj_carith_powi64", "lj_carith_powu64", "lj_cdata_newv", "lj_cdata_setfin", "strlen", "memcpy", "memset", "lj_vm_errno", "lj_carith_mul64", "lj_carith_shl64", "lj_carith_shr64", "lj_carith_sar64", "lj_carith_rol64", "lj_carith_ror64" }, traceerr = { [0] = "error thrown or hook called during recording", "trace too short", "trace too long", "trace too deep", "too many snapshots", "blacklisted", "retry recording", "NYI: bytecode %d", "leaving loop in root trace", "inner loop in root trace", "loop unroll limit reached", "bad argument type", "JIT compilation disabled for function", "call unroll limit reached", "down-recursion, restarting", "NYI: unsupported variant of FastFunc %s", "NYI: return to lower frame", "store with nil or NaN key", "missing metamethod", "looping index lookup", "NYI: mixed sparse/dense table", "symbol not in cache", "NYI: unsupported C type conversion", "NYI: unsupported C function type", "guard would always fail", "too many PHIs", "persistent type instability", "failed to allocate mcode memory", "machine code too long", "hit mcode limit (retrying)", "too many spill slots", "inconsistent register allocation", "NYI: cannot assemble IR instruction %d", "NYI: PHI shuffling too complex", "NYI: register coalescing too complex" }, ffnames = { [0] = "Lua", "C", "assert", "type", "next", "pairs", "ipairs_aux", "ipairs", "getmetatable", "setmetatable", "getfenv", "setfenv", "rawget", "rawset", "rawequal", "unpack", "select", "tonumber", "tostring", "error", "pcall", "xpcall", "loadfile", "load", "loadstring", "dofile", "gcinfo", "collectgarbage", "newproxy", "print", "coroutine.status", "coroutine.running", "coroutine.isyieldable", "coroutine.create", "coroutine.yield", "coroutine.resume", "coroutine.wrap_aux", "coroutine.wrap", "math.abs", "math.floor", "math.ceil", "math.sqrt", "math.log10", "math.exp", "math.sin", "math.cos", "math.tan", "math.asin", "math.acos", "math.atan", "math.sinh", "math.cosh", "math.tanh", "math.frexp", "math.modf", "math.log", "math.atan2", "math.pow", "math.fmod", "math.ldexp", "math.min", "math.max", "math.random", "math.randomseed", "bit.tobit", "bit.bnot", "bit.bswap", "bit.lshift", "bit.rshift", "bit.arshift", "bit.rol", "bit.ror", "", "bit.bor", "bit.bxor", "bit.tohex", "string.byte", "string.char", "string.sub", "string.rep", "string.reverse", "string.lower", "string.upper", "string.dump", "string.find", "string.match", "string.gmatch_aux", "string.gmatch", "string.gsub", "string.format", "table.maxn", "table.insert", "table.concat", "table.sort", "", "table.clear", "io.method.close", "", "io.method.write", "io.method.flush", "", "io.method.setvbuf", "io.method.lines", "io.method.__gc", "io.method.__tostring", "", "io.popen", "io.tmpfile", "io.close", "", "io.write", "io.flush", "io.input", "io.output", "io.lines", "io.type", "os.execute", "os.remove", "os.rename", "os.tmpname", "os.getenv", "os.exit", "os.clock", "", "os.time", "os.difftime", "os.setlocale", "debug.getregistry", "debug.getmetatable", "debug.setmetatable", "debug.getfenv", "debug.setfenv", "debug.getinfo", "debug.getlocal", "debug.setlocal", "debug.getupvalue", "debug.setupvalue", "debug.upvalueid", "debug.upvaluejoin", "debug.sethook", "debug.gethook", "debug.debug", "debug.traceback", "jit.on", "", "jit.flush", "jit.status", "jit.attach", "jit.util.funcinfo", "jit.util.funcbc", "jit.util.funck", "jit.util.funcuvname", "jit.util.traceinfo", "jit.util.traceir", "jit.util.tracek", "jit.util.tracesnap", "jit.util.tracemc", "jit.util.traceexitstub", "jit.util.ircalladdr", "jit.opt.start", "jit.profile.start", "jit.profile.stop", "jit.profile.dumpstack", "ffi.meta.__index", "ffi.meta.__newindex", "ffi.meta.__eq", "ffi.meta.__len", "ffi.meta.__lt", "ffi.meta.__le", "ffi.meta.__concat", "ffi.meta.__call", "ffi.meta.__add", "ffi.meta.__sub", "ffi.meta.__mul", "ffi.meta.__div", "ffi.meta.__mod", "ffi.meta.__pow", "ffi.meta.__unm", "ffi.meta.__tostring", "ffi.meta.__pairs", "ffi.meta.__ipairs", "ffi.clib.__index", "ffi.clib.__newindex", "ffi.clib.__gc", "", "ffi.callback.set", "ffi.cdef", "", "ffi.cast", "ffi.typeof", "ffi.typeinfo", "ffi.istype", "ffi.sizeof", "ffi.alignof", "ffi.offsetof", "ffi.errno", "ffi.string", "ffi.copy", "ffi.fill", "ffi.abi", "ffi.metatype", "ffi.gc", "ffi.load" } }